Functional oxides and hybrid structures with interfacial spin-orbit coupling and the Rashba-Edelstein effect (REE) are promising materials systems for thermal tolerance spintronic device applications. Here, we demonstrate efficient spin-to-charge conversion through enhanced interfacial spin-orbit coupling at the all-oxide interface of LaCaMnO with quasi-two-dimensional (quasi-2D) SrTiO (LCMO/STO). The quasi-2D interface is generated via oxygen vacancies at the STO surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpin accumulation is generated by passing a charge current through a ferromagnetic layer and sensed by other ferromagnetic layers downstream. Pure spin currents can also be generated in which spin currents flow and are detected as a nonlocal resistance in which the charge current is diverted away from the voltage measurement point. Here, we report nonlocal spin-transport on two-dimensional surface-conducting SrTiO (STO) without a ferromagnetic spin-injector via the spin Hall effect (and inverse spin Hall effect).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpin thermoelectrics, an emerging thermoelectric technology, offers energy harvesting from waste heat with potential advantages of scalability and energy conversion efficiency, thanks to orthogonal paths for heat and charge flow. However, magnetic insulators previously used for spin thermoelectrics pose challenges for scale-up due to high temperature processing and difficulty in large-area deposition. Here, we introduce a molecule-based magnetic film for spin thermoelectric applications because it entails versatile synthetic routes in addition to weak spin-lattice interaction and low thermal conductivity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pristine graphene described with massless Dirac fermion could bear topological insulator state and ferromagnetism via the band structure engineering with various adatoms and proximity effects from heterostructures. In particular, topological Anderson insulator state was theoretically predicted in tight-binding honeycomb lattice with Anderson disorder term. Here, we introduced physi-absorbed Fe-clusters/adatoms on graphene to impose exchange interaction and random lattice disorder, and we observed Anderson insulator state accompanying with Kondo effect and field-induced conducting state upon applying the magnetic field at around a charge neutral point.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA polar conductor, where inversion symmetry is broken, may exhibit directional propagation of itinerant electrons, i.e., the rightward and leftward currents differ from each other, when time-reversal symmetry is also broken.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndividual molecular spins are promising quantum states for emerging computation technologies. The "on surface" configuration of molecules in proximity to a magnetic film allows control over the orientations of molecular spins and coupling between them. The stacking of planar molecular spins could favor antiferromagnetic interlayer couplings and lead to pinning of the magnetic underlayer via the exchange bias, which is extensively utilized in ultrafast and high-density spintronics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFACS Appl Mater Interfaces
August 2018
The longitudinal spin Seebeck effects with a ferro- or ferrimagnetic insulator provide a new architecture of a thermoelectric device that could significantly improve the energy conversion efficiency. Until now, epitaxial yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films grown on gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrates by a pulsed laser deposition have been most widely used for spin thermoelectric energy conversion studies. In this work, we developed a simple route to obtain a highly uniform solution-processed YIG film and used it for the on-chip microelectronic spin Seebeck characterization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtomically thin semiconducting oxide on graphene carries a unique combination of wide band gap, high charge carrier mobility, and optical transparency, which can be widely applied for optoelectronics. However, study on the epitaxial formation and properties of oxide monolayer on graphene remains unexplored due to hydrophobic graphene surface and limits of conventional bulk deposition technique. Here, we report atomic scale study of heteroepitaxial growth and relationship of a single-atom-thick ZnO layer on graphene using atomic layer deposition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA two-dimensional electron gas emerged at a LaAlO/SrTiO interface is an ideal system for "spin-orbitronics" as the structure itself strongly couple the spin and orbital degree of freedom through the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. One of core experiments toward this direction is the nonlocal spin transport measurement, which has remained elusive due to the low spin injection efficiency to this system. Here we bypass the problem by generating a spin current not through the spin injection from outside but instead through the inherent spin Hall effect and demonstrate the nonlocal spin transport.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectrical control of ferromagnetism in semiconductor nanostructures offers the promise of nonvolatile functionality in future semiconductor spintronics. Here, we demonstrate a dramatic gate-induced change of ferromagnetism in ZnO nanowire (NW) field-effect transistors (FETs). Ferromagnetism in our ZnO NWs arose from oxygen vacancies, which constitute deep levels hosting unpaired electron spins.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe performances of organic electronic and/or photonic devices rely heavily on the nature of the inorganic/organic interface. Control over such hybrid interface properties has been an important issue for optimizing the performances of polymer solar cells bearing metal-oxide conducting channels. In this work, we studied the effects of an interfacial atomic layer in an inverted polymer solar cell based on a ZnO nanorod array on the device performance as well as the dynamics of the photoexcited carriers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Nanosci Nanotechnol
December 2009
ZnO nanorods and thin films were synthesized on Si(100) substrates at a low temperature by controlling the ZnO seed formation in an aqueous solution process. Vertically well-aligned ZnO nanorods with a single-crystalline hexagonal structure and c-axis growth orientation were obtained despite having a different crystal structure than a large lattice mismatch with the Si(100) substrate. In addition, the authors suggest that the lateral growth of ZnO nanorods causes them to merge together into ZnO thin films during growth into the aqueous solution.
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