Publications by authors named "Menach K"

Estrogen receptors (ER) are widely expressed in the brain of many species and experimental results highlighted the role of estradiol in neuronal plasticity and behavior. Consequently, the brain is therefore a prime target for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) interacting with estrogen signaling. Very little is known about the late effects of early disruption of estrogen signaling by EDCs.

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Despite their intensive use and their impact on ecosystems, biocides and surfactants are still poorly regulated and poorly monitored at large scale. In the frame of the revision of the national regulatory surveillance plan of surface waters, France planned in 2018 a monitoring campaign at national scale focused on these two types of substances of very emerging concern. Forty-nine contaminants (32 biocides and 17 surfactants) were investigated in surface water and sediment samples from 91 sampling sites, and in effluent and sludge samples of 7 wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), in mainland France and overseas regions.

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Azole fungicides are highly suspected endocrine disruptors (EDs) and are frequently detected in surface water. Among them, there are prochloraz (PCZ), a commonly used  molecule for ED studies, and imazalil (IMZ), a highly suspected ED. Little is known about their toxicokinetic (TK) behavior in fish.

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Captan dislodgeable foliar residues (DFRs) were determined by following the applications of this fungicide in an apple orchard. The study comprised an investigation of the variability of captan DFR values and 14 days of DFR monitoring to assess kinetic modeling. A method combining solid-phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-QTOF-MS) was developed for the quantification of captan residues from DFR aqueous extracts.

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The presence of nanoplastics (NPs) and microplastics (MPs) in the environment is recognised as a global-scale problem. Due to their hydrophobic nature and large specific surface, NPs and MPs can adsorb other contaminants, as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and modulate their bioavailability and hazard. Adult zebrafish were exposed for 3 and 21 days to: (1) 0.

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The PESTIPREV study has been designed to investigate residential exposure to pesticides applied to vines and ultimately propose mitigation measures. A feasibility study was carried out to validate a protocol for measuring six pesticides in three houses located near vineyards in July 2020. Samples included indoor and outdoor surfaces sampled with wipes ( = 214), patches on the resident's skin ( = 7), hand or foot washing ( = 5), and pets sampled using wipes ( = 2).

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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are recognized as persistent organic pollutants and accumulate in organisms, soils, waters, and sediments, causing major health and ecological perturbations. Literature reported PCB bio-transformation by fungi and bacteria in vitro, but data about the in situ impact of those compounds on microbial communities remained scarce while being useful to guide biotransformation assays. The present work investigated for the first time microbial diversity from the three-domains-of-life in a long-term contaminated brownfield (a former factory land).

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Azoles represent the most used family of organic fungicides worldwide and they are used in agriculture to circumvent the detrimental impact of fungi on yields. Although it is known that these triazoles can contaminate the air, the soil, and the water, field data are currently and dramatically lacking to assess if, and to what extent, the use of triazoles could contaminate non-target wild vertebrate species, notably in agroecosystems. In this study, we aimed to document for the first time the degree of blood contamination of a generalist wild bird species by multiple azoles which are used for plant protection and fungi pest control in various habitats.

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In fish, the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in homeostasis and health and is affected by several organic and inorganic environmental contaminants. Amphidromous fish are sentinel species, particularly exposed to these stressors. We used whole metagenome sequencing to characterize the gut microbiome of wild European eels (Anguilla anguilla) at a juvenile stage captured from three sites with contrasted pollution levels in term of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.

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The occurrence of nanoplastics (NPs) and microplastics (MPs) in aquatic ecosystems and their capacity to sorb hydrophobic pollutants is nowadays an issue of great concern. This study aimed to assess the potential bioavailability and acute toxicity of polystyrene (PS) NPs (50 and 500 nm) and of MPs (4.5 µm), alone and with sorbed benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), in the embryo/larval stages of brine shrimps and zebrafish.

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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are ubiquitous in aquatic environments and a recent shift toward emerging PFAS is calling for new data on their occurrence and fate. In particular, understanding the determinants of their bioaccumulation is fundamental for risk assessment purposes. However, very few studies have addressed the combined influence of potential ecological drivers of PFAS bioaccumulation in fish such as age, sex or trophic ecology.

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The last remaining population of European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) lives in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne (France) catchment (GGD). Captive young individuals are released into the GGD hydrosystem each year, as part of a restocking programme. This study aims to assess the health status of juveniles A.

