Publications by authors named "Miklos Tegze"

X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) are cutting-edge pulsed x-ray sources, whose extraordinary pulse parameters promise to unlock unique applications. Several new methods have been developed at XFELs; however, no methods are known, which allow ab initio atomic level structure determination using only a single XFEL pulse. Here, we present experimental results, demonstrating the determination of the 3D atomic structure from data obtained during a single 25 fs XFEL pulse.

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In single-particle imaging (SPI) experiments, diffraction patterns of identical particles are recorded. The particles are injected into the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) beam in random orientations. The crucial step of the data processing of SPI is finding the orientations of the recorded diffraction patterns in reciprocal space and reconstructing the 3D intensity distribution.

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In coherent-diffraction-imaging experiments X-ray diffraction patterns of identical particles are recorded. The particles are injected into the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) beam in random orientations. If the particle has symmetry, finding the orientation of a pattern can be ambiguous.

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The short pulses of X-ray free-electron lasers can produce diffraction patterns with structural information before radiation damage destroys the particle. From the recorded diffraction patterns the structure of particles or molecules can be determined on the nano- or even atomic scale. In a coherent diffraction imaging experiment thousands of diffraction patterns of identical particles are recorded and assembled into a three-dimensional distribution which is subsequently used to solve the structure of the particle.

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The short pulses of X-ray free electron lasers can produce diffraction patterns with structural information before radiation damage destroys the particle. The particles are injected into the beam in random orientations and they should be identical. However, in real experimental conditions it is not always possible to have identical particles.

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The short and intense pulses of the new X-ray free electron lasers, now operational or under construction, may make possible diffraction experiments on single molecule-sized objects with high resolution, before radiation damage destroys the sample. In a single molecule imaging (SMI) experiment thousands of diffraction patterns of single molecules with random orientations are recorded. One of the most challenging problems of SMI is how to assemble these noisy patterns of unknown orientations into a consistent single set of diffraction data.

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Very short pulses of X-ray free-electron lasers opened the way to obtaining diffraction signal from single particles beyond the radiation dose limit. For three-dimensional structure reconstruction many patterns are recorded in the object's unknown orientation. A method is described for the orientation of continuous diffraction patterns of non-periodic objects, utilizing intensity correlations in the curved intersections of the corresponding Ewald spheres, and hence named the common arc orientation method.

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