Publications by authors named "Mauro Larra"

An increased prevalence of mixed-handedness has been reported in several neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, there is high between-study variability in the definition of mixed-handedness, leading to a major methodological problem in clinical laterality research and endangering replicability and comparability of research findings. Adding to this challenge is the fact that sometimes researchers use the concepts of mixed-handedness and ambidexterity interchangeably.

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Early life events can have long-lasting effects that may impact the quality of life into adulthood. The link between childhood adversities and adult mental and physical health is well documented, however, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Executive functions are assumed to be a key factor in successfully dealing with cognitive-emotional challenges thereby contributing to stress resilience and mental health across the lifespan.

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Variations in cardioafferent traffic are relayed to the brain via arterial baroreceptors and have been shown to modulate perceptual processing. However, less is known about the cognitive-behavioral consequences of these effects and their role during stress. Here, we investigated in how far automatic responses during the Simon task were modulated by exposure to a laboratory stressor and the different phases of the cardiac cycle.

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When EEG recordings are used to reveal interactions between central-nervous and cardiovascular processes, the cardiac field artifact (CFA) poses a major challenge. Because the electric field generated by cardiac activity is also captured by scalp electrodes, the CFA arises as a heavy contaminant whenever EEG data are analyzed time-locked to cardio-electric events. A typical example is measuring stimulus-evoked potentials elicited at different phases of the cardiac cycle.

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Stress exposure and reactivity may show differential associations with handedness, but shallow phenotyping may influence the current knowledge. Importantly, different handedness measures do not necessarily show high correlations with each other and should not be used interchangeably as they may reflect different dimensions of laterality. Here, data on handedness from 599 participants in the population-based, longitudinal Dortmund Vital Study was used to determine various asymmetry indices.

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Introduction: Excessive stress is increasingly recognized as an important trigger of many diseases prevalent in modern societies, and monitoring such stress-related effects could aid prevention. The measurement of salivary markers of inflammation is emerging as a promising tool to non-invasively quantify stress' effects on immune processes in everyday life and thereby detect early aberrations before the manifestation of serious health problems. However, more laboratory-controlled research is needed in order to establish the timescale and determinants of salivary cytokine responses to acute stress.

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Stress is assumed to inhibit the top-down control of attention and to facilitate bottom-up processing. Evidence from human experiments, however, remains scarce. Previous studies have addressed how stress affects the interplay of bottom-up and top-down mechanisms of attention.

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EEG resting-state alpha asymmetry is one of the most widely investigated forms of functional hemispheric asymmetries in both basic and clinical neuroscience. However, studies yield inconsistent results. One crucial prerequisite to obtain reproducible results is the reliability of the index of interest.

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Despite the high stress levels, paramedics seem to ignore or even negate the stress. This can be detrimental and lead to stress-related diseases. Therefore, we investigated the divergence between physiological and psychological stress responses of paramedics.

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Objective: We demonstrate and discuss the use of mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) for neuroergonomics. Both technical state of the art as well as measures and cognitive concepts are systematically addressed.

Background: Modern work is increasingly characterized by information processing.

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Both cognitive stressors (such as mental arithmetic tasks) and physical stressors (such as the cold pressor test, CP) are among the most widely employed tools in acute stress research, and there is growing evidence for a high degree of stimulus-response specificity, rather than uniformity, in the human stress response. However, little is known about potential synergistic or interfering effects during concurrent administration. While cognitive tasks have been hypothesized to attenuate pain perception during CP, they are also thought to enhance physiological reactivity.

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Cardiac-cycle-time effects are attributed to variations in baroreceptor (BR) activity and have been shown to impinge on subcortical as well as cortical processes. However, cognitive and sensorimotor processes mediating voluntary responses seem to be differentially affected. We sought to disentangle cardiac-cycle-time effects on subcortical and cortical levels as well as sensorimotor and cognitive processes within a spatial stimulus-response-compatibility paradigm employing startling stimuli of different modalities.

