Rev Esc Enferm USP
February 2022
Objective: To analyze the effects of an educational intervention in the light of the Meaningful Learning Theory on the knowledge and attitude of Primary Health Care physicians and nurses in the assessment of the degree of physical disability in leprosy.
Method: An intervention study of the before-and-after type, conducted with 122 professionals (84 nurses and 38 physicians) from the Primary Health Care of João Pessoa, Paraíba, in a training course on the assessment of the degree of physical disability in leprosy. The data were collected with the research's own instrument validated and analyzed by the chi-square adherence and proportion test, with a 5% significance level.
Objective: To develop and test the content validity of the "Knowledge and Attitudes on Assessing Degrees of Physical Disability in Leprosy" instrument.
Methods: Methodological study carried out between January and May 2019 in three stages: item generation, analysis of aggregated redundancy to the composition, and content validation, using the Delphi technique.
Results: In the first evaluation, a relevance of ≥ 0.