J Pediatr Health Care
February 2025
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to describe the warm handoff (WH) and to evaluate its use and impact with adolescents.
Methods: A case study design utilized a parallel convergent mixed-methods approach. Chi Square analysis and logistic regression examined the association between type of referral and attendance at the initial behavioral health appointment among other variables.
Policy Polit Nurs Pract
February 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic in the US prompted a sudden shift to telehealth in nurse-led care sites which provide services to diverse geolocations. Using a lens of intersectionality, this study characterizes provider and patient-perceived best and promising practices emerging from geographical variation. The aim of this study was to identify best practices of implementing telehealth in nurse-led care models in Colorado through patient and provider experiences of the sudden implementation of telehealth that can enhance health equity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose Of The Study: Buprenorphine and methadone, when used as maintenance therapy in opioid use disorder (OUD), can significantly reduce the risk of death after an opioid overdose. Despite the many benefits, medication for OUD (MOUD) remains controversial and underutilized. The aim of this study was to (a) identify studies that explicate the lived experience of MOUD, (b) conduct a methodologically sound critical quality assessment, (c) conduct a metasynthesis of identified qualitative studies, and (d) analyze the results through the lenses of critical social justice, feminist standpoint, and social theories to inform a more culturally responsive, effective, and holistic approach to treatment to increase the utilization of and receptivity to MOUD in the treatment of OUDs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Prior to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, studies of innovative telehealth perinatal care models showed similar clinical outcomes and perceived quality of care between groups receiving a combination of virtual video and in-person visits. However, these studies included primarily White, English-speaking participants, excluding those who were economically disenfranchised or did not speak English. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe perinatal patients' and providers' experiences with telehealth during and after the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic to inform future utilization of telehealth to drive the delivery of high-quality, accessible, and equitable perinatal care to diverse communities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: All patients of a nurse-led federally qualified health center and faculty practice interested in medication management were automatically referred to the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner in the clinic. This approach was not sustainable to provide access to patients who needed both simple and complex medication management. Thus, a search for a new care model that also focused on the full-scope practice of a psychiatric RN was initiated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
January 2020
There are numerous clinical and pre-clinical studies showing that exposure of the embryo to ethanol markedly affects neuronal development and stimulates alcohol drinking and related behaviors. In rodents and zebrafish, our studies show that embryonic exposure to low-dose ethanol, in addition to increasing voluntary ethanol intake during adolescence, increases the density of hypothalamic hypocretin (hcrt) neurons, a neuropeptide known to regulate reward-related behaviors. The question addressed here in zebrafish is whether maternal ethanol intake before conception also affects neuronal and behavioral development, phenomena suggested by clinical reports but seldom investigated.
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