Publications by authors named "Maskell N"

The incidence of pleural infection seems to be increasing worldwide. Despite continued advances in the management of this condition, morbidity and mortality have essentially remained static over the past decade. This article summarizes the current evidence and opinions on the epidemiology, etiology, and management of complicated pleural effusions caused by infection, including empyema.

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Unlabelled: Procalcitonin has been shown to be useful in separating infection from non-infective disorders. However, infection is often paralleled by tissue inflammation. Most studies supporting the use of procalcitonin were confounded by more significant inflammation in the infection group.

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Mesothelin has been proposed as a useful tool in the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). We aimed to examine its diagnostic utility and the impact of renal impairment on results. We prospectively recruited 230 patients with new undiagnosed pleural effusions, testing serum (n=216) and pleural fluid (n=206) mesothelin (by ELISA) during the initial consultation.

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Background: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an incurable cancer with a rising incidence. MPM is often perceived as a locally invasive cancer, and the exact cause of death is poorly understood.This two-center study describes the anatomic features of patients with MPM at postmortem.

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VEGF is a key mediator of tumour growth and metastasis and is considered central to the formation of exudative pleural effusions. This study examined the relationship between levels of VEGF and its soluble receptor, sVEGFR-1 in the pleural fluid and plasma of patients with malignant pleural effusions and their association with pleurodesis outcomes and survival. 103 patients with malignant pleural effusions were recruited at their first presentation.

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Background: More than 30% of patients with pleural infection either die or require surgery. Drainage of infected fluid is key to successful treatment, but intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy did not improve outcomes in an earlier, large, randomized trial.

Methods: We conducted a blinded, 2-by-2 factorial trial in which 210 patients with pleural infection were randomly assigned to receive one of four study treatments for 3 days: double placebo, intrapleural tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase, t-PA and placebo, or DNase and placebo.

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Drainage of pleural effusions is often necessary to keep patients symptom free. This article describes two methods of removing pleural fluid and outlines the insertion procedure. Indications, potential complications and post-procedure management are also discussed.

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Bedside thoracic ultrasound is gaining popularity among non-radiologists, because of its advantages in the diagnosis and management of pleural disease. However, it has significant potential pitfalls and formal training is essential to avoid harm. This review gives an overview of the utility of ultrasound and discusses training.

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The incidence of mesothelioma continues to increase in the Western world and is likely to do so until 2011-2015. It commonly presents with breathlessness secondary to a pleural effusion, and whilst guidelines still advise thoracocentesis as the first line investigation, the sensitivity of this is low and a tissue diagnosis is usually required. Abrams needle biopsy also has a low diagnostic yield and high complication rate and is not recommended in guidelines on the investigation of mesothelioma.

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In this report, we detail the results of the 2010 BTS national pleural procedures audit, to which 58 hospitals covering a collective population of more than 20 million patients contributed data regarding local pleural procedure practice and training policies and the process and complications associated with a total of 824 chest drain insertions. The results highlight a promising increase in the use of real time ultrasound guidance for pleural procedures but also deficiencies in pre-procedure consent practice and a significant rate of avoidable minor complications such as drain fall-out and procedure related pain. Action points for improvement to local pleural procedure practice are suggested.

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Background: Pleural infection is common, and has a >30% major morbidity and mortality-particularly when infection is caused by Gram-negative, Staphylococcus aureus or mixed aerobic pathogens. Standard pleural fluid culture is negative in ∼40% of cases. Culturing pleural fluid in blood culture bottles may increase microbial yield, and is cheap and easy to perform.

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The past decade has seen a dramatic rise in clinical and research interests in pleural disease in parallel with rising incidences of pleural cancers and infection worldwide. Development of specialist pleural services can streamline patient diagnosis and therapy, reduce health-care resource consumption, improve procedural training and safety and facilitate clinical research. Pleural ultrasound, pleuroscopy, indwelling pleural catheter services and pleural procedural education programmes for junior staff are important elements of most specialist pleural units.

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Purpose Of Review: Complications from pleural drainage procedures are common, but their incidence is often underrecognized. Significant morbidity and mortality can arise, particularly as a result of poor procedural technique, lack of training and inadequate supervision. This review discusses safety considerations of common pleural procedures, methods for risk minimization and training issues.

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Background: The role of the innate immune protein mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in host defence against severe respiratory infection remains controversial. Thoracic empyema is a suppurative lung infection that arises as a major complication of pneumonia and is associated with a significant mortality. Although the pathogenesis of thoracic empyema is poorly understood, genetic susceptibility loci for this condition have recently been identified.

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