Publications by authors named "McCurdy D"

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of limiting forage provision in pre-weaned calves on ruminal pH and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) transport capacity during the pre-weaning period. Twelve Jersey bull calves (age = 1.9 ± 0.

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Systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAID) are a growing family of disorders of the innate immune system. Over the years, there have been changes in the definition, classification and nomenclature of SAID as new syndromes and pathophysiologic mechanisms continue to be described. Recognizing the clinical manifestations of SAID is important for their early diagnosis and management.

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Pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterized by autoantibodies directed against protein complexes on cellular membranes and leads to a prothrombotic, proinflammatory state. A child with APS may present with venous, arterial, or small vessel thrombosis. Other manifestations of APS include nonthrombotic manifestations, such as hematologic and neurologic symptoms.

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Objectives: Families that contain multiple siblings affected with childhood onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) likely have strong genetic predispositions. We performed whole exome sequencing (WES) to identify familial rare risk variants and to assess their effects in lupus.

Methods: Sanger sequencing validated the two ultra-rare, predicted pathogenic risk variants discovered by WES and identified additional variants in 562 additional patients with SLE.

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  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are now considered medicinal signaling cells due to their role in maintaining tissue health through immune regulation and promoting blood vessel formation.
  • Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have explored MSC applications in treating various illnesses in adults and, to a lesser extent, neonates, particularly for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.
  • This review discusses the current advancements in MSC therapy, including their preparation and safety, mechanisms of action, and documented outcomes, with a focus on advancing multicenter clinical trials for treating severe autoimmune diseases in children.
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Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) for measuring anterior chamber (AC) cells in children with uveitis and to compare different AS-OCT acquisition modes.

Design: Validity and reliability analysis.

Methods: We enrolled children younger than 18 years who had uveitis involving the anterior segment and children without eye disease as controls.

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In Arabidopsis, polarized deposition of wall ingrowths in phloem parenchyma (PP) transfer cells (TCs) occurs adjacent to cells of the sieve element/companion cell (SE/CC) complex. However, the spatial relationships between these different cell types in minor veins, where phloem loading occurs, are poorly understood. PP TC development and wall ingrowth localization were compared with those of other phloem cells in leaves of Col-0 and the transgenic lines AtSUC2::AtSTP9-GFP (green fluorescent protein) and AtSWEET11::AtSWEET11-GFP that identify CCs and PP cells, respectively.

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The need for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) next-generation vaccines has been highlighted by the rise of variants of concern (VoCs) and the long-term threat of emerging coronaviruses. Here, we design and characterize four categories of engineered nanoparticle immunogens that recapitulate the structural and antigenic properties of the prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike (S), S1, and receptor-binding domain (RBD). These immunogens induce robust S binding, ACE2 inhibition, and authentic and pseudovirus neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.

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Phi thickenings are peculiar secondary cell wall thickenings found in radial walls of cortical cells in plant roots. However, while thickenings are widespread in the plant kingdom, research into their development has been lacking. Here, we describe a simple system for rapid induction of phi thickenings in primary roots of Brassica.

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This study examined the effects of changes in rumen fermentation during the weaning transition on abundance of transporters involved in volatile fatty acid (VFA) absorption or intracellular pH homeostasis. Holstein bull calves (n = 27) were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups in a randomized, complete block design: 2 preweaning groups [animals fed milk only (PRE-M) or milk, calf starter, and hay (PRE-S)] and 1 postweaning group (animals fed milk, starter, and hay with a 2-wk weaning transition; POST-S). Calves were euthanized at 42 d of age (PRE-M and PRE-S) or at 63 d of age (POST-S), and rumen epithelium and rumen fluid samples were collected.

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Understanding the mechanisms through which plants generate secondary cell walls is of more than academic interest: the physical properties of plant-derived materials, including timber and textiles, all depend upon secondary wall cellulose organization. Processes controlling cellulose in the secondary cell wall and their reliance on microtubules have been documented in recent decades, but this understanding is complicated, as secondary walls normally form in the plant's interior where live cell imaging is more difficult. We investigated secondary wall formation in the orchid velamen, a multicellular epidermal layer found around orchid roots that consists of dead cells with lignified secondary cell walls.

