Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs
March 2025
Aims: A single-blinded, multicentred randomized controlled trial (RCT) was employed to examine the effectiveness of a 3-month telephone follow-up, a telephone follow-up with education before discharge, or education only before discharge on the heart failure (HF) knowledge, HF self-care management, and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in patients with HF by a nurse specialist.
Methods And Results: This is a multicentre RCT with three different intervention groups (IGs) and one control group. Participants in the first IG received education on HF self-management principles before discharge.
Objectives: Cancer-related cachexia affects approximately 50% to 80% of cancer patients and contributes significantly to cancer-related mortality, accounting for 20% of deaths. This multifactorial syndrome is characterized by systemic inflammation, anorexia, and elevated energy expenditure, leading to severe weight loss and muscle wasting. Understanding the underlying mechanisms is critical for developing effective interventions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Glob Womens Health
December 2024
Objective: To assess the implementation of the "10 Steps for Successful Breastfeeding" and explore associations with any Breastfeeding (BF) and Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) initiation and continuation.
Methods: Implementation of the 10 Steps was assessed based on a consecutive sample of 568 mothers' self-reported experience across all public ( = 5) and 29 (of 35) private maternity clinics using the WHO/UNICEF BFHI questionnaire (Section 4) within the first 24-48 h after birth. BF and EBF were estimated within 48 h after birth as well as at 1st, 4th and 6th month based on a self-reported current status method.
Background: Vaccination uptake is a complex behavior, influenced by numerous factors. Behavioral science theories are commonly used to explain the psychosocial determinants of an individual's health behavior. This study examined the behavioural, cognitive, and emotional determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention based on well-established theoretical models: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, and Behaviour (COM-B) and the Health Belief Model (HBM).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Educational strategies for preventive screening and effective interventions in midwives are needed to improve clinical practice and outcomes for abused women and their families. This scoping review aimed to describe available educational training programs on intimate partner violence (IPV) in pregnancy for midwives/student midwives.
Methods: A scoping review of the literature, which was published in English from January 2010 to March 2023, in PUBMED, EBSCO, and CINAHAL databases, was applied.
Introduction: Childbirth and parenting classes are very important because they potentially help couples to make the right decisions during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, which has a direct effect on the health of the mother and neonate. However, in Cyprus, the culture of childbirth and parenting classes has not been previously explored.
Methods: An ethnographic study design was adopted, specifically non-participant observation was undertaken of 19 classes.
Introduction: Relevant and accurate information during the transition to parenthood is vital for active participation in decision-making. The aim of the study was to gain an in-depth understanding of informational support and information-seeking practices among women in Cyprus during the transition to parenthood with a focus on the use of the internet and informed decision making.
Methods: Qualitative descriptive exploratory design of 12 focus groups with 64 participants representing different language-cultural groups served by the Baby Buddy Cyprus app.
Background: Parents often must take decisions regarding their children's health, which requires certain skills and competences. Parental health literacy (HL) is important in establishing positive health-promoting behaviours and better health outcomes to their children. Limited parental HL has been associated with various negative children's health outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVaccination attitudes and uptake can spread within social networks. This study aims to understand the perceived social contagion mechanisms of vaccination uptake in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted following a purposive sampling of three hesitant, three anti- COVID-19 vaccine and five pro- COVID-19 vaccine (27% females).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is limited evidence on the association between cognitive function, psychotic symptoms and doses of antipsychotics in adults under compulsory psychiatric care.
Aims: We assessed (a) the degree of cognitive impairment in adults involuntarily hospitalised for compulsory psychiatric care and (b) correlation of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score with psychotic symptoms, polypharmacy and prescription of high-dose antipsychotics.
Method: This was a nationwide, cross-sectional study, conducted at the only referral state hospital for compulsory psychiatric care in Cyprus (December 2016-February 2018).
