Objective: COVID-19 is associated with an increased incidence of pulmonary embolism (PE). Elevated D-dimer levels are linked to an increased risk of PE and poor clinical outcome. We reported a case of PE in a COVID-19 patient with normal D-dimer levels and conducted a review of the literature on the subject.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost studies analysing the influence of socioeconomic deterioration on body size focus on the impact of food shortages and diseases on the growth in early childhood. To evaluate how socioeconomic conditions influence the growth during the adolescence, we tracked the body size of 15-19 year-olds over the last sixty years covering the socialist period (1951-1990), the war (1991-1995) and the transition to capitalistic economy. This study of Zagreb, Croatia, adolescent population provides information on the secular trend in height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) and examines their relation with Real Gross Domestic Product.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe adolescence is recognized as one of the critical periods for the development of obesity. Children and adolescents who practice sports regularly have higher muscle mass and lower percentage of body fat than their peers who are physically less active. Since body mass index (BMI) is a widely used indicator of overweight/obesity in spite of the fact that it directly measures excess in weight but not in fat, it often misclassifies athletic populations, both children and adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study we analyzed the qualitative dermatoglyphic traits in the Albanians from three Kosovo distinct regions. We aimed to detect possible microevolutionary changes, which could have happened as a consequence of geographical and cultural isolation. The dermatoglyphic traits were analyzed for total 641 Albanians of both sexes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDermatoglyphs are polygenetically determined epidermal ridge configurations on the fingers, palms and soles. An analysis of the digito-palmar dermatoglyphics obtained from 69 pairs of same-sex twins (32 monozygotic and 37 dizygotic) was performed in the population of Kosovo. Qualitative traits on the fingers (whorls, arches, radial and ulnar loops) and palms (pattern frequencies in the thenar/I, II, III and IV interdigital areas and hypothenar, the frequencies of positions of axial triradius) of both hands were analysed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAbout 15% of all females and 3% of all males suffers from hypothyreosis. The thyroid disease is the most frequent cause of hypothyreosis, and among people in Croatia who are suffering from that disease 90% have been affected by its autoimmune form. The thyroid diseases are supposed to be caused by the influence of various genetic and external factors and some forms of genetic influences have not yet been studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Roma (Gypsy) are the largest European minority population characterized by poverty, social exclusion as well as by numerous life-style and cultural specificities, which all could have an adverse impact on their cardiovascular health. This study assesses the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) risk factors in community-based sample of 430 adult Roma, living in rural area of Croatia, by providing the actual and age-adjusted estimates using the European standard population. The most prominent classical CVD risk phenotypes (blood pressure, obesity, smoking, glucose and lipid profile) were selected, and the standard risk cut-offs were applied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDermatoglyphic prints were collected from 800 inhabitants of Dukagjin valley in Kosovo. The sample consisted of two ethnically different sub-populations who refer themselves as Albanians (N = 400) and Turks (N = 400). Qualitative analysis of prints concerned the frequency of the patterns on fingers (arch, ulnar and radial loop, whorl, accidental whorl) and on palms (Thenar and I, II, III, and IV interdigital area and the hypothenar, main line index, and the axial "t" triradius position).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
January 2012
Objective: To study the secular trend of menarche in high-school urban adolescent girls (Zagreb, Croatia) over the last two decades, and to evaluate the possible impact of worsening of socio-economic conditions on age at menarche during the Croatian War of Independence (1991-1995).
Study Design: Three surveys of female adolescents aged 15-19 years: (a) 523 girls interviewed in 1990, (b) 888 girls interviewed in 1997, and (c) 399 girls interviewed in 2010. Self-reported age at menarche (in decimal years) was presented by age groups and year of interview.
