Publications by authors named "Massa S"

Objective: Effective implementation of timely postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) as a quality metric for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) care may reduce survival disparities in subgroups with the highest risk of mortality-advanced stage and Black race. We sought to determine if the association between timely PORT and survival varies among clinical and demographic high-risk subgroups.

Methods: In this retrospective cohort study using the National Cancer Database 2004-2020, patients with HPV-negative HNSCC treated with surgery and PORT were identified.

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Background: Folate receptor alpha (FRα) overexpression is seen in many cancers. Radioligand therapy (RLT) has emerged as a promising tool to target FRα and has been investigated previously, but further progression was limited due to high kidney retention and, subsequently, toxicity. To circumvent this, we present here the development of a [I]I-GMIB-conjugated anti-human FRα (hFRα) single-domain antibody (sdAb), with intrinsically fast renal clearance and concomitant low kidney retention.

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Purpose: To determine whether dropless, injection-based cataract surgery prophylaxis with intracameral antibiotic and subconjunctival steroid may reduce healthcare system costs and patient out-of-pocket costs compared with topical medication regimens.

Setting: U.S.

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Background: Glycogen Storage Disease type III (GSD III) is a metabolic disorder resulting from a deficiency of the Glycogen Debranching Enzyme (GDE), a large monomeric protein (approximately 170 kDa) with cytoplasmic localization and two distinct enzymatic activities: 4-α-glucantransferase and amylo-α-1,6-glucosidase. Mutations in the Agl gene, with consequent deficiency in GDE, lead to the accumulation of abnormal/toxic glycogen with shorter chains (phosphorylase limit dextrin, PLD) in skeletal and/or heart muscle and/or in the liver. Currently, there is no targeted therapy, and available treatments are symptomatic, relying on specific diets.

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  • The study aimed to analyze short- and long-term opioid prescribing patterns and identify factors contributing to chronic opioid use after common otolaryngology surgeries.
  • It was a retrospective analysis of 19,819 adult patients who underwent procedures from 2010 to 2017, finding that opioid prescriptions varied significantly based on the type of procedure, patient demographics, and healthcare provider characteristics.
  • The results showed that patients undergoing tonsillectomies had the highest opioid prescription rates (45.4%), while continuous opioid use was relatively low, with only 0.48% and 0.27% still using opioids at 180 and 360 days, respectively.
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p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75) signaling pathways substantially overlap with degenerative networks active in Alzheimer disease (AD). Modulation of p75 with the first-in-class small molecule LM11A-31 mitigates amyloid-induced and pathological tau-induced synaptic loss in preclinical models. Here we conducted a 26-week randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded phase 2a safety and exploratory endpoint trial of LM11A-31 in 242 participants with mild to moderate AD with three arms: placebo, 200 mg LM11A-31 and 400 mg LM11A-31, administered twice daily by oral capsules.

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: Ultrasound (US) has been progressively spreading as the most useful technique for guiding biopsies and fine-needle aspirations that are performed percutaneously. Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) represents the most common malignant pleural tumour. Thoracoscopy represents the gold standard for diagnosis, although conditions hampering such diagnostic approach often coexist.

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  • * A special diet called the neutropenic diet (ND) is used to help reduce the risk of infections, but there isn't a clear definition of what it should include, and it may not actually help patients survive better.
  • * Instead of just focusing on what foods to avoid, teaching patients and caregivers about safe food handling and cooking is much more effective for keeping them healthy.
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  • The study investigates the relationship between postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) and overall survival (OS) in patients with early-stage HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) that has positive lymphovascular invasion (LVI).
  • Researchers analyzed data from 2,768 patients treated surgically between 2010 and 2019, focusing on those with LVI and PORT to determine its impact on 5-year OS.
  • Findings suggest that PORT does not significantly improve 5-year OS for patients with early-stage HPV+ OPSCC who only exhibit LVI as an adverse feature, implying that they might not need PORT after surgery.
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The progressive reappearance of Zika virus (ZIKV) infections since October 2013 and its circulation in >70 countries and territories (from French Polynesia to Brazil and other countries in the Americas, with sporadic spread in Europe and the East) has long been reported as a global public health emergency. ZIKV is a virus transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses), mainly by Aedes mosquitoes. ZIKV can also be transmitted to humans through mechanisms other than vector infection such as sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, and mother-to-child transmission.

