Publications by authors named "Merete Berthu Damkjaer"

Purpose: Surgery for a burst abdomen after midline laparotomy is associated with later incisional hernia formation. Accommodating prophylactic measures, notably mesh augmentation, are of interest. However, data regarding safety and outcomes are scarce.

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Sigmoid volvulus in paediatric patients is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition. Since 1940, only 100 cases have been reported. There are no consensual guidelines for juvenile sigmoid volvulus unlike in adults, where the condition and the treatment is well described.

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Immunization against RhD is the major cause of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), which causes fetal or neonatal death. The introduction of postnatal immune prophylaxis in the 1960s drastically reduced immunization incidents in pregnant, D-negative women. In several countries, antenatal prophylaxis is combined with postnatal prophylaxis to further minimize the immunization risk.

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