Generative models are powerful tools for producing novel information by learning from example data. However, the current approaches require explicit manual input to steer generative models to match human goals. Furthermore, how these models would integrate implicit, diverse feedback and goals of multiple users remains largely unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensing the passage of time is important for countless daily tasks, yet time perception is easily influenced by perception, cognition, and emotion. Mechanistic accounts of time perception have traditionally regarded time perception as part of central cognition. Since proprioception, action execution, and sensorimotor contingencies also affect time perception, perception-action integration theories suggest motor processes are central to the experience of the passage of time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpace, time and number are key dimensions that underlie how we perceive, identify and act within the environment. They are interconnected in our behaviour and brain. In this study, we examined interdependencies between these dimensions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoc Neurosci
February 2020
Medial frontal negativity (MFN) is an event-related potential thought to originate in the anterior cingulate cortex. It is evoked by outcomes being worse than expected, such as when presented with unfair economic proposals during the Ultimatum Game (UG). This could mean the MFN indexes a social-emotional response, as commonly suggested in accounts that relate it to a violation of a social norm of fairness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Behav Neurosci
August 2017
Time is a fundamental dimension of our behavior and enables us to guide our actions and to experience time such as predicting collisions or listening to music. In this study, we investigate the regulation and covariation of motor timing and time perception functions in left- and right-handers who are characterized by distinct brain processing mechanisms for cognitive-motor control. To this purpose, we use a combination of tasks that assess the timed responses during movements and the perception of time intervals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarlier studies have revealed cross-modal visuo-tactile interactions in endogenous spatial attention. The current research used event-related potentials (ERPs) and virtual reality (VR) to identify how the visual cues of the perceiver's body affect visuo-tactile interaction in endogenous spatial attention and at what point in time the effect takes place. A bimodal oddball task with lateralized tactile and visual stimuli was presented in two VR conditions, one with and one without visible hands, and one VR-free control with hands in view.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFinding relevant information from large document collections such as the World Wide Web is a common task in our daily lives. Estimation of a user's interest or search intention is necessary to recommend and retrieve relevant information from these collections. We introduce a brain-information interface used for recommending information by relevance inferred directly from brain signals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Simon effect refers to an incompatibility between stimulus and response locations resulting in a conflict situation and, consequently, slower responses. Like other conflict effects, it is commonly reduced after repetitions, suggesting an executive control ability, which flexibly rewires cognitive processing and adapts to conflict. Interestingly, conflict is not necessarily individually defined: the Social Simon effect refers to a scenario where two people who share a task show a conflict effect where a single person does not.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExecutive control refers to the ability to withstand interference in order to achieve task goals. The effect of conflict adaptation describes that after experiencing interference, subsequent conflict effects are weaker. However, changes in the source of conflict have been found to disrupt conflict adaptation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Midas touch refers to the altruistic effects of a brief touch. Though these effects have often been replicated, they remain poorly understood. We investigate the psychophysiology of the effect using remotely transmitted, precisely timed, tactile messages in an economic decision-making game called Ultimatum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSequential modulations of conflict effects, like the reduction of the Simon effect after incompatible trials, have been taken to reflect the operation of a proactive control mechanism commonly called conflict monitoring. However, such modulations are often contaminated by episodic effects like priming and stimulus-response feature integration. It has previously been observed that if the episodic representation of a conflicting trial is altered by rotating the stimulus framing 180(∘) around its axis, the subsequent "conflict adaptation" pattern is eliminated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn daily life, we often copy the gestures and expressions of those we communicate with, but recent evidence shows that such mimicry has a physiological counterpart: interaction elicits linkage, which is a concordance between the biological signals of those involved. To find out how the type of social interaction affects linkage, pairs of participants played a turn-based computer game in which the level of competition was systematically varied between cooperation and competition. Linkage in the beta and gamma frequency bands was observed in the EEG, especially when the participants played directly against each other.