Publications by authors named "Matthieu Tissier"

It is expected that conformal symmetry is an emergent property of many systems at their critical point. This imposes strong constraints on the critical behavior of a given system. Taking them into account in theoretical approaches can lead to a better understanding of the critical physics or improve approximation schemes.

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We examine the influence of quenched disorder on the flocking transition of dense polar active matter. We consider incompressible systems of active particles with aligning interactions under the effect of either quenched random forces or random dilution. The system displays a continuous disorder-order (flocking) transition, and the associated scaling behavior is described by a new universality class which is controlled by a quenched Navier-Stokes fixed point.

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Lattice simulations of the QCD correlation functions in the Landau gauge have established two remarkable facts. First, the coupling constant in the gauge sector-defined, e.g.

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We provide a theoretical analysis by means of the nonperturbative functional renormalization group (NP-FRG) of the corrections to scaling in the critical behavior of the random-field Ising model (RFIM) near the dimension d_{DR}≈5.1 that separates a region where the renormalized theory at the fixed point is supersymmetric and critical scaling satisfies the d→d-2 dimensional reduction property (d>d_{DR}) from a region where both supersymmetry and dimensional reduction break down at criticality (d View Article and Find Full Text PDF

Field-theoretical calculations performed in an approximation scheme often present a spurious dependence of physical quantities on some unphysical parameters associated with the details of the calculation setup (such as the renormalization scheme or, in perturbation theory, the resummation procedure). In the present article, we propose to reduce this dependence by invoking conformal invariance. Using as a benchmark the three-dimensional Ising model, we show that, within the derivative expansion at order 4, performed in the nonperturbative renormalization group formalism, the identity associated with this symmetry is not exactly satisfied.

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We compute the critical exponents ν, η and ω of O(N) models for various values of N by implementing the derivative expansion of the nonperturbative renormalization group up to next-to-next-to-leading order [usually denoted O(∂^{4})]. We analyze the behavior of this approximation scheme at successive orders and observe an apparent convergence with a small parameter, typically between 1/9 and 1/4, compatible with previous studies in the Ising case. This allows us to give well-grounded error bars.

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Using the Wilson renormalization group, we show that if no integrated vector operator of scaling dimension -1 exists, then scale invariance implies conformal invariance. By using the Lebowitz inequalities, we prove that this necessary condition is fulfilled in all dimensions for the Ising universality class. This shows, in particular, that scale invariance implies conformal invariance for the three-dimensional Ising model.

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We investigate the connection between a formal property of the critical behavior of several disordered systems, known as "dimensional reduction," and the presence in these systems at zero temperature of collective events known as "avalanches." Avalanches generically produce nonanalyticities in the functional dependence of the cumulants of the renormalized disorder. We show that this leads to a breakdown of the dimensional reduction predictions if and only if the fractal dimension characterizing the scaling properties of the avalanches is exactly equal to the difference between the dimension of space and the scaling dimension of the primary field.

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We provide a resolution of one of the long-standing puzzles in the theory of disordered systems. By reformulating the functional renormalization group for the critical behavior of the random field Ising model in a superfield formalism, we are able to follow the associated supersymmetry and its spontaneous breaking along the functional renormalization group flow. Breaking is shown to occur below a critical dimension d(DR) ≃ 5.

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By applying the recently developed nonperturbative functional renormalization group (FRG) approach, we study the interplay between ferromagnetism, quasi-long-range order (QLRO), and criticality in the d-dimensional random-field O(N) model in the whole (N, d) diagram. Even though the "dimensional reduction" property breaks down below some critical line, the topology of the phase diagram is found similar to that of the pure O(N) model, with, however, no equivalent of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. In addition, we obtain that QLRO, namely, a topologically ordered "Bragg glass" phase, is absent in the 3-dimensional random-field XY model.

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We develop a nonperturbative functional renormalization group approach for the random-field O(N) model that allows us to investigate the ordering transition in any dimension and for any value of N including the Ising case. We show that the failure of dimensional reduction and standard perturbation theory is due to the nonanalytic nature of the zero-temperature fixed point controlling the critical behavior, nonanalyticity, which is associated with the existence of many metastable states. We find that this nonanalyticity leads to critical exponents differing from the dimensional reduction prediction only below a critical dimension dc(N)<6, with dc(N=1)>3.

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