Publications by authors named "Michael L Wagman"

This Letter presents a determination of the quark Collins-Soper kernel, which relates transverse-momentum-dependent parton distributions (TMDs) at different rapidity scales, using lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD). This is the first such determination with systematic control of quark mass, operator mixing, and discretization effects. Next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic matching is used to match lattice-calculable distributions to the corresponding TMDs.

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The utility of quantum computers for simulating lattice gauge theories is currently limited by the noisiness of the physical hardware. Various quantum error mitigation strategies exist to reduce the statistical and systematic uncertainties in quantum simulations via improved algorithms and analysis strategies. We perform quantum simulations of Z_{2} gauge theory with matter to study the efficacy and interplay of different error mitigation methods: readout error mitigation, randomized compiling, rescaling, and dynamical decoupling.

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The fraction of the longitudinal momentum of ^{3}He that is carried by the isovector combination of u and d quarks is determined using lattice QCD for the first time. The ratio of this combination to that in the constituent nucleons is found to be consistent with unity at the few-percent level from calculations with quark masses corresponding to m_{π}∼800  MeV. With a naive extrapolation to the physical quark masses, this constraint is consistent with, and more precise than, determinations from global nuclear parton distribution function fits through the nnnpdf framework.

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Fundamental symmetry tests of baryon number violation in low-energy experiments can probe beyond the standard model (BSM) explanations of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. Neutron-antineutron oscillations are predicted to be a signature of many baryogenesis mechanisms involving low-scale baryon number violation. This Letter presents first-principles calculations of neutron-antineutron matrix elements needed to accurately connect measurements of the neutron-antineutron oscillation rate to constraints on |ΔB|=2 baryon number violation in BSM theories.

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Complete flavor decompositions of the matrix elements of the scalar, axial, and tensor currents in the proton, deuteron, diproton, and ^{3}He at SU(3)-symmetric values of the quark masses corresponding to a pion mass m_{π}∼806  MeV are determined using lattice quantum chromodynamics. At the physical quark masses, the scalar interactions constrain mean-field models of nuclei and the low-energy interactions of nuclei with potential dark matter candidates. The axial and tensor interactions of nuclei constrain their spin content, integrated transversity, and the quark contributions to their electric dipole moments.

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Common lore suggests that N-color QCD with massive quarks has no useful order parameters that can be nontrivial at zero baryon density. However, such order parameters do exist when there are n_{f} quark flavors with a common mass and d≡gcd(n_{f},N)>1. These theories have a Z_{d} color-flavor center symmetry arising from intertwined color center transformations and cyclic flavor permutations.

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The potential importance of short-distance nuclear effects in double-β decay is assessed using a lattice QCD calculation of the nn→pp transition and effective field theory methods. At the unphysical quark masses used in the numerical computation, these effects, encoded in the isotensor axial polarizability, are found to be of similar magnitude to the nuclear modification of the single axial current, which phenomenologically is the quenching of the axial charge used in nuclear many-body calculations. This finding suggests that nuclear models for neutrinoful and neutrinoless double-β decays should incorporate this previously neglected contribution if they are to provide reliable guidance for next-generation neutrinoless double-β decay searches.

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The nuclear matrix element determining the pp→de^{+}ν fusion cross section and the Gamow-Teller matrix element contributing to tritium β decay are calculated with lattice quantum chromodynamics for the first time. Using a new implementation of the background field method, these quantities are calculated at the SU(3) flavor-symmetric value of the quark masses, corresponding to a pion mass of m_{π}∼806  MeV. The Gamow-Teller matrix element in tritium is found to be 0.

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