Introduction: Deficits of cognitive functions and motivation are core aspects of schizophrenia. The interaction of these deficits might contribute to impair the ability to flexibly adjust behavior in accordance with one's intentions and goals. Many studies have focused on the anterior N2 as a correlate of cognitive control based on motivational value.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe avolition/apathy domain of negative symptoms includes motivation- and pleasure-related impairments. In people with schizophrenia, structural and functional abnormalities were reported in key regions within the motivational reward system, including ventral-tegmental area (VTA), striatum (especially at the level of the nucleus accumbens, NAcc), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), as well as amygdala (Amy) and insular cortex (IC). However, the association of the reported abnormalities with avoliton-apathy is still controversial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrimary and persistent negative symptoms (PPNS) represent an unmet need in the care of people with schizophrenia. They have an unfavourable impact on real-life functioning and do not respond to available treatments. Underlying etiopathogenetic mechanisms of PPNS are still unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudies investigating neurobiological bases of negative symptoms of schizophrenia failed to provide consistent findings, possibly due to the heterogeneity of this psychopathological construct. We tried to review the findings published to date investigating neurobiological abnormalities after reducing the heterogeneity of the negative symptoms construct. The literature in electronic databases as well as citations and major articles are reviewed with respect to the phenomenology, pathology, genetics and neurobiology of schizophrenia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS) was developed to address the main limitations of the existing scales for the assessment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia. The initial validation of the scale by the group involved in its development demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity, and a factor structure confirming the two domains of negative symptoms (reduced emotional/verbal expression and anhedonia/asociality/avolition). However, only relatively small samples of patients with schizophrenia were investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The study aimed to assess the construct validity, internal consistency and factor structure of the Specific Levels of Functioning Scale (SLOF), a multidimensional instrument assessing real life functioning.
Methods: The study was carried out in 895 Italian people with schizophrenia, all living in the community and attending the outpatient units of 26 university psychiatric clinics and/or community mental health departments. The construct validity of the SLOF was analyzed by means of the multitrait-multimethod approach, using the Personal and Social Performance (PSP) Scale as the gold standard.
Context: The last decades have provided insights into vitamin D physiology linked to glucose homeostasis. Uncertainties remain in obesity due to its intrinsic effects on vitamin D and glucose tolerance.
Objectives: To assess the relationship between vitamin D and glucose abnormalities in severely obese individuals previously unknown to suffer from abnormal glucose metabolism.
Rehabilitation programs integrating cognitive remediation (CR) and psychosocial rehabilitation are often implemented as they seem to yield greater improvements in functional outcome than stand alone treatment approaches. Mechanisms underlying synergistic effects of combining CR with psychosocial interventions are not fully understood. Disentangling the relative contribution of each component of integrated programs might improve understanding of underlying mechanisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Bulimia nervosa (BN) is associated with a deficit of self-regulatory control and impulsivity. The present study aimed to clarify whether an impaired inhibitory control due to hyperarousal underlies impulsivity in BN subjects.
Methods: Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 17 female patients with BN and 17 healthy controls during a three-tone oddball task.
The present study concerns the percutaneous absorption of naproxen (NPX), as model anti-inflammatory drug, included in liposome formulations constituted of different lipids: stratum corneum lipids (SCL) and phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (PC/CHOL). Liposome dispersions were produced using two different methods: reverse-phase evaporation (REV) and thin layer evaporation (TLE). Morphology and dimensions of the disperse phase were characterized by cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and photon correlation spectroscopy, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe P3 is probably the most well known component of the brain event-related potentials (ERPs). Using a three-tone oddball paradigm two different components can be identified: the P3b elicited by rare target stimuli and the P3a elicited by the presentation of rare non-target stimuli. Although the two components may partially overlap in time and space, they have a different scalp topography suggesting different neural generators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvidence has been provided that high frequency oscillations within the gamma band reflect mechanisms of cortical integration. In the light of recently proposed pathophysiological models of schizophrenia, suggesting a disturbance of the functional connectivity within distributed neural networks, it has been hypothesized that abnormalities in the gamma band underlie perceptual and cognitive dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenia. In the present study we investigated evoked and induced 40-Hz gamma power as well as frontoparietal and frontotemporal event-related coherence in patients with deficit and nondeficit schizophrenia and in matched healthy controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt has been proposed that the presence of enduring, idiopathic negative symptoms define a group of patients with a disease (deficit schizophrenia, DS) that is separate from other forms of schizophrenia (nondeficit schizophrenia, NDS). Although several findings support this hypothesis, the possibility that DS represents the severe end of a single schizophrenia continuum cannot be excluded yet. We tested the hypothesis that DS and NDS differ relative to event-related potentials (ERPs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn spite of its origins deeply rooted in the discipline, pharmaco-EEG applications in psychiatry remain limited to its achievements in the field of psychotropic drugs classification and, in few instances, discovery. In the present paper two attempts to transfer pharmaco-EEG methods to psychiatric clinical routine will be described: 1) monitoring of psychotropic drug toxicity at the central nervous system level, and 2) prediction of clinical response to treatment with psychotropic drugs. Both applications have been the object of several investigations providing promising and sometimes consistent findings which, however, had no impact on clinical practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEpidemiol Psichiatr Soc
March 2005
Aims: The present review is aimed to evaluate the recent contribution of brain imaging techniques to the definition of neuroanatomofunctional models of panic disorder (PD).
Methods: Structural and functional brain imaging studies of PD, conducted from January 1993 to October 2003 and selected through a comprehensive Medline search (key-words: panic disorder, emotions, brain imaging, EEG, Event-Related Potentials, MRI, fMRI, PET, SPECT, TC) were included in the review. The Medline search has been complemented by bibliographic cross-referencing.
Objective: Neuropsychological, brain imaging and electrophysiological research have consistently shown a dysfunction of fronto-striato-thalamic pathways in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The functional meaning of the observed dysfunction in the pathogenesis of OCD is still debated. In the present study the hypothesis that it might be related to a hyperactive executive control is explored by means of neuropsychological and electrophysiological measures.
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