Publications by authors named "Meleine M"

Background: The metastasis of tumors into bone tissue typically leads to intractable pain that is both very disabling and particularly difficult to manage. We investigated here whether riluzole could have beneficial effects for the treatment of prostate cancer-induced bone pain and how it could influence the development of bone metastasis.

Methods: We used a bone pain model induced by intratibial injection of human PC3 prostate cancer cells into male SCID mice treated or not with riluzole administered in drinking water.

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Gut - brain communications disorders in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are associated with intestinal microbiota composition, increased gut permeability, and psychosocial disturbances. Symptoms of IBS are difficult to medicate, and hence much research is being made into alternative approaches. This study assesses the potential of a treatment with pasteurized Akkermansia muciniphila for alleviating IBS-like symptoms in two mouse models of IBS with different etiologies.

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The potential role of gut microbiota in pain modulation is arousing an emerging interest since recent years. This study investigated neuromodulatory properties of gut microbiota to identify next-generation probiotics to propose alternative therapies for visceral pain management. Neuromodulation ability of 10 bacterial strains isolated from a healthy donor was assessed both on ND7/23 immortalized cell line and primary neuronal cells from rat dorsal root ganglia.

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Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome and bladder pain syndrome are both characterized by pain in response to organ distension. Epidemiologic studies showed that these two syndromes are often overlapped. Such overlap may be due to sharing of common extrinsic innervations between the colorectum and the urinary bladder, where cross-sensitization of the urinary bladder and the colon would occur in response to mechanical distension of either organ.

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Background: Irritable bowel syndrome and bladder pain syndrome often overlap and are both characterized by visceral hypersensitivity. Since pelvic organs share common sensory pathways, it is likely that those syndromes involve a cross-sensitization of the bladder and the colon. The precise pathophysiology remains poorly understood.

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Background: Chronic abdominal pain is the most common cause for gastroenterology consultation and is frequently associated with functional gastrointestinal disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. These disorders present similar brain/gut/microbiota trialogue alterations, associated with abnormal intestinal permeability, intestinal dysbiosis and colonic hypersensitivity (CHS). Intestinal dysbiosis can alter colon homeostasis leading to abnormal activation of the innate immunity that promotes CHS, perhaps involving the toll-like receptors (TLRs), which play a central role in innate immunity.

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Alterations in brain/gut/microbiota axis are linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) physiopathology. Upon gastrointestinal infection, chronic abdominal pain and anxio-depressive comorbidities may persist despite pathogen clearance leading to Post-Infectious IBS (PI-IBS). This study assesses the influence of tryptophan metabolism, and particularly the microbiota-induced AhR expression, on intestinal homeostasis disturbance following gastroenteritis resolution, and evaluates the efficacy of IL-22 cytokine vectorization on PI-IBS symptoms.

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While toll-like receptors (TLRs), which mediate innate immunity, are known to play an important role in host defense, recent work suggest their involvement in some integrated behaviors, including anxiety, depressive and cognitive functions. Here, we investigated the potential involvement of the flagellin receptor, TLR5, in anxiety, depression and cognitive behaviors using male TLR5 knock-out (KO) mice. We aobserved a specific low level of basal anxiety in TLR5 KO mice with an alteration of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis (HPA) response to acute restraint stress, illustrated by a decrease of both plasma corticosterone level and c-fos expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus where TLR5 was expressed, compared to WT littermates.

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Background And Purpose: Opioids are effective painkillers. However, their risk-benefit ratio is dampened by numerous adverse effects and opioid misuse has led to a public health crisis. Safer alternatives are required, but isolating the antinociceptive effect of opioids from their adverse effects is a pharmacological challenge because activation of the μ opioid receptor triggers both the antinociceptive and adverse effects of opioids.

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Ghrelin is the only orexigenic peptide currently known and a potent prokinetic by promoting gastric motility but novel insights suggest that its role extends beyond satiety regulation. Whereas ghrelin was shown to provide somatic and colonic antinociception, its impact on gastric sensitivity is unknown even though stomach is a major ghrelin secreting tissue. Autonomic response to gastric mechanosensitivity was estimated by measuring blood pressure variation as a surrogate marker in response to gastric distension (GD) before and after ghrelin (or vehicle) administration.

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Background: Infectious gastroenteritis is a risk factor for the development of post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome (PI-IBS). Recent clinical studies reported a higher prevalence of the intestinal parasite Blastocystis in IBS patients. Using a rat model, we investigated the possible association between Blastocystis infection, colonic hypersensitivity (CHS), behavioral disturbances and gut microbiota changes.

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Recent studies have revealed gender differences in cold perception, and pointed to a possible direct action of testosterone (TST) on the cold-activated TRPM8 (Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin Member 8) channel. However, the mechanisms by which TST influences TRPM8-mediated sensory functions remain elusive. Here, we show that TST inhibits TRPM8-mediated mild-cold perception through the noncanonical engagement of the Androgen Receptor (AR).

