We report on a fiber-based chirped-pulse-amplification laser system with bulk transmission grating compression to a pulse duration of 357 fs, average power of 175 W, and pulse energy of 233 . The compressed pulse train has a beam quality factor M of 1.21.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate power-scaling of a Kerr lens mode-locked (KLM) Yb:LuO thin-disk laser (TDL) oscillator operating in the sub-100-fs pulse duration regime. Employing a scheme with higher round-trip gain by increasing the number of passes through the thin-disk gain element, we increase the average power by a factor of two and the optical-to-optical efficiency by a factor of almost three compared to our previous sub-100-fs mode-locking results. The oscillator generates pulses with a duration of 95 fs at 21.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate the first Kerr lens mode-locked Yb:CaGdAlO (Yb:CALGO) thin-disk laser oscillator. It generates pulses with a duration of 30 fs at a central wavelength of 1048 nm and a repetition rate of 124 MHz. The laser emits the shortest pulses generated by a thin-disk laser oscillator, equal to the shortest pulse duration obtained by Yb-doped bulk oscillators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the first diode-pumped modelocked thulium (Tm) laser based on a double-tungstate crystalline gain material. The solid-state laser consists of a Tm:KY(WO) crystal as gain medium and a GaInSb/GaSb quantum well saturable absorber for self-starting passive mode locking. The laser is pumped by a multi-mode fiber-coupled laser diode at a wavelength of 793 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present the first semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) mode-locked praseodymium solid-state laser. The laser is based on a Pr(3+):LiYF(4) crystal as gain medium and a GaInP-quantum well-based SESAM. Self-starting continuous-wave mode-locked laser operation with an average output power of 16 mW is achieved at a center wavelength of 639.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on a diode-pumped Tm:KYW microchip laser generating 1 W continuous-wave output power. The laser operates at a wavelength of 1.94 μm in the fundamental TEM(00) mode with 71% slope efficiency relative to the absorbed pump radiation and 59% slope efficiency relative to the incident pump radiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPassive Q-switched mode locking of a 2.09 microm flashlamp-pumped Cr(3+),Tm(3+),Ho(3+):Y(3)Sc(2)Al(3)O(12) laser by use of a phosphate glass doped with PbS quantum dots of 5 nm in radius was demonstrated. Mode-locked pulses of 290 ps in duration and up to 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPbS quantum-dot-doped glasses are demonstrated as saturable absorber Q-switches for 2 microm holmium lasers. Q-switched pulses from Ho3+:Y3Sc2Al3O12 and Ho3+:Y3Al5O12 lasers of 50 and 70 ns in duration, respectively, have been obtained demonstrating up to 13% of energy conversion efficiency from free-running to Q-switched output.
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