Publications by authors named "McDowall J"

Background: Psychomotor agitation and aggressive behaviour (AAB) have the potential to occur in any healthcare setting, including those in which Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operate. This scoping review aimed to examine the available literature on physical restraint of patients within the prehospital setting and to identify guidelines and their effectiveness, safety to patients and health care practitioners and strategies relating to physical restraint when used by EMS.

Methods: We performed our scoping review using the methodological framework described by Arksey and O'Malley augmented by that of Sucharew and Macaluso.

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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has an established impact on multiple organ systems, including the vascular and urogenital systems. Vascular effects may include venous thromboembolic disease, which could theoretically be a precursor to priapism-a urological emergency defined as an abnormal condition of prolonged penile erection lasting >4 hours. To better explore this association, we critically appraised all the published COVID-19 cases associated with priapism.

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Background: The role of eHealth programs to support patients through surgical pathways, including total hip arthroplasty (THA), is rapidly growing and offers the potential to improve patient engagement, self-care, and outcomes.

Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the effects of an eHealth program (intervention) versus standard care for pre- and postoperative education on patient outcomes for primary THA.

Methods: A prospective parallel randomized controlled trial with two arms (standard care and standard care plus access to the eHealth education program) was conducted.

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Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs as a manifestation of coronary atherosclerotic disease. The occurrence of erectile dysfunction (ED) following AMI is well documented and this association and pathophysiology is often interrelated. Few studies have objectively assessed the diagnostic value of ED as a risk factor for AMI, in general.

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Purpose: Various suprapubic catheter insertion simulators have been described to aid in the training of this fundamental skill. The purpose of this review was to evaluate and critically appraise all validated simulators.

Methods: The PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Scopus, British Medical Journal and the Embase databases were searched (March 2018), by using key search terms "suprapubic trainer", "suprapubic model", "suprapubic simulation" and "suprapubic simulator".

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Introduction: Prehospital personnel are exposed to challenging situations that place them at increased risk of sustaining a needle stick injury (NSI). Blood borne infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B or C may be transmitted from a NSI. Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest number of people living with HIV globally.

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: People often misattribute stroke survivors' symptoms to other causes such as their personality, especially when the survivors are young. As a result, these stroke survivors experience feelings of resentment towards and from their acquaintances, and may struggle to retain employment. This study aimed to clarify how people's misattributions for stroke symptoms were affected by varying information about the stroke.

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Objectives: An incidental and sometimes humorous finding on an Antero-Posterior (AP) pelvis X-ray view is that of the John Thomas Sign (JTS), which is defined as positive, when the penile shadow points towards the side of a hip or pelvic fracture in male patients. Despite previous research reports and studies performed on the JTS sign, uncertainty with regards to its clinical relevance still remains. The objective of this review was to assess the clinical validity and accuracy of this sign by performing a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Background: Total hip arthroplasty is an effective surgical procedure commonly used worldwide for patients suffering the disabling effects of osteoarthritis when medical therapy is unsuccessful. Traditionally pre- and postoperative information for patients undergoing a hip arthroplasty has been provided by paper-based methods. Electronic health (eHealth) programs to support individualized patient education on preoperative preparation, in-patient care, and home rehabilitation have the potential to increase patient engagement, enhance patient recovery, and reduce potential postoperative complications.

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Background: Intestinal volvulus is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when loops of bowel twist around its supporting mesentery and associated vasculature. Clinicians often rely on various radiological investigations for prompt diagnosis to avoid complications such as bowel infarction. This review assesses the clinical reliability of the ultrasonographic whirlpool sign (WS) in the diagnosis of intestinal volvulus.

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Purpose: A positive whirlpool sign (WS) is defined as the presence of a spiral-like pattern when the spermatic cord is assessed during ultrasonography (US), using standard, high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) and/or color Doppler sonography (CDS), in the presence of testicular torsion. The objective of this review was to assess the validity and accuracy of this sign by performing a comprehensive systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

Methods: In accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was performed (August, 2017), using the following databases: BMJ Best Practice, Cochrane Library, Embase, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science.

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The normal cellular role of α-synuclein is of potential importance in understanding diseases in which an aggregated form of the protein has been implicated. A potential loss or change in the normal function of α-synuclein could play a role in the aetiology of diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Recently, it has been suggested that α-synuclein could cause the enzymatic reduction of iron and a cellular increase in Fe(II) levels.

