Background: In a previous study, telmisartan suppressed aldosterone secretion in healthy cats but not in cats with primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA).
Hypotheses: Telmisartan suppresses aldosterone secretion in middle-aged healthy cat and cats with diseases that may result in secondary hyperaldosteronism, but not in those with PHA.
Animals: Thirty-eight cats: 5 with PHA; 16 with chronic kidney disease (CKD), subclassified as hypertensive (CKD-H) or non-hypertensive (CKD-NH); 9 with hyperthyroidism (HTH); 2 with idiopathic systemic arterial hypertension (ISH); and 6 healthy middle-aged cats.
Objectives: This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and clinical presentation of presumed hereditary or presumed breed-related ocular diseases in a population of cats in France.
Methods: Medical records from between September 2013 and August 2017 were reviewed to identify cats with at least one presumed hereditary or breed-related ocular disease. Cats with concurrent, or a history of, ocular or systemic infectious diseases were excluded.