Unlabelled: Predicting physical activity in a national cohort of children born extremely preterm.
Objectives: To compare physical activity among school-aged children born extremely preterm or with extremely low birthweight (EP/ELBW) to term-born children, and to identify early predictors for physical inactivity in the EP/ELBW-children.
Methods: A national cohort born during 1999-2000 at gestational age < 28 weeks or birthweight <1000 g and term-born controls were assessed.
Context: Extremely premature (EP) infants are at increased risk of left vocal cord paralysis (LVCP) following surgery for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
Objective: A Systematical Review was conducted to investigate the incidence and outcomes of LVCP after PDA ligation in EP born infants.
Data Sources: Searches were performed in Cochrane, Medline, Embase, Cinahl and PsycInfo.