Publications by authors named "Michael A Seropian"

Simulation education is becoming increasingly popular. Many institutions and programs find themselves in a situation where they have an identified need for the simulation education but few resources to reference. Most programs purchase first and ask questions later, leaving faculty with equipment with which they are unfamiliar and few, if any, resources to contact.

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Simulation education is currently flourishing in the United States and around the world. Simulation technology has improved, and its costs have dropped. When faced with demands for more accountability for quality education and increased enrollment, disciplines and specialties are embracing the idea of simulation as a valuable tool.

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Unlabelled: Over the past decade, medical simulation has developed to a point where it now is poised to become ubiquitous in teaching curricula. Despite this experience, there is little up-to-date information to help new instructors and operators learn the general principles of simulation. The purpose of this article is to provide prospective simulation instructors with basic concepts and a practical approach to patient simulation.

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