Publications by authors named "Michel LeMay"

Previously we showed that the hippo pathway transcriptional effectors, YAP and TAZ, are essential for (SCs) to develop, maintain and regenerate myelin . Although TEAD1 has been implicated as a partner transcription factor, the mechanisms by which it mediates YAP/TAZ regulation of SC myelination are unclear. Here, using conditional and inducible knockout mice, we show that TEAD1 is crucial for SCs to develop and regenerate myelin.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study reveals that YAP and TAZ are vital for the development, maintenance, and regeneration of myelin in Schwann cells (SCs), with TEAD1 playing an important role in this process.
  • TEAD1 regulates SC proliferation and the expression of myelin proteins by influencing other key factors, highlighting its dual role in promoting myelination.
  • The research demonstrates that TEAD1's function varies at different developmental stages and is essential for non-myelinating SCs to properly envelop nociceptive axons, marking it as a key player in nerve regeneration and myelination.
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Clues about the organization of spinal networks responsible for rhythmic motor behaviors have come from the examination of reflex circuitry, lesioning studies, and single-cell recordings. Recently, more attention has been paid to extracellularly recorded multiunit signals thought to represent the general activity of local cellular potentials. Focusing on the gross localization of spinal locomotor networks, we used multiunit signals of the lumbar cord to classify the activation and organization of those networks.

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Cutaneous feedback from feet is involved in regulation of muscle activity during locomotion, and the lack of this feedback results in motor deficits. We tested the hypothesis that locomotor changes caused by local unilateral anesthesia of paw pads in the cat could be reduced/reversed by electrical stimulation of cutaneous and proprioceptive afferents in the distal tibial nerve during stance. Several split-belt conditions were investigated in four adult female cats.

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Neuromodulatory therapies for spinal cord injury (SCI) such as electrical epidural stimulation (EES) are increasingly effective at improving patient outcomes. These improvements are thought to be due, at least in part, to plasticity in neuronal circuits. Precisely which circuits are influenced and which afferent classes are most effective in stimulating change remain important open questions.

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The relation between operator volume and mortality of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) procedures for ST-elevation myocardial infarction has not been studied comprehensively. This study included patients who underwent PPCI between 2010 and 2017 in all nonfederal hospitals approved to perform PCI in New York State. We compared risk-adjusted in-hospital/30-day mortality for radial access (RA) and femoral access (FA) and the relation between risk-adjusted mortality and procedure volume for each access site.

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Spinal interneurons play a critical role in motor output. A given interneuron may receive convergent input from several different sensory modalities and descending centers and relay this information to just as many targets. Therefore, there is a critical need to quantify populations of spinal interneurons simultaneously.

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We explored the relationship between population interneuronal network activation and motor output in the adult, in vivo, air-stepping, spinal cat. By simultaneously measuring the activity of large numbers of spinal interneurons, we explored ensembles of coherently firing interneurons and their relation to motor output. In addition, the networks were analyzed in relation to their spatial distribution along the lumbar enlargement for evidence of localized groups driving particular phases of the locomotor step cycle.

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Neural stimulation and recording in rodents are common methods to better understand the nervous system and improve the quality of life of individuals who are suffering from neurological disorders (e.g., epilepsy), as well as for permanent reduction of chronic pain in patients with neuropathic pain and spinal-cord injury.

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Objective: H-Reflex is a test that is carried out to measure the relative excitability of reflex pathways. Although reliable, conventional methods consist of performing many small steps, which requires a high level of attentiveness, and thus can carry an elevated risk of human error, despite proper training. Equipment that is available to perform those tests with different levels of automation are typically proprietary, inextensible by the user, and expensive.

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) often results in life-long sensorimotor impairment. Spontaneous recovery from SCI is limited, as supraspinal fibers cannot spontaneously regenerate to form functional networks below the level of injury. Despite this, animal models and humans exhibit many motor behaviors indicative of recovery when electrical stimulation is applied epidurally to the dorsal aspect of the lumbar spinal cord.

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Delivery of neurotrophins to the spinal injury site via cellular transplants or viral vectors administration has been shown to promote recovery of locomotion in the absence of locomotor training in adult spinalized animals. These delivery methods involved risks of secondary injury to the cord and do not allow for precise and controlled dosing making them unsuitable for clinical applications. The present study was aimed at evaluating the locomotor recovery efficacy and safety of the neurotrophin BDNF delivered intrathecally to the lumbar locomotor centers using an implantable and programmable infusion mini-pump.

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Sensorimotor training providing motion-dependent somatosensory feedback to spinal locomotor networks restores treadmill weight-bearing stepping on flat surfaces in spinal cats. In this study, we examined if locomotor ability on flat surfaces transfers to sloped surfaces and the contribution of length-dependent sensory feedback from lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and soleus (Sol) to locomotor recovery after spinal transection and locomotor training. We compared kinematics and muscle activity at different slopes (±10° and ±25°) in spinalized cats ( = 8) trained to walk on a flat treadmill.

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Background: Emerging evidence suggests that coronary intensive care units are evolving into intensive care environments with an increasing burden of non-cardiovascular illness, but previous studies have been limited to older populations or single center experiences.

Methods: Canadian national health-care data was used to identify all patients ≥18 years admitted to dedicated coronary intensive care units (2005-2015) and admissions were categorized as primary cardiac or non-cardiac. The outcomes of interest included longitudinal trends in admission diagnoses, critical care therapies, and all-cause in-hospital mortality.

