Publications by authors named "Mayumi Takakura"

Along the maternal-fetal-neonatal axis, one of the problems relating to the maternal-neonatal axis is infant sleep problems including nighttime crying. One possible solution could be to provide the newborn with sleep-promoting ingredients through breast milk or formula. So far, it has been reported that L-ornithine has a sleep-related effect.

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D-Amino acids exert various physiological functions and are widely present in animals. However, they are absorbed to a lesser extent than L-amino acids. Little is known about D-arginine (D-Arg); however, its isomer L-Arg serves as a substrate for several metabolites and exhibits various functions including promotion of growth hormone secretion.

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The growth of offspring is affected not only by the protein in maternal milk but also by the free amino acids (FAAs) contained in it. L-Serine (L-Ser) is known as an important FAA for the development of the central nervous system and behavioral activity. However, it is not clear whether L-Ser is transported into the pool of FAAs contained in milk and thereby affects the growth of offspring.

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