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Transfer cells (TCs) develop extensive wall ingrowths to facilitate enhanced rates of membrane transport. In Arabidopsis, TCs trans-differentiate from phloem parenchyma (PP) cells abutting the sieve element/companion cell complex in minor veins of foliar tissues and, based on anatomy and expression of SWEET sucrose uniporters, are assumed to play pivotal roles in phloem loading. While wall ingrowth deposition in PP TCs is a dynamic process responding to abiotic stresses such as high light and cold, the transcriptional control of PP TC development, including deposition of the wall ingrowths themselves, is not understood.

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Background: With the advent of innovative therapies including biologics and Janus kinase inhibitors, children with rheumatic diseases are more likely to have improved outcomes. Despite these advances, some children do not respond, or they, or their parents fear adverse events and seek other alternatives. Increasingly, private companies are offering mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as an alternative, which are described as natural therapies for rheumatic diseases, often insinuating them as a cure.

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Article Synopsis
  • The need for next-generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is driven by the emergence of new variants and long-term coronavirus risks, leading to the creation of four types of engineered nanoparticle immunogens that mimic key parts of the virus.
  • These immunogens successfully stimulated strong antibody responses in mice, with one type, the Spike-ferritin nanoparticle (SpFN), producing significantly higher neutralizing antibody levels after just one shot compared to convalescent serum.
  • Immunizations with SpFN and another type, RBD-Ferritin nanoparticle (RFN), provided protection in mice against lethal SARS-CoV-2 infections and generated potent neutralizing antibodies against
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Objective: Pediatric uveitis can lead to sight-threatening complications and can impact quality of life (QoL) and functioning. We aimed to examine health-related QoL, mental health, physical disability, vision-related functioning (VRF), and vision-related QoL in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), JIA-associated uveitis (JIA-U), and other noninfectious uveitis. We hypothesized that there will be differences based on the presence of eye disease.

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Objective: The Effects of Youngsters' Eyesight on Quality of Life (EYE-Q) questionnaire measures vision-related functioning (VRF) and vision-related quality of life (VRQoL) in children with uveitis. Our aim was to revise the alpha version of the EYE-Q to refine VRF and VRQoL subscales and to assess the validity of the EYE-Q.

Methods: Children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), JIA-associated uveitis, and other noninfectious uveitis were enrolled.

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Objective: Specific risk alleles for childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus SLE (cSLE) vs adult-onset SLE (aSLE) patients have not been identified. The aims of this study were to determine if there is an association (1) between non-HLA-related genetic risk score (GRS) and age of SLE diagnosis, and (2) between HLA-related GRS and age of SLE diagnosis.

Methods: Genomic DNA was obtained from 2001 multiethnic patients and genotyped using the Immunochip.

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To understand plant growth and development, it is often necessary to investigate the organization of plant cells and plant cell walls. Plant cell walls are often fluorescently labeled for confocal imaging with the dye propidium iodide using a pseudo-Schiff reaction. This reaction binds free amine groups on dye molecules to aldehyde groups on cellulose that result from oxidation with periodic acid.

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In Arabidopsis thaliana, phloem parenchyma transfer cells (PPTCs) occur in leaf minor veins and play a pivotal role in phloem loading. Wall ingrowth formation in PPTCs is induced by the phloem loading activity of these cells, which is regulated by sucrose (Suc). The effects of endogenous versus exogenous Suc on wall ingrowth deposition, however, differ.

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The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of the weaning transition and supplemental rumen-protected butyrate on subacute ruminal acidosis, feed intake, and growth parameters. Holstein bull calves (n = 36; age = 10.7 ± 4.

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Objective: To develop and validate a diagnostic score that aids in identifying macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) in patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA).

Methods: The clinical and laboratory features of 362 patients with sJIA-associated MAS and 404 patients with active sJIA without evidence of MAS were collected in a multinational collaborative project. Eighty percent of the study population was used to develop the score and the remaining 20% constituted the validation sample.

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Phi thickenings are specialized secondary walls found in root cortical cells. Despite their widespread occurrence throughout the plant kingdom, these specialized thickenings remain poorly understood. First identified by Van Tieghem in 1871, phi thickenings are a lignified and thickened cell wall band that is deposited inside the primary wall, as a ring around the cells' radial walls.

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Background: To reduce treatment variability and facilitate comparative effectiveness studies, the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) published consensus treatment plans (CTPs) including one for juvenile proliferative lupus nephritis (LN). Induction immunosuppression CTPs outline treatment with either monthly intravenous (IV) cyclophosphamide (CYC) or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in conjunction with one of three corticosteroid (steroid) CTPs: primarily oral, primarily IV or mixed oral/IV. The acceptability and in-practice use of these CTPs are unknown.

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