Purpose: The purpose of this study was to systematically review current arthroscopic and related literature and to characterize the anatomic centrum of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tibial footprint.
Methods: On January 31, 2011, 2 independent reviewers performed a Medline search using the terms "anterior cruciate ligament" or "ACL," "tibia" or "tibial," and "anatomy" or "footprint." We included anatomic, cadaveric, and radiographic studies of adult, human, ACL tibial anatomy.
Purpose: The purpose of our study was to systematically review current arthroscopic and related literature and to characterize the anatomic centrum of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) femoral footprint.
Methods: On June 2, 2011, 2 independent reviewers performed a Medline search using the terms "anterior cruciate ligament" or "ACL," "femur" or "femoral," and "anatomy" or "origin" or "footprint." We included anatomic, cadaveric, and radiographic studies of adult, human, ACL femoral anatomy.
Purpose: Repair of both flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendons is commonly performed in zone II flexor tendon injuries; however, the bulk of the repair may impair tendon gliding. We evaluated whether repairing 1 slip of FDS tendon and resecting the other would significantly decrease work of flexion and whether suture material affected this interaction in an in vitro study.
Methods: The index, middle, and ring fingers from 10 fresh-frozen human cadaveric hands were disarticulated and their tendon sheaths opened.