Publications by authors named "Michael Trammell"

Hairy vetch, a diploid annual legume species, has a robust growth habit, high biomass yield, and winter hardy characteristics. Seed hardness is a major constraint for growing hairy vetch commercially. Hard seeded cultivars are valuable as forages, whereas soft seeded and shatter resistant cultivars have advantages for their use as a cover crop.

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Tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) is a valuable and broadly adapted forage grass that occupies approximately 14 million hectares across the United States. A native to Europe, tall fescue was likely introduced into the US around the late 1800's. Much of the success of tall fescue can be attributed to Epichloë coenophiala (formerly Neotyphodium coenophialum) a seed borne symbiont that aids in host persistence.

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Epichloid endophytes provide protection from a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses for cool-season grasses, including tall fescue. A collection of 85 tall fescue lines from 15 locations in Greece, including both Continental and Mediterranean germplasm, was screened for the presence of native endophytes. A total of 37 endophyte-infected lines from 10 locations were identified, and the endophytes were classified into five distinct groups (G1 to G5) based on physical characteristics such as colony morphology, growth rate, and conidial morphology.

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