Publications by authors named "McAndrews M"

Pain is an inherently salient multidimensional experience that signals potential bodily threats and promotes nocifensive behaviours. Any stimulus can be salient depending on its features and context. This poses a challenge in delineating pain-specific processes in the brain, rather than salience-driven activity.

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Objective: Dravet syndrome (DS) is a severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by SCN1A haploinsufficiency in the majority of cases. Caregivers of adults with DS often complain about the loss of previously acquired skills. We set out to explore these perceptions and determine whether abnormalities reported were detectable in validated tests.

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Background: The subcallosal cingulate gyrus (SCG) is integral to cognitive function and mood regulation. Open-label SCG deep brain stimulation (DBS) studies demonstrate improvement or stabilisation of cognitive function in treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

Objective: This randomised controlled study aims to evaluate the neuropsychological effects of SCG-DBS.

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Background And Purpose: Dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) exhibit varied clinical manifestations, and high-grade cases are associated with both a risk of hemorrhage and (in certain cases) dementia. Less known, however, is the association between DAVF and more subtle cognitive changes, which might not be clinically apparent without formal neurocognitive testing. This study prospectively assesses baseline cognitive changes in patients with unruptured DAVFs and looks at the effects of treatment on any such changes.

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Article Synopsis
  • Major depressive disorder in older adults (late-life depression) often leads to cognitive impairment, particularly in executive function, which may contribute to treatment resistance.
  • This study analyzed baseline cognitive data from 369 older participants in a clinical trial to understand the relationship between cognitive deficits and the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for treatment-resistant late-life depression.
  • The findings revealed that participants exhibited significant challenges in inhibitory control and processing speed, with deficits in set shifting specifically predicting poorer response to treatment, indicating a need for tailored therapeutic approaches.
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Rodents and human studies indicate that the hippocampus, a brain region necessary for memory processing, responds to noxious stimuli. However, the hippocampus has yet to be considered a key brain region directly involved in the human pain experience. One approach to answer this question is to perform quantitative sensory testing on patients with hippocampal damage-ie, medial temporal lobe epilepsy.

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While time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) after learning promotes memory consolidation in the healthy brain, it is unclear if the same benefit is obtained in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) are potentiated during SWS and thus may disrupt memory consolidation processes thought to depend on hippocampal-neocortical interactions. Here, we explored the relationship between SWS, IEDs, and overnight forgetting in patients with TLE.

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Post-acute sequelae of SARS-COV-2 (PASC) is growing in prevalence, and involves symptoms originating from the central neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, autonomic nervous, or immune systems. There are non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and brain fog, which cannot be ascribed to a single system. PASC places a notable strain on our healthcare system, which is already laden with a large number of acute-COVID-19 patients.

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Objective: The authors evaluated whether treatment of late-life depression (LLD) with antidepressants leads to changes in cognitive function.

Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies of antidepressant pharmacotherapy for adults age 50 or older (or mean age of 65 or older) with LLD was conducted. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsycInfo were searched through December 31, 2022.

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Resting-state (rs) fMRI has been shown to be useful for preoperative mapping of functional areas in patients with brain tumors and epilepsy. However, its lack of standardization limits its widespread use and hinders multicenter collaboration. The American Society of Functional Neuroradiology, American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, and the American Society of Neuroradiology Functional and Diffusion MR Imaging Study Group recommend specific rs-fMRI acquisition approaches and preprocessing steps that will further support rs-fMRI for future clinical use.

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Emergence from anesthesia starts from the limbic structures and then spreads outwards to brainstem, reticular activating systems, and then to the cortex. Epilepsy surgery often involves resection of limbic structures and hence may disrupt the pattern of emergence. The aim of this study was to explore the pattern of emergence from anesthesia following epilepsy surgery and to determine associated variables affecting the emergence pattern.

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Objective: Predicting memory morbidity after temporal lobectomy in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) relies on indices of preoperative temporal lobe structural and functional integrity. However, epilepsy is increasingly considered a network disorder, and memory a network phenomenon. We assessed the utility of functional network measures to predict postoperative memory changes.

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Background: In prior research, we identified and prioritized ten measures to assess research performance that comply with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, a principle adopted worldwide that discourages metrics-based assessment. Given the shift away from assessment based on Journal Impact Factor, we explored potential barriers to implementing and adopting the prioritized measures.

Methods: We identified administrators and researchers across six research institutes, conducted telephone interviews with consenting participants, and used qualitative description and inductive content analysis to derive themes.