Introduction: Mediterranean countries experience frequent desert dust storm (DDS) events originating from neighbouring Sahara and Arabian deserts, which are associated with significant increase in mortality and hospital admissions, mostly from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Short-term exposure to ambient air pollution is considered as a trigger for symptomatic exacerbations of pre-existing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) and other types of heart arrhythmia. The Mitigating the Health Effects of Desert Dust Storms Using Exposure-Reduction Approaches clinical randomised intervention study in adults with AF is funded by EU LIFE+programme to evaluate the efficacy of recommendations aiming to reduce exposure to desert dust and related heart arrhythmia effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDesert dust storms (DDS) are natural events that impact not only populations close to the emission sources but also populations many kilometers away. Countries located across the main dust sources, including countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, are highly affected by DDS. In addition, climate change is expanding arid areas exacerbating DDS events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Τhe Baby Buddy Cyprus webapp was co-created with parents and health professionals within a Participatory Action Research framework. While using Baby Buddy in routine consultations can support the educational role of mother-child healthcare providers (HP), antenatal education (AE) may be currently perceived as a formal activity within the physical space of the antenatal class. We aimed to gain an understanding of influences on midwives engaging in an educational role during routine appointments and identify potential interventions using the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to explore the learning needs and the digital health literacy of pregnant women in Greece regarding perinatal health and care issues.
Methods: This was a qualitative study involving thirteen Greek pregnant women, in two focus groups of primiparous and multiparous. The interview topic guide was developed by consensus during a training workshop of the European Baby Buddy Forward research program.
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the perceived empowerment and turnover intention of middle nurse managers before and after the implementation of a major reform of the health care system in Cyprus, which also includes the transition of public hospitals towards administrative and financial autonomy.
Background: The empowerment of nurse managers is important since previous studies have shown that it is associated with performance at work and may have an impact on their turnover intention.
Methods: A repeated cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2019 (first phase) and was repeated in March 2020 (second phase), after the introduction of major changes.
Background: The "Place Standard Tool" (PST) offers a practical framework for structuring conversations about physical and social dimensions of Place which impact on health and well-being. The aim of this study was to survey citizens' perceptions of Place across diverse settings in Cyprus. While the PST has been extensively used in the context of community engagement, its properties as a measurement tool haven't been explored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The south-eastern Mediterranean experiences frequent desert dust storm events (DDS) that have been shown to be associated with adverse health effects.
Aims: This study assessed the perceptions and practices towards DDS of local authorities and stakeholders from 3 countries in the region, Cyprus, Greece and Israel.
Methods: Between October 2017 and April 2018, we administered a semi-structured questionnaire to regulatory authorities involved in public protection from DDS as well as social stakeholders in the 3 countries.
Front Public Health
December 2021
University students represent a highly active group in terms of their social activity in the community and in the propagation of information on social media. We aimed to map the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of University students in Cyprus about severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to guide targeted future measures and information campaigns. We used a cross-sectional online survey targeting all students in conventional, not distance-learning, programs in five major universities in the Republic of Cyprus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To prospectively quantify at the community level changes in asthma symptom control and other morbidity indices, among asthmatic schoolchildren in response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown measures.
Methods: In Spring 2019 and Spring 2020, we prospectively assessed monthly changes in pediatric asthma control test (c-ACT), asthma medication usage, infections and unscheduled visits for asthma among schoolchildren with active asthma in Cyprus and Greece. We compared asthma symptom control and other morbidity indices before and during lockdown measures, while participants' time spent at home was objectively assessed by wearable sensors.
Background: Antipsychotic polypharmacy and prescription of high-dose antipsychotics are often used for the treatment of psychotic symptoms, especially in compulsory psychiatric care although there is lack of evidence to support this practice and related risks for patients.
Aims: We aimed to investigate prescription patterns in patients with psychosis under compulsory psychiatric treatment in Cyprus and to identify predictors for pharmaceutic treatment patterns.
Method: This was a nationwide, descriptive correlational study with cross-sectional comparisons, including 482 patients with compulsory admission to hospital.
Τhe severity and variation of depressive symptoms (DS), among psychotic individuals under involuntary hospitalization is unclear. We investigated the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of psychotic adults with DS involuntarily hospitalized for compulsory treatment in Cyprus. We also evaluated the psychometric properties (internal consistency, known-group and discriminant validity) of the HDRS-17 and HAM-A for the assessment of depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively.
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