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBehavioral and psychophysiological studies on the Simon effect have demonstrated that stimuli automatically activate spatially corresponding responses, even if their location is irrelevant to the task. Interestingly, this Simon effect is attenuated after stimulus-response incompatible trials (Gratton effect or compatibility-sequence effect), a pattern that has often been attributed to online conflict adaptation, even though an account in terms of episodic binding and retrieval is just as plausible. Here we show that the compatibility-sequence effect can be eliminated and partly reversed by rotating the boxes in which stimuli are presented in between two given trials, a manipulation that is likely to affect episodic representation but not online control.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) deficiency is a rare genetic syndrome characterized by the complete absence of norepinephrine in the peripheral and the central nervous system. DβH-deficient patients suffer from several physical symptoms, which can be treated successfully with L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine, a synthetic precursor of norepinephrine. Informal clinical observations suggest that DβH-deficient patients do not have obvious cognitive impairments, even when they are not medicated, which is remarkable given the important role of norepinephrine in normal neurocognitive function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study evaluated the performance of a tracking task during which no, a small (subliminal: 20°) or a large (conscious: 60°) rotational perturbation was implemented. The instantaneous as well as carry-over effects of the perturbations were assessed. The subjective reports revealed that the subjects did not discriminate between the 0° and 20° perturbation conditions, despite increased trajectory error and directional trajectory changes in the latter than former condition, which suggests augmented error processing and task monitoring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: A common daily-life task is the interaction with moving objects for which prediction of collision events is required. To evaluate the sources of information used in this process, this EEG study required participants to judge whether two moving objects would collide with one another or not. In addition, the effect of a distractor object is evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurosci Lett
December 2010
Time is an important parameter in behaviour, especially when synchronization with external events is required. To evaluate the nature of the association between perception and action timing, this study introduced pitch accented tones during performance of a sensorimotor tapping task. Furthermore, regularity of the pacing cues was modified by small (subliminal) or large (conscious) timing perturbations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study evaluated the neural and behavioural correlates associated with a visuomotor tracking task during which a sensory perturbation was introduced that created a directional bias between moving hand and cursor position. The results revealed that trajectory error increased as a result of the perturbation in conjunction with a dynamic neural reorganization of cluster patterns that reflected distinct processing. In particular, a negatively activated cluster, characterizing the degraded information processing due to the perturbation, involved both hemispheres as well as midline area.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExp Brain Res
November 2009
The present study evaluated the neural changes due to effector use (unimanual left, unimanual right, and bimanual) and visuomotor conflict induced by mirror-reversed vision during drawing behavior. EEG phase synchronization, expressing interregional communication, showed that visuomotor incongruence perturbed information processing in both hemispheres. Furthermore, it was observed that the left hemisphere became temporally dominant when movements were executed with visuomotor conflict, independent of the performing hand(s).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurosci Lett
October 2009
Interactions between brain regions are necessary for compound activities to take place. Accordingly, evaluating hemispheric information processing during skilled behaviour provides valuable knowledge about brain regulation. To this end, the present study assessed the neural changes in response to task complexity and visuomotor discrepancy during motor (drawing) actions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMoving a visual object is known to lead to an update of its cognitive representation. Given that object representations have also been shown to include codes describing the actions they were accompanied by, we investigated whether these action codes "move" along with their object. We replicated earlier findings that repeating stimulus and action features enhances performance if other features are repeated, but attenuates performance if they alternate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPsychon Bull Rev
December 2008
People respond more slowly if an irrelevant feature of a target stimulus is incompatible with the relevant feature or the correct response. Such compatibility effects are often reduced in trials following an incompatible trial, which has been taken to reflect increased cognitive control. This pattern holds only if two trials share some similarities, however, suggesting that it may be modulated by the episodic context.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Attentional Blink (AB)--a deficit in reporting the second of two target stimuli presented in close succession in a rapid sequence of distracters--has been related to individual processing limitations of working memory. Given the known role of dopamine (DA) in working memory processes, the present experiment tested the hypothesis that DA, and in particular the DA/D1 subsystem, plays a role in the AB. We present evidence that the spontaneous eyeblink rate (EBR), a functional marker of central dopaminergic function, reliably predicts the size of AB.
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