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When studying the factors which influence stress reactivity in within-subject designs, test-retest reproducibility data is needed to estimate power and sample size. We report such data regarding a new experimental stress protocol, based on simultaneous application of the socially evaluated, bilateral feet Cold Pressor Test (CPT) and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT). Cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and subjective (affective) stress responses of 32 healthy males were measured twice, at an interval of one week.

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The corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is a neuropeptide mediating stress responses. CRH exerts effects via the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis as well as immediate effects on the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system. Genetic variants of the CRH promoter were previously found to be associated with altered CRH promoter activity and physiological reactions.

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Frontal EEG asymmetry has been proposed as an index of emotional regulation, reflecting both state and trait components, and there is evidence that these factors influence the cortisol response to stress. Here, we asked whether cold pressor stress modulates frontal asymmetry and whether this is predictive of the neuroendocrine stress response. Twenty-four male participants underwent an automatized bilateral feet cold pressor test (bfCPT) and a warm water control procedure in counterbalanced order on two separate days, one week apart.

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The negative health effects of early life adversity (ELA) continue long into adulthood. Changes in the physiological response to psychosocial stressors have been proposed to mediate this effect. However, many previous studies have come to contradicting conclusions as to whether ELA induces a long-term increase or decrease in stress reactivity.

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Facial self-resemblance has been associated with positive emotional evaluations, but this effect may be biased by self-face familiarity. Here we report two experiments utilizing startle modulation to investigate how the processing of facial expressions of emotion is affected by subtle resemblance to the self as well as to familiar faces. Participants of the first experiment (I) (N = 39) were presented with morphed faces showing happy, neutral, and fearful expressions which were manipulated to resemble either their own or unknown faces.

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The Cold Pressor Test (CPT) is often used in psychobiological research. However, the classical CPT version (unilateral hand immersion into ice-water) involves some disadvantages: hands may be needed for further applications, attentional drift towards the affected sensory hemi-field and/or physiological activation of the contralateral hemisphere may produce a laterality bias. Furthermore, instruction-induced motor activity may bias physiologic reactivity.

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Most widely-used stress-induction procedures (such as the TSST and the Cold Pressor Test) require considerable effort and overhead in terms of preparation, logistics, and staff recruitment. Moreover, while known to reliably induce HPA axis activation, especially when combined with social self-threat, most conventional laboratory stressors cannot be flexibly adapted to elicit either a mainly autonomic or an additional endocrine stress response. Being a promising alternative approach, a new version of the isometric handgrip test enriched by a social-evaluative component was evaluated in the present study.

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Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) may influence stress and affective processing in adulthood. Animal and human studies show enhanced startle reflexivity in adult participants with ACE. This study examined the impact of one of the most common ACE, parental divorce, on startle reflexivity in adulthood.

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Trace eyeblink conditioning is used as a translational model of declarative memory but restricted to the temporal domain. Potential spatial aspects have never been experimentally addressed. We employed a spatiotemporal trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm in which a spatial dimension (application side of the unconditioned stimulus) was differentially coded by tone frequency of the conditioned stimulus and recorded conditioned reactions from both eyes.

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Current approaches to assess interoception of respiratory functions cannot differentiate between the physiological basis of interoception, i.e. visceral-afferent signal processing, and the psychological process of attention focusing.

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The relationship between attention and stress is far from understood. In fact, some studies reported better attentional selection during and after stress, some studies reported worse attentional selection, and some studies reported no effects of stress on attentional selection at all. We argue that given the complexity of both concepts more data are needed as to ultimately understand this relationship.

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The effect of cardiac cycle time on attentional selection was investigated in an experiment in which participants classified target letters in a visual selection task. Stimulus onsets were aligned to the R wave of the electrocardiogram and stimuli presented either during the ventricular systole or diastole. Selection efficiency was operationalized as difference in target selection performance under conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous distractors.

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The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a crucial endocrine system for coping with stress. A reliable and stable marker for the basal state of that system is the cortisol awakening response (CAR). We examined the influence of variants of four relevant candidate genes; the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (MR), the glucocorticoid receptor gene (GR), the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and the gene encoding the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on CAR and self-perceived stress in 217 healthy subjects.

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