Publications by authors named "Mette B Gaarde"

Many-body effects play an important role in enhancing and modifying optical absorption and other excited-state properties of solids in the perturbative regime, but their role in high harmonic generation (HHG) and other nonlinear response beyond the perturbative regime is not well-understood. We develop here an ab initio many-body method to study nonperturbative HHG based on the real-time propagation of the non-equilibrium Green's function with the GW self energy. We calculate the HHG of monolayer MoS and obtain good agreement with experiment, including the reproduction of characteristic patterns of monotonic and nonmonotonic harmonic yield in the parallel and perpendicular responses, respectively.

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We present frequency-matched strobo-spectroscopy (FMSS) of charge migration (CM) in bromobutadiyne, simulated with time-dependent density functional theory. CM + FMSS is a pump-probe scheme that uses a frequency-matched high harmonic generation (HHG)-driving laser as an independent probe step, following the creation of a localized hole on the bromine atom that induces CM dynamics. We show that the delay-dependent harmonic yield tracks the phase of the CM dynamics through its sensitivity to the amount of electron density on the bromine end of the molecule.

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Anomalous high-harmonic generation (HHG) arises in certain solids when irradiated by an intense laser field, originating from a Berry-curvature-induced perpendicular anomalous current. The observation of pure anomalous harmonics is, however, often prohibited by contamination from harmonics stemming from interband coherences. Here, we fully characterize the anomalous HHG mechanism, via development of an ab initio methodology for strong-field laser-solid interaction that allows a rigorous decomposition of the total current.

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Charge migration (CM) is a coherent attosecond process that involves the movement of localized holes across a molecule. To determine the relationship between a molecule's structure and the CM dynamics it exhibits, we perform systematic studies of para-functionalized bromobenzene molecules (X-CH-R) using real-time time-dependent density functional theory. We initiate valence-electron dynamics by emulating rapid strong-field ionization leading to a localized hole on the bromine atom.

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We propose and study the manipulation of the macroscopic transient absorption of an ensemble of open two-level systems via temporal engineering. The key idea is to impose an ultrashort temporal gate on the polarization decay of the system by transient absorption spectroscopy, thus confining its free evolution and the natural reshaping of the excitation pulse. The numerical and analytical results demonstrate that even at moderate optical depths, the resonant absorption of light can be reduced or significantly enhanced by more than 5 orders of magnitude relative to that without laser manipulation.

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We present molecular-frame high-harmonic spectroscopic measurements of the spectral intensity and group delay of carbon dioxide. Using four different driving wavelengths and a range of intensities at each wavelength for high-harmonic generation, we observe a well-characterized minimum in the harmonic emission that exhibits both a wavelength and intensity dependence. Using the intensity dependence at each driving wavelength, we classify the minimum as due to either a structural two-center interference or dynamic multichannel interference, consistent with previous literature.

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High-harmonic generation (HHG) in solids has been touted as a way to probe ultrafast dynamics and crystal symmetries in condensed matter systems. Here, we investigate the polarization properties of high-order harmonics generated in monolayer MoS_{2}, as a function of crystal orientation relative to the mid-infrared laser field polarization. At several different laser wavelengths we experimentally observe a prominent angular shift of the parallel-polarized odd harmonics for energies above approximately 3.

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We present an experimental method capable of capturing the complete spatio-temporal dynamics of filamenting ultrashort laser pulses. By employing spatially resolved Fourier transform spectrometry in combination with the capability to terminate the filament at any length, we can follow the nonlinear dynamics in four dimensions, i.e.

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First-principles calculations are employed to elucidate the modes of attosecond charge migration (CM) in halogenated hydrocarbon chains. We use constrained density functional theory (DFT) to emulate the creation of a localized hole on the halogen and follow the subsequent dynamics via time-dependent DFT. We find low-frequency CM modes (∼1  eV) that propagate across the molecule and study their dependence on length, bond order, and halogenation.

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We demonstrate a femtosecond enhancement cavity with a crossed-beam geometry for efficient generation and extraction of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) frequency combs at a 154 MHz repetition rate. We achieve a record-high out-coupled power of 600  μW, directly usable for spectroscopy, at a wavelength of 97 nm. This corresponds to a >60% out-coupling efficiency.

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Excitation of ionic solids with extreme ultraviolet pulses creates localized core-level excitons, which in some cases couple strongly to the lattice. Here, core-level-exciton states of magnesium oxide are studied in the time domain at the Mg L_{2,3} edge with attosecond transient reflectivity spectroscopy. Attosecond pulses trigger the excitation of these short-lived quasiparticles, whose decay is perturbed by time-delayed near-infrared pulses.

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We theoretically investigate high-harmonic generation in hexagonal boron nitride with linearly polarized laser pulses. We show that imperfect recollisions between electron-hole pairs in the crystal give rise to an electron-hole-pair polarization energy that leads to a double-peak structure in the subcycle emission profiles. An extended recollision model (ERM) is developed that allows for such imperfect recollisions, as well as effects related to Berry connections, Berry curvatures, and transition-dipole phases.

