Muscles Ligaments Tendons J
May 2017
Background: The intra-tendinous tear is a new pathology that is defined as a discontinuity of fibres situated entirely within the tendon. Prolotherapy involves injecting an irritant, such as hyperosmolar dextrose, to stimulate a tissue healing response and ultimately reduce pain.
Methods: 43 consecutive patients diagnosed with an intra-tendinous tear were included (27 males: 16 females, mean (SD) age 41 (11.
Muscles Ligaments Tendons J
May 2017
Background: Achillodynia is common and includes Achilles tendinopathy, partial Achilles tears and Achilles tendon ruptures. However, we believe an additional pathology should be considered for Achillodynia differentials - the intratendinous tear (ITT).
Methods: Examinations of 740 achillodynic patients in one specialist centre were reviewed.