Publications by authors named "McParland M"

Aims: To evaluate the myopia control efficacy of Diffusion Optics Technology (DOT) spectacle lenses in children over a 4-year treatment period.

Methods: CYPRESS Part 1 (NCT03623074) was a 3-year multicentre, randomised, controlled, double-masked trial comparing two investigational spectacle lens DOT designs (Test 1, Test 2) and standard single vision Control lenses in 256 North American children aged 6-10 years. Children completing Part 1 (n=200) were invited to enrol in CYPRESS Part 2 (NCT04947735) for an additional 1-year period.

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Purpose: A large observational survey was undertaken to determine eye care professional (ECP) and patient experience of stenfilcon A multifocal soft contact lens (MyDay multifocal) when prescribed in a real-world setting.

Methods: A total of 196 ECPs from eleven countries fit up to ten presbyopes with stenfilcon A multifocal. Data were collected on fit success at the initial visit, patient satisfaction with comfort, vision at distance, intermediate, and near, overall vision, overall satisfaction, and handling at the initial and follow-up visits after 1-2 weeks of wear.

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There is currently a shortage of doctors in Britain, especially in general practice, psychiatry and pathology. This study aimed to examine whether career intention, especially in the shortage specialties, changes between undergraduate level and graduation. The 234 participants were Senior House Officers and Pre-Registration House Officers, who had provided information about their career intentions in their fourth year of medical school.

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This follow-up study of 234 doctors examined whether improvements in attitudes to psychiatry following an undergraduate psychiatry attachment were maintained after graduation, and explored the relationship between attitudes to psychiatry and intention to pursue psychiatry as a career. Improvements in attitudes following undergraduate psychiatric attachment decayed over time but remained higher than pre-attachment levels. Attitudes of doctors who definitely intended to pursue psychiatry, however, increased at each stage.

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Objectives: A change from traditional to problem-based learning (PBL) methods in a psychiatry attachment was evaluated by comparing the learning styles, attitudes to psychiatry and examination performance of 2 cohorts of students. It was hypothesised that the PBL curriculum would result in increased deep learning, decreased surface learning, more favourable attitudes to psychiatry and improved examination performance. It was predicted that students' examination success would be related to the use of deep and strategic learning and favourable attitudes.

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Objectives: This study examined determinants of students' attitudes to psychiatry and intentions to pursue psychiatry as a career, considering: (1) experiences during the clinical attachment; (2) type of curriculum (traditional or problem-based), and (3) student characteristics (age and gender). The relationships between attitudes, career intentions and academic performance were examined.

Method: Fourth year medical students (n = 379) completed questionnaires at the beginning and end of an 8-week psychiatry attachment to assess their attitudes to psychiatry, career intentions and experiences during the attachment.

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This study examined the associations between abuse and staff perceived treatment difficulty in sixty-nine hospitalized children and adolescents. Subjects were rated on a treatment difficulty scale, and clinical charts were reviewed for evidence of physical abuse, sexual abuse, abuse between parents, and parental history of abuse. Subjects with histories of abuse were not rated as more difficult or less responsive to treatment than other patients.

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On an 8-bed adolescent psychiatric unit, 69 patients were rated over the course of more than one year [corrected]. A set of rating scales was used to determine the relationships of treatment and therapeutic alliance difficulties with staff ratings of patient qualities, family issues, and treatment outcome. Findings underscore the clinical relevance of treatment difficulty and therapeutic alliance in conceptualizing the therapeutic action of the hospital treatment.

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Twelve patients with spinal cord injury and 2 diabetics with secondary anejaculation underwent 26 sessions of electro-ejaculation, using a technique which has previously been popular only in veterinary medicine. Ejaculate was obtained on 21 occasions. Semen quality was adequate for cryostorage on 9 occasions (8 patients); on 8 occasions (5 patients) it was used for immediate artificial insemination of the partner.

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There are few studies of treatment difficulty with children and adolescents. The authors describe a preliminary phase of research in this area, specifically the development of a set of rating scales to assess factors in treatment difficulty, a study of interrater reliability, and factor analyses of the content of these scales. The next steps in this ongoing research project are outlined.

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Two methods of statistical analysis were used to evaluate the results from an infertility clinic (the couple-months method and Cox regression analysis). The results were in general agreement and validated the couple-months method. The total trying time, sperm motility, sperm density and results of the wife's investigation were all shown to be highly significant prognostic factors.

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