Publications by authors named "Maya L. Henry"

Script training is a speech-language intervention designed to promote fluent connected speech via repeated rehearsal of functional content. This type of treatment has proven beneficial for individuals with aphasia and apraxia of speech caused by stroke and, more recently, for individuals with primary progressive aphasia (PPA). In the largest study to-date evaluating the efficacy of script training in individuals with nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA; Henry et al.

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Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of speech and language. Although speech perception and language comprehension deficits are observed in individuals with PPA, these deficits have been understudied relative to production deficits. Recent work has examined receptive language processing at sublexical, lexical, and semantic levels in PPA; however, systematic investigation of these levels of processing within a single PPA cohort is lacking.

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Introduction: Interventions to treat speech-language difficulties in primary progressive aphasia (PPA) often use word accuracy as a highly comparable outcome. However, there are more constructs of importance to people with PPA that have received less attention.

Methods: Following Core Outcome Set Standards for Development Recommendations (COSSTAD), this study comprised: Stage 1 - systematic review to identify measures; Stage 2 - consensus groups to identify important outcome constructs for people with PPA (n = 82) and care partners (n = 91); Stage 3 - e-Delphi consensus with 57 researchers.

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  • This study outlines the creation of the first tool specifically designed for assessing functional communication in individuals with primary progressive aphasia (PPA), with plans to adapt it for other progressive illnesses.
  • The protocol emphasizes the need for a validated and reliable method to evaluate communication abilities that minimizes the burden on patients and focuses on their strengths.
  • The lack of existing strengths-based assessment tools for PPA highlights a critical gap in both clinical practice and research, which this study aims to fill.
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Introduction: The term primary progressive aphasia (PPA) describes a group of language-led dementias. Disease-modifying treatments that delay, slow or reverse progression of PPA are currently lacking, though a number of interventions to manage the symptoms of PPA have been developed in recent years. Unfortunately, studies exploring the effectiveness of these interventions have used a variety of different outcome measures, limiting comparability.

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  • Bilingualism is believed to enhance executive functioning and may delay dementia symptoms, but its effects on cognitive reserve in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) haven't been widely studied.
  • The researchers hypothesized that bilingual individuals with behavioral variant FTD would show an older age of symptom onset compared to monolinguals but didn't expect this for other types of primary progressive aphasia (PPA).
  • Contrary to expectations, the study found no significant differences in age at symptom onset or neuropsychological performance between bilingual and monolingual patients across all FTD variants, suggesting bilingualism does not provide the expected protective effect in this group.
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Morphosyntactic assessments are important for characterizing individuals with nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA). Yet, standard tests are subject to examiner bias and often fail to differentiate between nfvPPA and logopenic variant PPA (lvPPA). Moreover, relevant neural signatures remain underexplored.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a self-administered naming treatment for one individual, B.N., presenting with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) and a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

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  • The study explores the impact of Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) variants—nonfluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA), logopenic (lvPPA), and semantic (svPPA)—on non-verbal cognitive abilities, specifically processing speed, using a non-verbal task called Match.
  • Results show that lvPPA and nfvPPA patients performed worse on the task compared to healthy controls and svPPA patients.
  • Neuroimaging revealed that poorer task performance correlated with reduced gray and white matter volumes in key brain regions associated with processing speed and executive control.
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  • The study investigates whether primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPAOS) and progressive agrammatic aphasia (PAA) are distinct conditions or part of a larger non-fluent aphasia spectrum.
  • Using a group of 98 patients, the research examined speech and language characteristics, alongside disease severity, to identify meaningful clinical subgroups and potential shared pathologies.
  • Findings indicated that most participants fit known clinical categories, but the overall data showed low clustering tendencies, suggesting that these speech disorders may not form clear, distinct syndromic entities.
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Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPAOS) are neurodegenerative syndromes characterized by progressive decline in language or speech. There is a growing number of studies investigating speech-language interventions for PPA/PPAOS. An updated systematic evaluation of the treatment evidence is warranted to inform best clinical practice and guide future treatment research.

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  • - The non-fluent/agrammatic variant of primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA) is characterized by symptoms like apraxia of speech and expressive agrammatism, leading to varying speech-language difficulties among patients over time.
  • - There is ongoing debate about whether to classify subtypes of nfvPPA based on symptom presence, including 'primary progressive apraxia of speech' and 'progressive agrammatic aphasia', but overlapping features challenge clear distinctions.
  • - In a study involving 104 patients, researchers linked specific brain atrophy to varying speech-language symptoms, identifying that the neural correlates for both apraxia of speech and expressive agrammatism are located in the left posterior inferior frontal
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Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a language-prominent dementia that fundamentally impacts the lives of not only the person with the diagnosis, but also their family members. While assuming a caregiving role, care partners are vulnerable to negative health and psychosocial consequences of their own. Support groups are one way to meet the needs of care partners, providing opportunities for individuals with common experiences to socialize, obtain knowledge about disorders, and learn coping strategies.

