Publications by authors named "Michael Shackleton"

Platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) forage for macroinvertebrate prey exclusively in freshwater habitats. Because food material in their faeces is well digested and mostly unidentifiable, previous dietary studies have relied on cheek pouch assessments and stable isotope analysis. Given DNA metabarcoding can identify species composition from only fragments of genetic material, we investigated its effectiveness in analysing the diet of platypuses, and to assess variation across seasons and sexes.

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Groundwater ecosystems have a diverse and unique fauna, often dominated by Crustacea and generally characterised by short range endemics confined to single aquifers. Much of this knowledge has come from studies conducted either in fractured rock aquifers or alluvial aquifers. Karstic subterranean environments are present in the Cambrian Limestone Aquifer (CLA) in the Northern Territory, Australia, a freshwater aquifer which spans an area of ~28,000 km.

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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) within freshwaters is essential for broad ecosystem function. The concentration and type of DOM within rivers depends on the relative contributions of allochthonous sources and the production and consumption of DOM by microbes. In this work we have examined the temporal patterns in DOM quality and productivity in three lowland rivers in dryland Australia using fluorescence excitation emission scans.

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The use of field data to derive guideline water quality trigger values is likely to be more environmentally relevant than laboratory estimates. In the present study, macroinvertebrate responses to conductivity (specific conductance at 25 °C) within 5 bioregions in Victoria, Australia, were derived from 19 yr of macroinvertebrate field data. Varying response to electrical conductivity (EC) occurred among taxa.

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The so called witchetty grub is a publicized food source for Australian Aborigines. Despite heavy use, the identities and number of species consumed is still not known because of the lack of identified voucher specimens. Taxonomy based on adults makes identification of larval forms difficult.

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DNA barcoding was intended as a means to provide species-level identifications through associating DNA sequences from unknown specimens to those from curated reference specimens. Although barcodes were not designed for phylogenetics, they can be beneficial to the completion of the Tree of Life. The barcode database for Trichoptera is relatively comprehensive, with data from every family, approximately two-thirds of the genera, and one-third of the described species.

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