Introduction: To understand the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and access to care surrounding sun safety for a primarily homeless or underinsured patient population at a student-run health clinic.
Methods: All adult attendees at the health clinic were invited to complete an anonymous 16-item questionnaire that assessed their sun safety history, practices, knowledge, and beliefs.
Results: Fifty participants completed our questionnaire, with 35 individuals (70%) reporting that they were without permanent residence, and 21 individuals indicating that they were uninsured or using Medicaid (42%).
Background: Malignant adnexal tumors of the skin are a rare group of tumors that can be locally aggressive and require surgical excision with strict margin control to achieve clearance. Given the rarity of these tumors, there is a limited understanding within the medical community regarding optimal treatment approaches.
Objective: To examine surgical management trends and outcomes for patients diagnosed with cutaneous adnexal tumors from 2000 to 2020.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol
September 2020
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are chronic intestinal diseases, frequently associated with comorbid psychological and cognitive deficits. These neuropsychiatric effects include anxiety, depression, and memory impairments that can be seen both during active disease and following remission and are more frequently seen in pediatric patients. The mechanism(s) through which these extraintestinal deficits develop remain unknown, and the study of these phenomenon is hampered by a lack of murine pediatric IBD models.
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