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We study, experimentally and theoretically, the ionization probability of singly halogenated methane molecules, CHCl and CHBr, in intense linearly polarized 800 nm laser pulses as a function of the angle between the molecular axis and the laser polarization. Experimentally, the molecules are exposed to two laser pulses with a relative time delay. The first, weaker pulse induces a nuclear rotational wave packet within the molecules, which are then ionized by the second, stronger pulse.

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We demonstrate high-harmonic spectroscopy in many-electron molecules using time-dependent density-functional theory. We show that a weak attosecond-pulse-train ionization seed that is properly synchronized with the strong driving mid-infrared laser field can produce experimentally relevant high-harmonic generation (HHG) signals, from which we extract both the spectral amplitude and the target-specific phase (group delay). We also show that further processing of the HHG signal can be used to achieve molecular-frame resolution, i.

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Nonlinear spectroscopies are utilized extensively for selective measurements of chemical dynamics in the optical, infrared, and radio-frequency regimes. The development of these techniques for extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light sources facilitates measurements of electronic dynamics on attosecond timescales. Here, we elucidate the temporal dynamics of nonlinear signal generation by utilizing a transient grating scheme with a subfemtosecond XUV pulse train and two few-cycle near-infrared pulses in atomic helium.

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The shortest light pulses produced to date are of the order of a few tens of attoseconds, with central frequencies in the extreme UV range and bandwidths exceeding tens of electronvolts. They are often produced as a train of pulses separated by half the driving laser period, leading in the frequency domain to a spectrum of high, odd-order harmonics. As light pulses become shorter and more spectrally wide, the widely used approximation consisting of writing the optical waveform as a product of temporal and spatial amplitudes does not apply anymore.

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We study the macroscopic spatial and temporal properties of harmonic radiation generated by a model solid in the interaction with an intense, focused laser beam. We show that different temporal contributions to the harmonic yield can be separated in the spatial domain because they lead to radiation with different divergences, similar to what is observed in gas-phase harmonic generation. We show that applying a spatial filter in the far field results in a temporal separation of the two contributions upon refocusing, which yields spatially collimated harmonics, a spectrum with well-resolved peaks, and a subcycle time profile of the harmonic radiation with only one burst per half-cycle.

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We demonstrate a transient absorption scheme that uses a fixed-spectrum attosecond pulse train in conjunction with a tunable probe laser to access a wide range of nonlinear light-atom interactions. We exhibit control over the time-dependent Autler-Townes splitting of the 1s4p absorption line in helium, and study its evolution from a resonant doublet to a light-induced sideband with changing probe wavelength. The non-commensurate probe also allows for the background-free study of two-infrared-photon emission processes in a collinear geometry.

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We investigate the ability of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to capture attosecond valence electron dynamics resulting from sudden X-ray ionization of a core electron. In this special case the initial state can be constructed unambiguously, allowing for a simple test of the accuracy of the dynamics. The response following nitrogen K-edge ionization in nitrosobenzene shows excellent agreement with fourth-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC(4)) results, suggesting that a properly chosen initial state allows TDDFT to adequately capture attosecond charge migration.

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Solid-state high-harmonic sources offer the possibility of compact, high-repetition-rate attosecond light emitters. However, the time structure of high harmonics must be characterized at the sub-cycle level. We use strong two-cycle laser pulses to directly control the time-dependent nonlinear current in single-crystal MgO, leading to the generation of extreme ultraviolet harmonics.

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Strong-field laser excitation of solids can produce extremely nonlinear electronic and optical behaviour. As recently demonstrated, this includes the generation of high harmonics extending into the vacuum-ultraviolet and extreme-ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. High harmonic generation is shown to occur fundamentally differently in solids and in dilute atomic gases.

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We investigate the absorption line shapes of laser-dressed atoms beyond the single-atom response, by using extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulse trains to probe an optically thick helium target under the influence of a strong infrared (IR) field. We study the interplay between the IR-induced phase shift of the microscopic time-dependent dipole moment and the resonant-propagation-induced reshaping of the macroscopic XUV pulse. Our experimental and theoretical results show that as the optical depth increases, this interplay leads initially to a broadening of the IR-modified line shape, and subsequently, to the appearance of new, narrow features in the absorption line.

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We investigate transient absorption of high harmonics in an attosecond pulse train by laser-dressed He atoms using both single-atom and macroscopic methods. Calculations of the absorption as a function of laser wavelength and intensity reveal that the absorption probability is tied to resonant laser-dressed atomic states. We report for the first time to our knowledge a quarter-laser-cycle modulation in the absorption (mixed with the well-known half-cycle modulation).

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The spectral evolution of a high-intensity light channel formed by filamentation is investigated in a detailed experimental study. We also track the spatio-temporal dynamics by high-order harmonic generation along the filament. Both the spectral and temporal diagnostics are performed as a function of propagation distance, by extracting the light pulses directly from the hot filament core into vacuum via pinholes that terminate the nonlinear propagation.

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We present calculations with subcycle precision of laser-driven filamentation in argon which show that the laser peak intensity can exceed the clamping intensity by a factor of 3 during recurring spikes which can last over several centimeters of propagation. The high intensity occurs during a few-femtosecond subpulse in the trailing edge of the main pulse and gives rise to isolated 500 attosecond, 2 pJ pulses which can be extracted from the filament. We also show that the high harmonic radiation emerging from the filament is an excellent diagnostic of the intensity spikes.

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