Publications by authors named "Melissa Bondy"

Introduction: High birth weight (HBW) is an established risk factor for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The purpose of this study was to evaluate if birth weight (BW) corrected-for-gestational age is a better predictor than BW alone for occurrence of ALL and other malignancies in children.

Materials And Methods: Birth certificate data of 2,254 children with cancer who were younger than 5 years old at diagnosis and registered at Texas Cancer Registry during 1995-2003 were compared to 11,734 age-matched controls.

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Mexican American (MA) girls are entering puberty earlier than in the past, yet few studies have explored the perceptions surrounding puberty among this group. We conducted separate focus groups for fathers, mothers, and daughters aged 6 to 12 years to explore perceptions of body image, pubertal development, communications, and sources of puberty-related information in MA participants. Our results revealed parental concerns about daughters' weight and pubertal development, as well as differences in their communication with their daughters.

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Background: Patients with glioma exhibit a great variability in clinical symptoms apart from variations in response to therapy and survival. Many patients present with epileptic seizures at disease onset, especially in case of low-grade gliomas, but not all have seizures. A large proportion of patients develop refractory seizures.

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To identify risk variants for glioma, we conducted a meta-analysis of two genome-wide association studies by genotyping 550K tagging SNPs in a total of 1,878 cases and 3,670 controls, with validation in three additional independent series totaling 2,545 cases and 2,953 controls. We identified five risk loci for glioma at 5p15.33 (rs2736100, TERT; P = 1.

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Although primary brain tumors (PBTs) are generally considered to be a multifactorial disorder, understanding the genetic basis and etiology of the disease is essential for PBT risk assessment. Understanding of the genetic susceptibility for PBT has come from studies of rare genetic syndromes, linkage analysis, family aggregation, early-onset pediatric cases, and mutagen sensitivity. There are currently no effective markers to assess biological dose of exposures and genetic heterogeneity.

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Background: N-nitroso compounds are recognized as important dietary carcinogens. Accurate assessment of N-nitroso intake is fundamental to advancing research regarding its role with cancer. Previous studies have not used a quantitative database to estimate the intake of these compounds in a US population.

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Context: Obesity has been implicated as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

Objective: To demonstrate the association of excess body weight across an age cohort and the risk, age of onset, and overall survival of patients with pancreatic cancer.

Design, Setting, And Participants: A case-control study of 841 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and 754 healthy individuals frequency matched by age, race, and sex.

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A pooled analysis was conducted to examine the association between select variants in DNA repair genes and glioblastoma multiforme, the most common and deadliest form of adult brain tumors. Genetic data for approximately 1,000 glioblastoma multiforme cases and 2,000 controls were combined from four centers in the United States that have conducted case-control studies on adult glioblastoma multiforme, including the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the University of Texas M. D.

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Purpose: In Texas, Mexican American (MA) adolescents, and in particular boys, are at increased risk for experimenting with cigarettes compared with their black or white counterparts. Positive outcome expectations (POE), that is, the functional social significance ascribed to cigarettes, and subjective social status (SSS), that is, the adolescents' subjective views of where they lie in the school-based social hierarchy, are independent predictors of smoking. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that SSS moderates the relationship between POE and experimentation with cigarettes.

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Background: A major challenge facing DNA copy number (CN) studies of tumors is that most banked samples with extensive clinical follow-up information are Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE). DNA from FFPE samples generally underperforms or suffers high failure rates compared to fresh frozen samples because of DNA degradation and cross-linking during FFPE fixation and processing. As FFPE protocols may vary widely between labs and samples may be stored for decades at room temperature, an ideal FFPE CN technology should work on diverse sample sets.

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A benefit of temozolomide (TMZ) is that myelotoxicity is uncommon. Recently, several small series have reported significant myelotoxicity resulting in treatment delays or death. The ability to predict risk of myelotoxicity may influence patient care.

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It is generally accepted that glioma develops through accumulation of genetic alterations. We hypothesized that polymorphisms of candidate genes involved in the DNA repair pathways may contribute to susceptibility to glioma. To address this possibility, we conducted a study on 373 Caucasian glioma cases and 365 cancer-free Caucasian controls to assess associations between glioma risk and 18 functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA repair genes.