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The assembly of multi-protein complexes requires the concerted synthesis and maturation of its components and subsequently their co-ordinated interaction. The membrane-bound formate hydrogenlyase (FHL) complex is the primary hydrogen-producing enzyme in and is composed of seven subunits mostly encoded within the operon for [NiFe]-hydrogenase-3 (Hyd-3). The HycH protein is predicted to have an accessory function and is not part of the final structural FHL complex.

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α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a cytosolic protein known for its association with neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. The potential cellular function of α-synuclein may be of consequence for understanding the pathogenesis of such diseases. Previous work has suggested that α-synuclein can catalyze the reduction of iron as a ferrireductase.

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Individuals higher on avoidant coping may remember fewer specific autobiographical memories and more nonspecific memories on the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) in order to protect themselves from the painful emotions accompanying some specific memories. Habitually remembering this way (overgeneral memory) may be a risk factor for depression. In Studies 1 and 2 (nondepressed samples), avoidant coping was associated with more specific memories and fewer overgeneral memories, at odds with the functional avoidance view.

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Alpha-synuclein has long been studied due to its involvement in the progression of Parkinson's disease (PD), a common neurodegenerative disorder, although a consensus on the exact function of this protein is elusive. This protein shows remarkable structural plasticity and this property is important for both correct cellular function and pathological progression of PD. Formation of intracellular oligomeric species within the substantia nigra correlates with disease progression and it has been proposed that formation of a partially folded intermediate is key to the initiation of the fibrillisation process.

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The Escherichia coli formate hydrogenlyase (FHL) complex is produced under fermentative conditions and couples formate oxidation to hydrogen production. In this work, the architecture of FHL has been probed by analysing affinity-tagged complexes from various genetic backgrounds. In a successful attempt to stabilize the complex, a strain encoding a fusion between FdhF and HycB has been engineered and characterised.

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Article Synopsis
  • Under anaerobic conditions, E. coli performs mixed-acid fermentation to produce molecular hydrogen, primarily via the formate hydrogenlyase (FHL) complex.
  • The FHL complex consists of several proteins, including components HycE, FdhF, and various iron-sulfur proteins, but had not been isolated in its intact form before this study.
  • Advances in genetic tools now allow for the efficient isolation of the FHL complex, which retains its activity in vitro, highlighting its importance for future research in biohydrogen production.
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Summary: We present iAnn, an open source community-driven platform for dissemination of life science events, such as courses, conferences and workshops. iAnn allows automatic visualisation and integration of customised event reports. A central repository lies at the core of the platform: curators add submitted events, and these are subsequently accessed via web services.

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Primary Objective: To determine how visible markers of brain injury interact with people's knowledge about brain injury to influence people's attributions for undesirable behaviours of a person with brain injury. RESEARCH DESIGN, METHOD AND PROCEDURES: Scenarios in Experiment 1 (n = 98) and Experiment 2 (n = 148) described an adolescent pictured with or without a head scar, who showed four behavioural changes. Participants rated two causal attributions for each behaviour: brain injury and adolescence.

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Perfectionism and drive for thinness have both been described as predictors of eating disorders, but the relationship between these two constructs over time requires further investigation, as does the an understanding of what components of perfectionism are important in this relationship. Using a longitudinal design, a population of 175 young adults was followed up over a 4 month period. Structural equation modelling indicated a unidirectional relationship between evaluative concerns and drive for thinness, with evaluative concerns, measured at Time 1 predicting an increase in drive for thinness at Time 2.

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Two of the three [NiFe]-hydrogenases (Hyd) of Escherichia coli have a hydrogen-uptake function in anaerobic metabolism. While Hyd-2 is maximally synthesized when the bacterium grows by fumarate respiration, Hyd-1 synthesis shows a correlation with fermentation of sugar substrates. In an attempt to advance our knowledge on the physiological function of Hyd-1 during fermentative growth, we examined Hyd-1 activity and levels in various derivatives of E.

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Funding bodies are increasingly recognizing the need to provide graduates and researchers with access to short intensive courses in a variety of disciplines, in order both to improve the general skills base and to provide solid foundations on which researchers may build their careers. In response to the development of 'high-throughput biology', the need for training in the field of bioinformatics, in particular, is seeing a resurgence: it has been defined as a key priority by many Institutions and research programmes and is now an important component of many grant proposals. Nevertheless, when it comes to planning and preparing to meet such training needs, tension arises between the reward structures that predominate in the scientific community which compel individuals to publish or perish, and the time that must be devoted to the design, delivery and maintenance of high-quality training materials.

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