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Because of its surface characteristics, once in the aquatic environment, graphene could act as a carrier of pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), to aquatic organisms. In this study we aimed to (1) assess the capacity of graphene oxide (GO) to sorb PAHs and (2) to evaluate the toxicity of GO alone and in combination with PAHs on zebrafish embryos and adults. GO showed a high sorption capacity for benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) (98% of B(a)P sorbed from a nominal concentration of 100 μg/L) and for other PAHs of the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of a naphthenic North Sea crude oil, depending on their log K (95.

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Trophic magnification factors (TMFs, i.e., the average change in the log-concentration of a pollutant per trophic level) have been extensively assessed for the so-called persistent organic pollutants, especially organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are biomagnified along the food web.

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The present work examined the trophic transfer of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a typical urban river (Orge River, near Paris, France), and aimed to investigate the potential contribution of precursors to the biomagnification of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs). Sixteen PFAAs, twelve of their precursors (pre-PFAAs) and two fluorinated alternatives to long-chain PFASs were analyzed in water, sediments and biota (including biofilm, invertebrates and fish). Twenty two compounds were detected in biological samples (2.

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Article Synopsis
  • Oil exploitation in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon from 1964 to the 90s led to significant environmental contamination, affecting local water sources where many residents lack access to clean drinking water.
  • Analysis of water samples revealed high levels of harmful microbiological agents and some toxic compounds, notably manganese, zinc, and aluminum, with deeper wells near oil camps showing elevated toluene levels.
  • Although health assessments suggest acceptable chronic effects for water use, they fail to account for the combined impact of pollutants and the socio-economic factors influencing exposure risks among local populations.
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The occurrence at different trophic levels of 17 poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), including perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) and some of their precursors (e.g., perfluoroalkane sulfonamides, 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FTSA)), was investigated in riverine freshwater food webs in Southeastern France.

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The European sturgeon, Acipenser sturio, is a highly endangered species that almost disappeared in the last decades. Thanks to yearly restocking of the population, this species is still found in the Gironde estuary (France), where juveniles grow during several years before leaving to the ocean. The aims of this study were to evaluate the pressure exerted on these fish by known organic and inorganic contaminants during their stay at the Gironde estuary, and to get information on the fish's health in this context.

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Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are high-volume chemicals used in numerous industrial applications. Their quantitative analysis is extremely challenging and this work presents the optimization of an analytical method based on gas chromatography hyphenated with electron capture negative ionization time-of-flight high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-ECNI-TOF HRMS) for the simultaneous determination of short-chain and medium-chain CPs (SCCPs and MCCPs, respectively) in fish tissues (i.e.

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The present study analysed potential adverse effects of discontinuous sources of contamination, namely the discharge of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) and of runoff in an urban area, the Bay of Santander (North Iberian Peninsula). Water samples and caged mussels were used to analyse concentrations of contaminants and biological responses. Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were transplanted to a marina receiving runoff from a petrol station and to a CSO discharge site.

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute a large family of organic pollutants emitted in the environment as complex mixtures, the compositions of which depend on origin. Among a wide range of physiological defects, PAHs are suspected to be involved in disruption of reproduction. In an aquatic environment, the trophic route is an important source of chronic exposure to PAHs.

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This study focuses on the fate of pharmaceuticals discharged into an estuarine environment, particularly into the Turbidity Maximum Zone (TMZ). Batch experiments were set up to investigate the factors regulating the degradation of 53 selected pharmaceuticals. Treated effluents from Bordeaux city (France) were mixed with water from the estuarine Garonne River during 4weeks under 6 characterized conditions in order to assess the influence of suspended particulates, sterilization, untreated wastewater input and dilution on the degradation kinetics.

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The present survey examines the trophodynamics of a suite of 19 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a temperate macrotidal estuary (Gironde, SW France). Across the 147 biota samples (18 taxa) collected, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctane sulfonamide (FOSA), and C-C perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs) were the most-recurrent analytes. ΣPFASs ranged between 0.

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Sediment compartment is a long term sink for pollutants and a secondary source of contamination for aquatic species. The abiotic factors controlling the bioavailability and thus the toxicity of complex mixtures of pollutants accumulated in sediments are poorly documented. To highlight the different factors influencing sediment toxicity, we identified and analyzed the physico-chemical properties, micro-pollutant contents, and toxicity level of six contrasted sediments in the Lot-Garonne continuum.

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The aim of the present study, one of the most complete ever performed in France, was to carry out an extensive survey on the potential presence of a large amount of emerging contaminants in 40 French bottled waters, including parent compounds and metabolites. The studied samples represented 70% of the French bottled water market in volume. Six classes of compounds were investigated, most of them being unregulated in bottled waters: pesticides and their transformation products (118), pharmaceutical substances (172), hormones (11), alkylphenols (APs) (8), phthalates (11) and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (10).

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