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Purpose: Previous literature provides some evidence that atopic diseases, IgE levels, and inflammatory gene polymorphisms may be associated with risk of glioblastoma. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of certain inflammatory gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) on patient survival. Malignant gliomas are the most common type of primary brain tumor in adults, however, few prognostic factors have been identified.

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Purpose: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are considered to be hepatotropic and are a major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma. However, little is known about the role of HBV and HCV infection in other malignancies. This study aimed to determine whether HBV and HCV infections increase the risk for pancreatic cancer development.

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Background: Survey data suggest that in Texas Latino youth exhibit higher rates of susceptibility to smoking than youth from other ethnic groups. In this analysis we examined the relationship between susceptibility to smoking and well-known risk factors associated with smoking initiation among a cohort of 11 to 13 year old Mexican origin youth residing in Houston, Texas.

Methods: We analyzed cross-sectional survey data from 1,187 participants who reported they had never smoked, even a puff of a cigarette.

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Epidemiologists in the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium (BTEC) have prioritized areas for further research. Although many risk factors have been examined over the past several decades, there are few consistent findings, possibly because of small sample sizes in individual studies and differences between studies in patients, tumor types, and methods of classification. Individual studies generally have lacked samples of sufficient size to examine interactions.

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Purpose: To understand the mechanism through which obesity in breast cancer patients is associated with poorer outcome, we evaluated body mass index (BMI) and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) in women with operable breast cancer.

Patients And Methods: From May 1990 to July 2004, 1,169 patients were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at M. D.

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There is limited prognostic information to identify breast cancer patients who are at risk for late recurrences after adjuvant or neoadjuvant systemic therapy (AST). We evaluated the residual risk of recurrence and prognostic factors of 2838 patients with stage I-III breast cancer who were treated with AST between January 1, 1985, and November 1, 2001, and remained disease free for 5 years. Residual recurrence-free survival was estimated from the landmark of 5 years after AST to date of first recurrence or last follow-up using the Kaplan-Meier method.

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Aromatic amines, N-nitroso compounds and heterocyclic amines are suspected human pancreatic carcinogens. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, N-acetyltransferase (NAT) 1, NAT2 and sulfotransferase (SULT) are enzymes involved in the metabolism of these carcinogens. To test the hypothesis that genetic variations in carcinogen metabolism modify the risk of pancreatic cancer (PC), we investigated the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the CYP1A2, NAT1, NAT2 and SULT1A1 gene on modification of the risk of PC in a hospital-based study of 755 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and 636 healthy frequency-matched controls.

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A personal history of asthma or allergy has been associated with a reduced risk for adult malignant gliomas. Recent reports on the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and the presence of risk alleles in asthma susceptibility genes showed similar inverse associations. To further explore the relationship between immune mediators and gliomas, we examined the use of NSAID and antihistamines, history of asthma or allergy, and infection in 325 glioma cases and 600 frequency-matched controls from the metropolitan area of Houston, TX (2001-2006).

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The association between human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and glioblastoma has been a source of debate in recent years because of conflicting laboratory reports concerning the presence of the virus in glioma tissue. HCMV is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that exhibits tropism for glial cells and has been shown to transform cells in vitro. Using sensitive immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization methods in 50 glioma samples, we detected HCMV antigen and DNA in 21/21 cases of glioblastoma, 9/12 cases of anaplastic gliomas and 14/17 cases of low-grade gliomas.

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Epidemiologists routinely conduct centralized single pathology reviews to minimize interobserver diagnostic variability, but this practice does not facilitate the combination of studies across geographic regions and institutions where diagnostic practices differ. A meeting of neuropathologists and epidemiologists focused on brain tumor classification issues in the context of protocol needs for consortial studies (http://epi.grants.

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Background: The Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is widely used for counseling and determining eligibility for breast cancer prevention trials, although its validity for projecting risk in African American women is uncertain. We developed a model for projecting absolute risk of invasive breast cancer in African American women and compared its projections with those from the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool.

Methods: Data from 1607 African American women with invasive breast cancer and 1647 African American control subjects in the Women's Contraceptive and Reproductive Experiences (CARE) Study were used to compute relative and attributable risks that were based on age at menarche, number of affected mother or sisters, and number of previous benign biopsy examinations.

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Background: Previous studies have been inconclusive in estimating the risk of different cancer sites among close relatives of glioma patients; however, malignant melanoma has consistently been described.

Methods: We obtained family history information from 1,476 glioma patients under age 75 years who registered at M. D.

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