Objectives: To evaluate noninvasively bone resorption in infants and more specifically, to assess the accuracy of urinary collagen type 1 cross-linked N-telopeptide (NTX) excretion normalized to creatinine (NTX/Cr) in a spot urine sample as a reflection of daily NTX production in infants and to compute normative values for NTX excretion from birth to 1 year of age.
Methods: NTX/Cr values obtained from a single spot urine sample were compared with daily urinary NTX excretion and NTX/Cr obtained in 24-hour urine collected from 8 hospitalized infants. Normative values for NTX excretion were collated with a cross-sectional study in 70 healthy French infants (42 boys, 28 girls) aged 0 to 374 days (weight: 2700-11 340 g; length: 46-76.