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Human milk banks (HMBs), established in the early 20th century, aimed to provide safe breast milk for infants with challenges obtaining it. The spread of infections since the 1980s resulted in strict regulations and screening in HMBs, to ensure the safety of donated milk. Several social and personal factors discourage mothers from practicing breastfeeding, making donated milk a viable alternative because of its protective and immunity-enhancing properties.

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Fibroblast activation protein α (FAP) is highly expressed on cancer-associated fibroblasts of epithelial-derived cancers. Breast, colon, and pancreatic tumors often show strong desmoplastic reactions, which result in a dominant presence of stromal cells. FAP has gained interest as a target for molecular imaging and targeted therapies.

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Introduction: Future long-term space missions will focus to the solar system exploration, with the Moon and Mars as leading goals. Plant cultivation will provide fresh food as a healthy supplement to astronauts' diet in confined and unhealthy outposts. Ionizing radiation (IR) are a main hazard in outer space for their capacity to generate oxidative stress and DNA damage.

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Leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the esophagus. Open thoracotomy, the traditional approach adopted for the enucleation of the esophageal leiomyoma, over the years, has been gradually replaced by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. However, this minimally invasive approach has limitations, such as two-dimensional vision and reduced range of motion, which have recently been overcome by technical advantages of robot-assisted surgery.

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Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which contributes to millions of cases of dementia worldwide. The dominant theoretical models of Alzheimer's disease propose that the brain passively succumbs to disruptions in proteostasis, neuronal dysfunction, inflammatory and other processes, ultimately leading to neurodegeneration and dementia. However, an emerging body of evidence suggests that the adult brain is endowed with endogenous mechanisms of resilience which may enable individuals to remain cognitively intact for years despite underlying pathology.

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Importance: Diagnostic delay can negatively affect patient outcomes in head and neck cancer (HNC). Neck mass and other symptoms of undiagnosed HNC may be treated with antibiotics, delaying diagnosis and treatment, despite current clinical practice guidelines.

Objective: To investigate temporal trends, associated factors, and time from symptom onset to antibiotic prescribing before an HNC diagnosis.

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The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has led to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide since its declaration as a global pandemic in March 2020. Alongside the typical respiratory symptoms, unusual clinical manifestations such as oral lichen planus (OLP) have been observed. OLP is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous dermatosis that results from a cell-mediated reaction, and its pathogenesis involves the loss of immunological tolerance.

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Objective: Survival of laryngeal cancer is decreasing; thus, optimal treatment selection is paramount. Specifically, T3 disease survival appears similar with surgical or non-surgical management; however, the implications of vocal cord fixation on treatment selection and survival are unknown. This study seeks to determine if surgical treatment of patients with T3M0 laryngeal cancer with vocal cord fixation is associated with superior survival compared to non-surgical treatment.

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Importance: The assessment and management of surgical margins in stage I and II oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most important perioperative aspects of oncologic care, with profound implications for patient outcomes and adjuvant therapy. Understanding and critically reviewing the existing data surrounding margins in this context is necessary to rigorously care for this challenging group of patients and minimize patient morbidity and mortality.

Observations: This review discusses the data related to the definitions related to surgical margins, methods for assessment, specimen vs tumor bed margin evaluation, and re-resection of positive margins.

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Celiac disease is an immune-mediated disorder caused by the ingestion of gluten proteins. The gluten-free diet is currently the only therapy to achieve the symptoms' remission. Biotechnological approaches are currently being explored to obtain safer and healthier food for celiacs.

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Background: Uninsured individuals age 55-64 experience disproportionately poor outcomes compared to their insured counterparts. Adequate coverage may prevent these delays. This study investigates a "Medicare-effect" on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) diagnosis and treatment.

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Motor rehabilitation strategies after unilateral stroke suggest that the immobilization of the healthy, unimpaired limb can promote the functional recovery of a paretic limb. In rodents, this has been modeled using casts, harnesses, and other means of restricting the use of the non-paretic forelimb in models of experimental stroke. Here, we evaluated an alternative approach, using botulinum toxin injections to limit the function of the non-paretic forelimb.

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Objective: Determine trends and survival implications of adjuvant systemic therapy use for lower risk head and neck cancer.

Study Design: Retrospective cohort study.

Setting: US National Cancer Database, 2010 to 2019.

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Background: HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is associated with a favorable prognosis, yet patients of color and low socioeconomic status (SES) continue to experience inferior outcomes. We aim to understand how the emergence of HPV has impacted race and SES survival disparities in OPSCC.

Methods: A retrospective cohort of 18,362 OPSCC cases from 2010 to 2017 was assembled using the SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) database.

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