Publications by authors named "Mikhail A Stephanov"

We derive a set of nontrivial relations between second-order transport coefficients which follow from the second law of thermodynamics upon considering a regime close to uniform rotation of the fluid. We demonstrate that an extension of hydrodynamics by spin variable is equivalent to modifying conventional hydrodynamics by a set of second-order terms satisfying the relations we derived. We point out that a novel contribution to the heat current orthogonal to vorticity and temperature gradient reminiscent of the thermal Hall effect is constrained by the second law.

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We show that for an anomalous fluid carrying dissipationless chiral magnetic and/or vortical currents there is a frame in which a stationary obstacle experiences no drag, but energy and charge currents do not vanish, resembling superfluidity. However, unlike ordinary superfluid flow, the anomalous chiral currents can transport entropy in this frame. We show that the second law of thermodynamics completely determines the amounts of these anomalous nondissipative currents in the "no-drag frame" as polynomials in temperature and chemical potential with known anomaly coefficients.

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Using a covariant formalism, we construct a chiral kinetic theory Lorentz invariant to order O(ℏ), which includes collisions. We find a new contribution to the particle number current due to the side jumps required by the conservation of angular momentum during collisions. We also find a conserved symmetric stress-energy tensor as well as the H function obeying Boltzmann's H theorem.

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We show that Lorentz invariance is realized nontrivially in the classical action of a massless spin-1/2 particle with definite helicity. We find that the ordinary Lorentz transformation is modified by a shift orthogonal to the boost vector and the particle momentum. The shift ensures angular momentum conservation in particle collisions and implies a nonlocality of the collision term in the Lorentz-invariant kinetic theory due to side jumps.

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We propose a five-dimensional framework for modeling low-energy properties of QCD. In the simplest three parameter model we compute masses, decay rates and couplings of the lightest mesons. The model fits experimental data to within 10%.

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