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Objective: The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) advocates for assessing biomedical research quality and impact, yet academic organizations continue to employ traditional measures such as Journal Impact Factor. We aimed to identify and prioritize measures for assessing research quality and impact.

Methods: We conducted a review of published and grey literature to identify measures of research quality and impact, which we included in an online survey.

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Intraoperative direct cortical stimulation (DCS) is the gold standard technique to maximize the extent of resection of tumors located in eloquent areas. To date, there are three cases reported of awake mapping for language centers in deaf patients who could communicate only with sign language. We present the case of DCS in a deaf patient who could communicate vocally, native to American Sign Language and English, that underwent intraoperative awake mapping.

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Although recent studies support significant differences in intrinsic structure, function, and connectivity along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus, few studies have investigated the normative development of this dimension. In addition, factors known to influence hippocampal structure, such as sex or puberty, have yet to be characterized when assessing age-related effects on its subregions. This study addresses this gap by investigating the relationship of the anterior (antHC) and posterior (postHC) hippocampus volumes with age, and how these are moderated by sex or puberty, in structural magnetic resonance imaging scans from 183 typically developing participants aged 6-21 years.

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Memory transformation is increasingly acknowledged in theoretical accounts of systems consolidation, yet how memory quality and neural representation change over time and how schemas influence this process remains unclear. We examined the behavioral quality and neural representation of schema-congruent and incongruent object-scene pairs retrieved across 10-minutes and 72-hours using fMRI. When a congruent schema was available, memory became coarser over time, aided by post-encoding coupling between the anterior hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC).

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Histones have a long history of research in a wide range of species, leaving a legacy of complex nomenclature in the literature. Community-led discussions at the EMBO Workshop on Histone Variants in 2011 resulted in agreement amongst experts on a revised systematic protein nomenclature for histones, which is based on a combination of phylogenetic classification and historical symbol usage. Human and mouse histone gene symbols previously followed a genome-centric system that was not applicable across all vertebrate species and did not reflect the systematic histone protein nomenclature.

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Objectives: MRI negative epilepsy has evolved through increased usage of 3 T and insights from surgically correlated studies. The goal of this study is to describe dedicated 3 T epilepsy MRI findings in medically refractory epilepsy (MRE) patients at a tertiary epilepsy center to familiarize radiologists with an updated spectrum and frequency of potential imaging findings in the adult MRE population.

Methods: Included were all patients with MRE admitted to the epilepsy monitoring unit who were discussed at weekly interdisciplinary imaging conferences at Toronto Western Hospital with MRI studies (3 T with dedicated epilepsy protocol) performed between January 2008 and January 2021.

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How do we know what sort of people we are? Do we reflect on specific past instances of our own behaviour, or do we just have a general idea? Previous work has emphasized the role of personal semantic memory (general autobiographical knowledge) in how we assess our own personality traits. Using a standardized trait empathy questionnaire, we show in four experiments that episodic autobiographical memory (memory for specific personal events) is associated with people's judgments of their own trait empathy. Specifically, neurologically healthy young adults rated themselves as more empathic on questionnaire items that cued episodic memories of events in which they behaved empathically.

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Pain is a subjective experience with significant individual differences. Laboratory studies investigating pain thresholds and experimental acute pain have identified structural and functional neural correlates. However, these types of pain stimuli have limited ecological validity to real-life pain experiences.

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Objective: Surgical resection can decrease seizure frequency in medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. However, the functional and structural consequences of this intervention on brain circuitry are poorly understood. We investigated structural changes that occur in brain circuits after mesial temporal lobe resection for refractory epilepsy.

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Objective: To develop and externally validate models to predict the probability of postoperative verbal memory decline in adults after temporal lobe resection (TLR) for epilepsy using easily accessible preoperative clinical predictors.

Methods: Multivariable models were developed to predict delayed verbal memory outcome on 3 commonly used measures: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) and Logical Memory (LM) and Verbal Paired Associates (VPA) subtests from Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition. With the use of the Harrell step-down procedure for variable selection, models were developed in 359 adults who underwent TLR at the Cleveland Clinic and validated in 290 adults at 1 of 5 epilepsy surgery centers in the United States or Canada.

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Background: Waiting for procedures delayed by COVID-19 may cause anxiety and related adverse consequences.

Objective: To synthesize research on the mental health impact of waiting and patient-centred mitigation strategies that could be applied in the COVID-19 context.

Methods: Using a scoping review approach, we searched 9 databases for studies on waiting lists and mental health and reported study characteristics, impacts and intervention attributes and outcomes.

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