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Objective: We aimed to refine electroneurogram techniques for monitoring hypogastric nerve activity during bladder filling, and then examined nerve activity in normal intact versus acutely decentralized bladders.

Methods: Effects of electrical stimulation of hypogastric nerves or lumbar ventral roots on detrusor pressure were examined, as were effects of isoflurane versus propofol anesthetics on hypogastric nerve stimulation evoked pressure. Hypogastric nerve activity was then recorded using custom-made bipolar cuff electrodes during bladder filling before and after its transection between the spinal cord and electrode to eliminate efferent nerve signals.

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The combinational effects of a bioengineered scaffold loaded with neurotrophins and rehabilitation training on spasticity observed after spinal cord injury (SCI) has not been studied. We used an animal model of moderate contusion injury at T9/T10 that received bioengineered scaffold poly N-isopropylacrylamide-g-poly ethylene glycol (PNIPAAm-g-PEG) loaded with BDNF/NT3 followed by body weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT) and assessed the efficacy of the combinational bioengineered approaches in treating spasticity. Five animal groups were included: Group 1: Sham, Group 2: Injury (SCI), Group 3: SCI + BWSTT (BWSTT), Group 4: SCI + PNIPAAm-g-PEG loaded with BDNF/NT3 (Transplant), and Group 5: SCI + PNIPAAm-g-PEG loaded with BDNF/NT3 + BWSTT (Combinational).

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Objective: In this 8 years' follow-up study, we evaluated the long-term outcomes of the addition of clopidogrel to aspirin during the first year after coronary artery bypass grafting, versus aspirin plus placebo, with respect to survival, major adverse cardiac, or major cerebrovascular events, including revascularization, functional status, graft patency, and native coronary artery disease progression.

Methods: In the initial Clopidogrel After Surgery for Coronary Artery Disease trial, 113 patients were randomized to receive either daily clopidogrel (n = 56) or placebo (n = 57), in addition to aspirin, in a double-blind fashion for 1 year after coronary artery bypass grafting. All patients were re-evaluated to collect long-term clinical data.

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Nuclear exclusion of the transcriptional regulators and potent oncoproteins, YAP/TAZ, is considered necessary for adult tissue homeostasis. Here we show that nuclear YAP/TAZ are essential regulators of peripheral nerve development and myelin maintenance. To proliferate, developing Schwann cells (SCs) require YAP/TAZ to enter S-phase and, without them, fail to generate sufficient SCs for timely axon sorting.

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Background: The measurement of ground reaction forces (GRFs) in animals trained to locomote on a treadmill after spinal cord injury (SCI) could prove valuable for evaluating training outcomes; however, quantitative measures of the GRFs in spinal felines are limited.

New Method: A split belt treadmill was designed and constructed to measure the GRFs of feline hindlimbs during stepping. The treadmill consists of two independent treadmill assemblies, each mounted on a force plate.

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Adult cats show limited spontaneous locomotor capabilities following spinal transection, but recover treadmill stepping with body-weight-supported training. Delivery of neurotrophic factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophic factor 3 (NT-3) can substitute for body-weight-supported training, and promotes a similar recovery in a shorter period of time. Autologous cell grafts would negate the need for the immunosuppressive agents currently used with most grafts, but have not shown functional benefits in incomplete spinal cord injury models and have never been tested in complete transection or chronic injury models.

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Body-weight supported locomotor training (BWST) promotes recovery of load-bearing stepping in lower mammals, but its efficacy in individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI) is limited and highly dependent on injury severity. While animal models with complete spinal transections recover stepping with step-training, motor complete SCI individuals do not, despite similarly intensive training. In this review, we examine the significant differences between humans and animal models that may explain this discrepancy in the results obtained with BWST.

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Seventy-two piglets (6.0 kg BW) were randomly distributed within six different dietary treatments to evaluate the effect of deoxynivalenol (DON) and the potential of four antioxidant feed additives in mitigating the adverse effects of DON on growth performances and oxidative status. Dietary treatments were as follows: control diet 0.

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While it is well established that the axons of adult neurons have a lower capacity for regrowth, some regeneration of certain CNS populations after spinal cord injury (SCI) is possible if their axons are provided with a permissive substrate, such as an injured peripheral nerve. While some axons readily regenerate into a peripheral nerve graft (PNG), these axons almost always stall at the distal interface and fail to reinnervate spinal cord tissue. Treatment of the glial scar at the distal graft interface with chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) can improve regeneration, but most regenerated axons need further stimulation to extend beyond the interface.

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Background. Transplants of cellular grafts expressing a combination of 2 neurotrophic factors, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) have been shown to promote and enhance locomotor recovery in untrained spinalized cats. Based on the time course of recovery and the absence of axonal growth through the transplants, we hypothesized that recovery was due to neurotrophin-mediated plasticity within the existing locomotor circuitry of the lumbar cord.

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Although axons lose some of their intrinsic capacity for growth after their developmental period, some axons retain the potential for regrowth after injury. When provided with a growth-promoting substrate such as a peripheral nerve graft (PNG), severed axons regenerate into and through the graft; however, they stop when they reach the glial scar at the distal graft-host interface that is rich with inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. We previously showed that treatment of a spinal cord injury site with chondroitinase (ChABC) allows axons within the graft to traverse the scar and reinnervate spinal cord, where they form functional synapses.

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