Background: Nearly 7,000 snakebite injuries are reported yearly in the United States, with almost one quarter of those in the pediatric population. Due to increased exposure to snakes, rural children may experience different clinical outcomes for snakebite injuries. The goal of this study was to examine differences in resource utilization of rural and urban pediatric patients with snakebite injuries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFournier's gangrene is a rapidly progressive necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum and external genital organs that is uncommon in the pediatric age group. We present a case report of a 17-year-old obese male with comorbidities of type II diabetes, hypertension, and tobacco use, who presented to the hospital with vague systemic symptoms and pain in the gluteal area. On examination, he was febrile and had erythema and induration of his left scrotum, perineum, and gluteal region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe COVID-19 pandemic reached the United States in early 2020 and spread rapidly across the country. This retrospective study describes the demographic and clinical characteristics of 308 children presenting to an Arkansas Children's emergency department (ED) or admitted to an Arkansas Children's hospital with COVID-19 in the first 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, prior to the emergence of clinically significant variants and available vaccinations. Adolescents aged 13 and older represented the largest proportion of this population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe complex genetic architecture of type-2-diabetes (T2D) includes gene-by-environment (G×E) and gene-by-gene (G×G) interactions. To identify G×E and G×G, we screened markers for patterns indicative of interactions (relationship loci [rQTL] and variance heterogeneity loci [vQTL]). rQTL exist when the correlation between multiple traits varies by genotype and vQTL occur when the variance of a trait differs by genotype (potentially flagging G×G and G×E).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A relationship quantitative trait locus exists when the correlation between multiple traits varies by genotype for that locus. Relationship quantitative trait loci (rQTL) are often involved in gene-by-gene (G×G) interactions or gene-by-environmental interactions, making them a powerful tool for detecting G×G.
Methods: We performed genome-wide association studies to identify rQTL between tau and Aβ42 and ptau and Aβ42 with over 3000 individuals using age, gender, series, APOE ε2, APOE ε4, and two principal components for population structure as covariates.
To investigate the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) to high resolution, the GoT2D and T2D-GENES consortia catalogued variation from whole-genome sequencing of 2,657 European individuals and exome sequencing of 12,940 individuals of multiple ancestries. Over 27M SNPs, indels, and structural variants were identified, including 99% of low-frequency (minor allele frequency [MAF] 0.1-5%) non-coding variants in the whole-genome sequenced individuals and 99.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Washington DC has a high burden of HIV with a 2.0% HIV prevalence. The city is a national and international hub potentially containing a broad diversity of HIV variants; yet few sequences from DC are available on GenBank to assess the evolutionary history of HIV in the US capital.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genetic architecture of common traits, including the number, frequency, and effect sizes of inherited variants that contribute to individual risk, has been long debated. Genome-wide association studies have identified scores of common variants associated with type 2 diabetes, but in aggregate, these explain only a fraction of the heritability of this disease. Here, to test the hypothesis that lower-frequency variants explain much of the remainder, the GoT2D and T2D-GENES consortia performed whole-genome sequencing in 2,657 European individuals with and without diabetes, and exome sequencing in 12,940 individuals from five ancestry groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIdentifying accurate biomarkers of cognitive decline is essential for advancing early diagnosis and prevention therapies in Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's disease DREAM Challenge was designed as a computational crowdsourced project to benchmark the current state-of-the-art in predicting cognitive outcomes in Alzheimer's disease based on high dimensional, publicly available genetic and structural imaging data. This meta-analysis failed to identify a meaningful predictor developed from either data modality, suggesting that alternate approaches should be considered for prediction of cognitive performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraditional quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis focuses on identifying loci associated with mean heterogeneity. Recent research has discovered loci associated with phenotype variance heterogeneity (vQTL), which is important in studying genetic association with complex traits, especially for identifying gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. While several tests have been proposed to detect vQTL for unrelated individuals, there are no tests for related individuals, commonly seen in family-based genetic studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The mitochondria are essential organelles and are the location of cellular respiration, which is responsible for the majority of ATP production. Each cell contains multiple mitochondria, and each mitochondrion contains multiple copies of its own circular genome. The ratio of mitochondrial genomes to nuclear genomes is referred to as mitochondrial copy number.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenet Epidemiol
January 2014
