Publications by authors named "Melissa R Romero"

In many marine animals, adult habitat is selected by lecithotrophic (non-feeding) larvae with a limited lifespan. In generalist species, larvae may increasingly accept sub-optimal habitat over time as energy stores are depleted ('desperate larva' hypothesis). If the fitness cost of suboptimal habitat is too high, larvae of specialists may prolong the searching phase until they encounter a high-quality patch or die ('death before dishonor' hypothesis).

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Dimorphisms occur when alternative developmental pathways produce discrete phenotypes within a species, and may promote evolutionary novelty in morphology, life history, and behavior. Among marine invertebrates, intra-specific dimorphism in larval type (poecilogony) is notably rare, but should provide insight into the selective forces acting on larval strategies. Most established cases of poecilogony appear to be allelic polymorphisms, with local expression regulated by population-genetic processes.

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Ciliary feeders vary in the arrangement of ciliary bands and mechanisms of capture of food. Some larvae use opposed parallel bands of preoral (prototroch) and postoral (metatroch) cilia. Hypotheses for the mechanism of particle capture include filtration by adhesion to a cilium that overtakes a particle (direct interception), but until now unequivocal evidence for this mechanism has been lacking.

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Simultaneous hermaphrodites offer the chance to study antagonistic coevolution between the sexes when individuals function in both roles. Traumatic mating by hypodermic insemination has repeatedly evolved in hermaphroditic taxa, but evidence for the fitness costs of such male-advantage traits is lacking. When reared in isolation, specimens of the sea slug Alderia willowi (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) initially laid clutches of unfertilized eggs but 4 days later began self-fertilizing; this is only the third report of selfing in an opisthobranch.

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