World J Microbiol Biotechnol
October 2014
Decontamination studies investigating the effectiveness of products and processes for the inactivation of Bacillus species spores have traditionally utilized metering viable spores in a liquid suspension onto test materials (coupons). The current study addresses the representativeness of studies using this type of inoculation method compared to when coupons are dosed with a metered amount of aerosolized spores. The understanding of this comparability is important in order to assess the representativeness of such laboratory-based testing when deciding upon decontamination options for use against Bacillus anthracis spores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol
October 2013
Understanding the longitudinal properties of the time spent in different locations and activities is important in characterizing human exposure to pollutants. The results of a four-season longitudinal time-activity diary study in eight working adults are presented, with the goal of improving the parameterization of human activity algorithms in EPA's exposure modeling efforts. Despite the longitudinal, multi-season nature of the study, participant non-compliance with the protocol over time did not play a major role in data collection.
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