Recent research has revealed loci that display variance heterogeneity through various means such as biological disruption, linkage disequilibrium (LD), gene-by-gene (G × G), or gene-by-environment interaction. We propose a versatile likelihood ratio test that allows joint testing for mean and variance heterogeneity (LRT(MV)) or either effect alone (LRT(M) or LRT(V)) in the presence of covariates. Using extensive simulations for our method and others, we found that all parametric tests were sensitive to nonnormality regardless of any trait transformations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRelationship loci (rQTL) exist when the correlation between multiple traits varies by genotype. rQTL often occur due to gene-by-gene (G × G) or gene-by-environmental interactions, making them a powerful tool for detecting G × G. Here we present an empirical analysis of apolipoprotein E (APOE) with respect to lipid traits and incident CHD leading to the discovery of loci that interact with APOE to affect these traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The decision as to whether a patient can tolerate surgery is often subjective and can misjudge a patient's true physiologic state. The concept of frailty is an important assessment tool in the geriatric medical population, but has only recently gained attention in surgical patients. Frailty potentially represents a measureable phenotype, which, if quantified with a standardized protocol, could reliably estimate the risk of adverse surgical outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVarious studies have suggested that the mitochondrial genome plays a role in late-onset Alzheimer's disease, although results are mixed. We used an endophenotype-based approach to further characterize mitochondrial genetic variation and its relationship to risk markers for Alzheimer's disease. We analyzed longitudinal data from non-demented, mild cognitive impairment, and late-onset Alzheimer's disease participants in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative with genetic, brain imaging, and behavioral data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioclimates are syntheses of climatic variables into biologically relevant categories that facilitate comparative studies of biotic responses to climate conditions. Isobioclimates, unique combinations of bioclimatic indices (continentality, ombrotype, and thermotype), were constructed for northern California coastal ranges based on the Rivas-Martinez worldwide bioclimatic classification system for the end of the 20(th) century climatology (1971-2000) and end of the 21(st) century climatology (2070-2099) using two models, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) model and the Parallel Climate Model (PCM), under the medium-high A2 emission scenario. The digitally mapped results were used to 1) assess the relative redistribution of isobioclimates and their magnitude of change, 2) quantify the loss of isobioclimates into the future, 3) identify and locate novel isobioclimates projected to appear, and 4) explore compositional change in vegetation types among analog isobioclimate patches.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia and AD risk clusters within families. Part of the familial aggregation of AD is accounted for by excess maternal vs. paternal inheritance, a pattern consistent with mitochondrial inheritance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVariations in diabetic phenotypes are caused by complex interactions of genetic effects, environmental factors, and the interplay between the two. We tease apart these complex interactions by examining genome-wide genetic and epigenetic effects on diabetes-related traits among different sex, diet, and sex-by-diet cohorts in a Mus musculus model. We conducted a genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci that affect serum glucose and insulin levels and response to glucose stress in an F(16) Advanced Intercross Line of the LG/J and SM/J intercross (Wustl:LG,SM-G16).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccurately determining the distribution of rare variants is an important goal of human genetics, but resequencing of a sample large enough for this purpose has been unfeasible until now. Here, we applied Sanger sequencing of genomic PCR amplicons to resequence the diabetes-associated genes KCNJ11 and HHEX in 13,715 people (10,422 European Americans and 3,293 African Americans) and validated amplicons potentially harbouring rare variants using 454 pyrosequencing. We observed far more variation (expected variant-site count ∼578) than would have been predicted on the basis of earlier surveys, which could only capture the distribution of common variants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVariation in serum cholesterol, free-fatty acids, and triglycerides is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. There is great interest in characterizing the underlying genetic architecture of these risk factors, because they vary greatly within and among human populations and between the sexes. We present results of a genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting serum cholesterol, free-fatty acids, and triglycerides in an F(16) advanced intercross line of LG/J and SM/J (Wustl:LG,SM-G16).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince genome size and the number of duplicate genes observed in genomes increase from haploid to diploid organisms, diploidy might provide more evolutionary probabilities through gene duplication. It is still unclear how diploidy promotes genomic evolution in detail. In this study, we explored the evolution of segmental gene duplication in haploid and diploid populations by analytical and simulation approaches.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObesity (Silver Spring)
January 2011
Although the current obesity epidemic is of environmental origin, there is substantial genetic variation in individual response to an obesogenic environment. In this study, we perform a genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting obesity per se, or an obese response to a high-fat diet in mice from the LG/J by SM/J Advanced Intercross (AI) Line (Wustl:LG,SM-G16). A total of 1,002 animals from 78 F₁₆ full sibships were weaned at 3 weeks of age and half of each litter placed on high- and low-fat diets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenotype/phenotype association analyses (Treescan) with plasma lipid levels and functional site prediction methods (TreeSAAP and PolyPhen) were performed using sequence data for ANGPTL4 from 3,551 patients in the Dallas Heart Study. Biological assays of rare variants in phenotypic tails and results from a Treescan analysis were used as "known" variants to assess the site prediction abilities of PolyPhen and TreeSAAP. The E40K variant in European Americans and the R278Q variant in African Americans were significantly associated with multiple lipid phenotypes.
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