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  • * Researchers identified key brain regions where the disease begins and examined how atrophy spreads by analyzing MRI data from individuals with lvPPA and healthy controls.
  • * Findings revealed two separate brain networks linked to language skills that predict how atrophy advances in lvPPA, highlighting potential differences in patient symptoms and outcomes.
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The logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized linguistically by gradual loss of repetition and naming skills, resulting from left posterior temporal and inferior parietal atrophy. Here, we sought to identify which specific cortical loci are initially targeted by the disease (epicenters) and investigate whether atrophy spreads through pre-determined networks. First, we used cross-sectional structural MRI data from individuals with lvPPA to define putative disease epicenters using a surface-based approach paired with an anatomically-fine-grained parcellation of the cortical surface (i.

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Background And Objectives: In Italy, approximately 650 individuals receive a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) every year. Unfortunately, the frequency with which patients are referred to speech-language services is suboptimal, likely due to skepticism regarding the value of speech-language therapy in the context of neurodegeneration.

Materials And Methods: We conducted a virtual survey of speech and language therapists (SLTs) across Italy, to collect information about the assessment, intervention and management of patients with PPA.

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Semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a loss of semantic knowledge in the context of anterior temporal lobe atrophy (left > right). Core features of svPPA include anomia and single-word comprehension impairment. Despite growing evidence supporting treatment for anomia in svPPA, there is a paucity of research investigating neural mechanisms supporting treatment-induced gains and generalization to untrained items.

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Purpose: Individuals with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) experience loss of communication abilities in the context of neurodegenerative disease. Consequently, many individuals with PPA endorse negative psychosocial effects, including social isolation, reduced communication confidence, and depression. Incorporating communication-centered counseling early and often within the speech-language pathology treatment framework is a vital component in holistically addressing the multifaceted ramifications of living with this devastating disorder.

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Background And Objectives: Motor speech function, including speech timing, is a key domain for diagnosing nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA). Yet, standard assessments use subjective, specialist-dependent evaluations, undermining reliability and scalability. Moreover, few studies have examined relevant anatomo-clinical alterations in patients with pathologically confirmed diagnoses.

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Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by a gradual loss of communication ability. Due to the centrality of communication deficits, speech-language pathologists play a prominent role in the provision of care for individuals with PPA. In this chapter, we outline a person-centered approach to the management of PPA that aims to preserve independence for as long as possible while anticipating future decline in communication and other domains.

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People with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) present with a characteristic progressive breakdown of semantic knowledge. There are currently no pharmacological interventions to cure or slow svPPA, but promising behavioural approaches are increasingly reported. This article offers an overview of the last two decades of research into interventions to support language in people with svPPA including recommendations for clinical practice and future research based on the best available evidence.

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Anomia is an early and prominent feature of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and other neurodegenerative disorders. Research investigating treatment for lexical retrieval impairment in individuals with progressive anomia has focused primarily on monolingual speakers, and treatment in bilingual speakers is relatively unexplored. In this series of single-case experiments, 10 bilingual speakers with progressive anomia received lexical retrieval treatment designed to engage relatively spared cognitive-linguistic abilities and promote word retrieval.

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Purpose This study sought to determine the initial feasibility and benefit of a novel intervention that combines speech-language treatment with counseling treatment for an individual with the nonfluent/agrammatic variant of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Method Using a single-case experimental design, we evaluated the utility of modified script training paired with aphasia-modified cognitive behavioral therapy. The study employed a multiple baseline design across scripts for the primary linguistic outcome measure and a mixed methods approach for analyzing counseling outcomes.

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Purpose Of the three currently recognized variants of primary progressive aphasia, behavioral differentiation between the nonfluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA) and logopenic (lvPPA) variants is particularly difficult. The challenge includes uncertainty regarding diagnosis of apraxia of speech, which is subsumed within criteria for variant classification. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which a variety of speech articulation and prosody metrics for apraxia of speech differentiate between nfvPPA and lvPPA across diverse speech samples.

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Logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) is a neurodegenerative language disorder primarily characterized by impaired phonological processing. Sentence repetition and comprehension deficits are observed in lvPPA and linked to impaired phonological working memory, but recent evidence also implicates impaired speech perception. Currently, neural encoding of the speech envelope, which forms the scaffolding for perception, is not clearly understood in lvPPA.

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