The human angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene is one of the most investigated candidate genes for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), but the understanding of its role among the elderly is vague. Therefore, this study focuses at: (a) testing the association of ACE polymorphism with CVD risk factors among the elderly, and (b) detecting the possible unequal distribution of ACE genotypes between senescent and younger segments of the European populations. The association of ACE I/D polymorphism with CVD health status [hypertension (HT), obesity, dislypidemia] in 301 very old subjects (88.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccording to the world's prevalence rate, alcoholism is in the third place after heart and blood vessel diseases and malignant tumors. With the development of neuroscience, the causes of alcoholism's biological etiologic sources are still being studied. Considering that dermatoglyphics are highly determined by heritage, we contemplated the possibilities of their discrimination in alcoholic patients in relation to phenotypically healthy subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe factors situated at the bases of the genesis and development of PTSD are divided in: biological, psychological and social factors. Primary factor is a stressful event of extremely dangerous and threatening nature. The sort and the intensity of the stressful event too play an important role, followed by the personality structure, the relation with the environment and the genetic constitution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study was to compare quantitative dermatoglyphic traits of two ethnic groups with different origin and customs, living on the same territory. The dermatoglyphic prints were collected from 800 inhabitants of the Dukagjin valley in southwest Kosovo, of Albanian (400) and Turkish (400) ethnic origin. The quantitative analysis comprised the number of ridges and triradii on the fingers, and the number of ridges in the interdigital areas on the palm (a-b, b-c, and c-d) as well as the size of the atd angle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCerebral palsy is one of the main causes of severe disability in children. Sixty children (30 boys and 30 girls) were included in the study. Quantitative digito-palmar dermatoglyphic traits were analyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study we investigate whether there are differences between adolescents who grow up in single-parent families and those who grow up in nucleus families. We have decided that there are no differences in the physical development between the adolescents who are growing up in single parent families and those growing up in nucleus families. There is no difference in the self-concept between these two groups, except in the ethical and moral self-image of adolescents living with one parent.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe possible hereditary indicated differences in the ascending family tree was investigated in children with severe recessive perceptively impaired hearing, their parents, and healthy controls, using qualitative analysis of dermatoglyphics of the digito-palmar complex. The chi2 test was performed and biological distance was investigated by means according to Hiernaux Ag methods, and presented using Ward's method for the examined groups. The results show that the healthy control group differs from the groups of boys and girls with impaired hearing and also from their fathers mostly in palmar variables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study identifies equations for predicting lung function values in a population of 'healthy', nonsmoking older adults, explores the applicability of prediction equations derived from younger adult populations to the elderly, and examines the justification of developing population-specific reference equations for older age. FVC, FEV(1), and PEF were measured according to the ATS criteria in 651 ambulatory volunteers aged 65-86 years, representative for the Croatian Mediterranean population. After exclusion of eversmokers and subjects with respiratory symptoms and/or diseases, 261 asymptomatic subjects were included in the analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt has been considered for many years that the cause of perinatal brachial plexus palsy (PBPP) is excessive lateral traction applied to the fetal head at delivery, in association with anterior shoulder dystocia, but this do not explain all cases of brachial plexus palsy. The incidence found in several family members could be suggestive for inheritance with variable expression. The aim of this study was to prove early found confirmations of genetic predisposition for PBPP In the previous studies, the quantitative dermatoglyphic analysis showed some differences in digito-palmar dermatoglyphs between patients with PBPP and healthy controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To assess the key characteristics related to living conditions and health in the Bayash Roma population in Baranja and Medimurje regions of Croatia and identify possible demographic and socio-economic sources of variance in self-reported health and reproductive profile.
Methods: The study comprised a total of 266 adult Bayash individuals from Baranja and 164 from Medimurje (aged 41.3+/-15.
This study examines anthropometrically assessed nutritional status of the Bayash, the Roma population from the eastern Croatian region of Baranya, and compares it to the non-Roma general population of eastern Croatia. The analysis of nutritional status and diets is a segment of multidisciplinary anthropological and epidemiological survey of the Roma minority population in Croatia began in 2005. The Bayash are an ethnic group that arrived to Croatia from Romania most likely in the 19th century and speaks a distinct archaic dialect of the Romanian language.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPerinatal brachial plexus palsy (PBPP) is a handicap quite commonly encountered in daily routine. Although birth trauma is considered to be the major cause of the defect, it has been observed that PBPP occurs only in some infants born under identical or nearly identical conditions. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of genetic predisposition for PBPP.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe primary open-angle glaucomas are a group of diseases that have in common characteristic morphological changes at the optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer, progressive retinal ganglion cells death and characteristic visual field loss. The risk for primary open angle glaucoma rises continuously with the level of the intraocular pressure. The disease advances slowly and there are no symptoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatient with primary open angle glaucoma (PAOG), which is known to have a genetic predisposition, and their immediate relatives unaffected with PAOG, may have some changes in dermatoglyphic traits of the digito-palmar complex, since the trabecular meshwork develops at the same time and with the same hereditary base like dermatoglyphs, which have high genetic transmission. The objective of this study is to determine whether differences in quantitative dermatoglyphic traits of the digito-palmar complex exist between patients with glaucoma and the phenotipically healthy population and whether their family members have the same dermatoglyphic changes. The quantitative dermatoglyphic traits in patients suffering from glaucoma, first-degree members of their family and the phenotypically healthy population have been screened in this study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe historical records of Selska Valley reveal that the eastern part of this area was first settled by Slovene agrarian colonists, the western part by German colonists and the central part by Friulians. These were later followed by Slovene and Slovenized settlers, who penetrated the valley from north to south. Because of its reproductive isolation, the population of Selska Valley is highly suitable for the study of population structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA complex segregation analysis of systolic and diastolic blood pressure has been performed on pedigree data from rural populations inhabiting Middle Dalmatian islands of Brac, Hvar and Korcula and the Peljesac peninsula. The purpose of the performed analysis was to possibly elucidate a signal of a large-effect gene responsible for high prevalence of hypertension present in this population (the age-adjusted prevalence of developed hypertension being 31.82% in males and 28.
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