Publications by authors named "Megan A Bryanton"

Lightly touching a stable reference is associated with sway reduction during standing. Unexpected displacement of the touch reference results in a false-positive balance reaction in some participants, but only with the first such disturbance. This study investigated whether light touch reduces standing sway (1) after the touch reference becomes unreliable, and (2) when participants are aware the touch reference is unreliable.

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Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate alterations in muscular effort and temporal characteristics of their activity during the sit-to-stand (STS) due to isolated fatiguing of the knee extensors, as indicated by declines in torque output.

Methods: Surface electromyography of the lower extremity was recorded in healthy young (n = 11) and older (n = 11) adults as they ascended from a seated position, before and after dynamic knee extension exercise.

Results: Knee extensor fatigue caused significant increases in soleus, gastrocnemius, and gluteus maximus relative effort (%MVC) in both age groups during the STS task.

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Vigotsky, AD, Bryanton, MA, Nuckols, G, Beardsley, C, Contreras, B, Evans, J, and Schoenfeld, BJ. Biomechanical, anthropometric, and psychological determinants of barbell back squat strength. J Strength Cond Res 33(7S): S26-S35, 2019-Previous investigations of strength have only focused on biomechanical or psychological determinants, while ignoring the potential interplay and relative contributions of these variables.

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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of the removal of vision and/or surface compliance on postural stability in strength athletes who habitually use free-weights and compound movements in their training (i.e., powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters), and untrained individuals.

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Previous research has indicated that muscle fatigue due to repeated bouts of physical activity can have negative residual effects on balance; however investigations using multi-joint forms of exercise involved in everyday settings and determination of how control of posture is altered during the physical activity itself are limited. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate alterations in postural stability before, during, and after prolonged multi-joint STS exercise in healthy young adults. Center of pressure (COP) acquisitions were collected during repetitive STS exercise, while voluntary limits of stability (LOS) testing was performed before, immediately after, and 10min after STS exercise.

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Hip extensor strategy, specifically relative contribution of gluteus maximus versus hamstrings, will influence quadriceps effort required during squat exercise, as hamstrings and quadriceps co-contract at the knee. This research examined the effects of hip extensor strategy on quadriceps relative muscular effort (RME) during barbell squat. Inverse dynamics-based torque-driven musculoskeletal models were developed to account for hamstrings co-contraction.

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Vertical jumping performance is dependent on muscle strength and motor skill. An understanding of motor skill strategies and their influence on jumping mechanics provides insight into how to improve performance. This study aimed to determine whether kinematic sequencing strategy influenced jump height, the effect of sequencing on jumping mechanics, and whether arm swing influences sequencing strategy.

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Resistance training is used to develop muscular strength and hypertrophy. Large muscle forces, in relation to the muscle's maximum force-generating ability, are required to elicit these adaptations. Previous biomechanical analyses of multi-joint resistance exercises provide estimates of muscle force but not relative muscular effort (RME).

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