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Mechanical allodynia is a cardinal sign of several inflammatory pain disorders where nerve growth factor, a prototypic neurotrophin, plays a crucial role by binding to TrkA receptors. Here, we took the advantage of our generated knock-in mouse model expressing a chimeric TrkA/TrkC receptor that seems to not specifically develop mechanical allodynia after inflammation, to identify the TrkA downstream pathways involved in this phenomenon. We confirmed and extended that disrupting TrkA-specific pathways leads to a specific deficit in mechanical hypersensitivity development after somatic (systemic nerve growth factor administration and paw incision) and, to a lesser extent, visceral injuries.

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Background: A complex interplay between a failing intestinal barrier and low-grade inflammation leading to sensorimotor disturbances is an often-cited mechanism in the pathogenesis of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). However, the cause-consequence relationship between these features has not been clearly established. We previously described jejunal alterations in the normoglycemic BB-rat (BBDP-N) model proposing this model as a suitable animal model to study FGID pathophysiology.

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Bladder pain is frequently associated with bladder inflammation, as in conditions like interstitial cystitis (IC), for which current analgesic therapies have limited efficacy. The antinociceptive effect of alpha-2-delta (αδ) ligands on inflammation-associated visceral pain like that experienced in cystitis has been poorly investigated. To investigate the effect of pregabalin (PGB), an αδ ligand, we evaluated its impact on mechanical hyperalgesia in a mouse model of cystitis induced by cyclophosphamide (CYP).

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Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are characterized by repetition of flares and remission periods leading to chronic postinflammatory sequelae. Among postinflammatory sequelae, one-third of patients with IBD are suffering from functional symptoms or psychological comorbidities that persist during remission. The aim of our study was to assess functional and behavioral sequelae of chronic colitis in rats with quiescent intestinal inflammation.

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Objectives: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is a surgical treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence. Despite its clinical efficacy, the mechanisms of action of SNS are still poorly known. This may be related to the use of acute stimulation models.

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Neurotoxicity remains the most common adverse effect of oxaliplatin, limiting its clinical use. In the present study, we developed a mouse model of chronic oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy, which mimics both sensory and motor deficits observed in patients, in a clinically relevant time course. Repeated oxaliplatin administration in mice induced both cephalic and extracephalic long lasting mechanical and cold hypersensitivity after the first injection as well as delayed sensorimotor deficits and a depression-like phenotype.

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Objectives: Gastric electrical stimulation (GES) is an alternative therapy to treat patients with intractable vomiting. A preclinical study has demonstrated the modulation of the gastrointestinal (GI) peptide ghrelin by GES but such mechanism has never been investigated in patients. The aim of this work was to assess the effect of GES on GI peptide levels in patients with intractable vomiting.

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Background: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is a surgical treatment of fecal and urinary incontinence that consists of inserting a stimulating electrode into one of the s3 or s4 sacral holes. In addition to the benefit of SNS in the treatment of incontinence, recent studies showed that SNS is effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome as well as bladder pain syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of SNS on visceral mechanosensitivity in a cross-organ sensitization rat model.

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Aim: To investigate anti-hypersensitive effects of α2δ-1 ligands in non-inflammatory and inflammation-associated colonic hypersensitivity (CHS) mouse models.

Methods: To induce an inflammation-associated CHS, 1% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) was administered to C57Bl/6J male mice, in drinking water, for 14 d. Regarding the non-inflammatory neonatal maternal separation (NMS) -induced CHS model, wild-type C57BI/6J pups were isolated from their mother from day 2 to day 14 (P2 to P14), three hours per day (from 9:00 a.

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Background: Intestinal hyperpermeability has been reported in several intestinal and non-intestinal disorders. We aimed to investigate the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in gut barrier regulation in two mice models: the water avoidance stress model (WAS) and a post-inflammatory model (post-TNBS).

Methods: Both models were applied in C57BL/6 male mice (n=7-8/group); Proteasome was targeted by injection of a selective proteasome inhibitor or by using knock-out mice for β2i proteasome subunit.

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Visceral pain and intestinal dysbiosis are associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a common functional gastrointestinal disorder without available efficient therapies. In this study, a decrease of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii presence has been observed in an IBS-like rodent model induced by a neonatal maternal separation (NMS) stress. Moreover, it was investigated whether F.

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Background: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is an alternative surgical treatment of refractory urge incontinence and/or fecal incontinence. Despite its clinical efficacy, the mechanisms of action of SNS remain poorly understood. The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effect of SNS on visceral mechanosensitivity in rats.

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According to epidemiological studies, twice as many women as men are affected by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in western countries, suggesting a role for sex hormones in IBS pathophysiology. Despite growing evidence about the implications of sex hormones in IBS symptom modulation, data on mechanisms by which they influence disease development are sparse. This review aims to determine the state of knowledge about the role of sex hormones in sensorimotor dysfunctions and to address the possible interplay of sex hormones with common risk factors associated with IBS.

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