Publications by authors named "Mehershree Lodhi"

Intraoperative assessment of tumor margins can be challenging; as neoplastic cells may extend beyond the margins seen on preoperative imaging. Real-time intraoperative ultrasonography (IOUS) has emerged as a valuable tool for delineating tumor boundaries during surgery. However, concerns remain regarding its ability to accurately distinguish between tumor margins, peritumoral edema, and normal brain tissue.

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Background: Pain is the main reason for staying overnight at hospital after an uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Objectives: A randomised prospective study was planned to compare the efficacy of intraincisional and intraperitoneal use of 0.2% ropivacaine so that patients undergoing an uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be discharged as a day case in a cost-effective way.

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Bullhorn injury is a rare mechanism causing traumatic abdominal wall hernia (TAWH). Bullhorn injury needs to be discussed as a separate sub-entity among TAWHs as the mechanism of injury is such that the great force is generated at a relatively small area of impact for a short duration of time which may lead to muscle defect without compromising integrity of overlying skin (referred to as sheathed goring) leading to herniation of abdominal viscera. The purpose of this review was to discuss abdominal herniation's associated with bullhorn injury as a separate entity from TAWHs; recognize the common presentations, mechanism of injury, and modalities of treatment currently utilized for this rare condition.

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Background: The importance of cecal pathologies lie in the fact that being the first part of the large intestine, any disease involving the cecum affects the overall functioning of the large bowel. Primary cecal pathologies presenting as acute abdomen have not been described in any previous study in terms of presentation, management, and outcome.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify the reported causes of primary cecal pathologies presenting as acute abdomen and the various causes presenting in our setting, the to discuss morbidity and mortality associated with cecal pathologies, and to critically analyze the various management modalities employed in an emergency setting.

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Background: Earlier studies done to compare the efficacy of use of local anesthetics at intraperitoneal location versus intraincisional use had utilized equal amount of drugs at the two locations, usually 10-20 ml. Using this large amount of drug in the small space of intraincisional location as compared to similar amount of drug in large intraperitoneal space created an inadvertent bias in favor of patients receiving the drug intraincisionally so these patients naturally experienced less pain.

Aims And Objectives: To conduct a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled study by standardizing dose of local anesthetic, to compare the effectiveness of intraperitoneal against intraincisional use of ropivacaine 0.

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Objectives: Pain continues to be the most important limiting factor affecting the early discharge of patients after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Our aim was to conduct a randomized case controlled study to predict the evolution of various components of postoperative pain by using ropivacaine 0.2% at intraperitoneal and intraincisional locations; and to further use this information to make a model predicting early discharge of patients.

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A recent nation-wide population based retrospective cohort study from Taiwan in 2014 suggested a propensity of developing breast cancer in young females with early-onset cataract. We report here a case of a young non-obese female who presented to us with a large lump in the right breast with skin nodules and bilateral painless progressive diminution of vision. Patient was diagnosed to be suffering from locally advanced carcinoma of right breast with axillary metastasis (Stage III B) and bilateral early-onset nuclear cataract.

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