Publications by authors named "Masao Kameyama"

Article Synopsis
  • The study focused on improving the P classification system for grading peritoneal metastasis from colorectal cancer in Japan, which is currently seen as subjective and imprecise.
  • Researchers analyzed 150 cases to compare the P classification with the more objective peritoneal cancer index (PCI) and identified issues that hindered the P classification's objectivity.
  • They proposed revised criteria for the P classification that align better with the PCI, resulting in a more objective and simplified method for grading peritoneal metastasis.
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Background: In Japan, R0 resection has been recommended for colorectal cancer patients with peritoneal metastases confined to the adjacent peritoneum and those with a few metastases to the distant peritoneum. R0 resection for M1c disease has drawn attention in Western countries and is currently considered an acceptable therapeutic option in the US National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. However, clinical factors that affect the choice of R0 resection are unknown.

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A 73-year-old man was admitted with sigmoid colon diverticulitis. Although a biopsy did not indicate malignancy, the sigmoid colon was completely obstructed following conservative treatment. After sigmoidectomy, the histopathological findings revealed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma localized to the mucosal surface; invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPC)accounting for>95% of the tumor volume spread extensively below the submucosal layer.

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An 87-year-old male patient was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of vomiting. Gastroscopy revealed Type 0-Ⅱc+Ⅱa tumor at the posterior wall in the middle third of the stomach. A biopsy indicated moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.

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A 69-year-old man with right upper quadrant abdominal pain and fever was referred to our hospital. He had a history of asbestosis exposure. Computed tomography(CT)revealed a mass at the right subhepatic space, and an antibiotic was administered after a diagnosis of an abdominal abscess.

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A 90-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with a chief complaint of vomiting.Gastroscopy revealed type 3 gastric cancer and gastric outlet obstruction(GOO).Abdominal computed tomography revealed thickening of the antral wall and suggested the presence of 3 perigastric lymph node metastases, but there was no ascitic fluid or distant metastasis.

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The patient was a 64-year-old man with esophagogastric junction cancer. We performed right thoracotomy-laparotomy for lower esophageal and cardiac gastric resection, D2 lymphadenectomy, and reconstruction of a gastric tube in October 2011. Histopathology confirmed T4aN1M1(LYM), Stage IV cancer(Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma, 14th edition) with R0 resection.

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A 87-year-old man had used to live in Shizuoka Prefecture. He got colonoscopy due to melena, and a type 1 tumor about 3 cm was detected in the rectum. He was diagnosed with rectal cancer.

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A 58-year-old man underwent rectal resection(D2 dissection)for rectal cancer and liver/lung metastases in August 2009. Histopathological findings were Ra, type 2, 70×80mm, tub1>tub2, int, pSI(peritoneum), INF b, ly1, v1, pN1(2/13), pPM0, pDM0, M1a(H1, PUL1), fStage IV . The lung metastasis had disappeared on chest CT after postoperative chemotherapy and we were able to perform radical resection of the liver metastasis by performing hepatectomy twice.

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Background: No report has described the predictive factor of surgical difficulty for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) by preoperative computed tomography (CT) findings. This study aimed to investigate whether dynamic CT findings can predict the difficulty of LC for acute cholecystitis.

Materials And Methods: Fifty-seven patients who underwent emergency LC and dynamic CT preoperatively were enrolled.

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A 49-year-old man visited our hospital with a chief complaint of abdominal pain that began 1 day before his visit.An approximately 30 cm tumor that was extensively in contact with the gastric wall in the abdominal cavity was detected on computed tomography(CT).An elevated lesion covered with normal mucosa on the posterior wall of the greater curvature was detected on upper endoscopy.

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An 80-year-old man who had undergone distal gastrectomy and Billroth-II gastrojejunostomy 38 years previously, for a benign gastric ulcer, was diagnosed with remnant gastric cancer based on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy findings. He presented at our emergency department with acute-onset epigastric pain due to perforated remnant gastric cancer. Conservative medical management was selected, including nasogastric tube insertion, antibiotics, and proton pump inhibitors, because his peritonitis was limited to his epigastrium and his general condition was stable.

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Objective: To determine if the increase in transient focal enhancement of the liver adjacent to the gallbladder seen on dynamic computed tomography (CT) is greater in gangrenous cholecystitis than in nongangrenous cholecystitis by determining the CT attenuation value.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 57 patients who underwent emergency cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis and preoperative dynamic CT scans between March 2011 and April 2016. Based on the pathology findings, patients were assigned to a gangrenous group or a nongangrenous group.

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A 76-year-old previously healthy Japanese man experienced severe diarrhea (8,000 mL per day) after undergoing laparotomy for small bowel obstruction and was diagnosed with Clostridium difficile infection. Although he developed a maculopapular rash secondary to the systemic absorption of enteral vancomycin (VCM), the patient was successfully treated with the continuous administration of VCM through a long intestinal tube placed in the terminal ileum. This method ensured the reliable delivery of VCM to the colon, while the continuous administration maintained high fecal levels of the drug.

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A right breast tumor was identified during screening in a 56-year-old woman, and she was then diagnosed with Stage II B breast cancer (T2N1M0) of Luminal -HER2 type. She was treated with preoperative chemotherapy with pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and docetaxel followed by epirubicin, cyclophosphamide, and fluorouracil. She was judged to have achieved a clinical complete response after 4 courses of pertuzumab, trastuzumab, and docetaxel, and she then underwent partial resection of the right breast and sentinel lymph node dissection.

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This study compared the efficacy and safety of a 3-day-type transdermal fentanyl patch conversion by the rapid titration method to short-acting oral oxycodone for cancer pain.We evaluated seven hospitalized cancer patients who had moderate to severe cancer pain.Pain intensity was rated using an 11-point(0-10)numerical rating scale(NRS).

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Purpose: To describe a new stapling technique for closure of a temporary loop stoma and report the results of a retrospective investigation of its efficacy.

Methods: Thirty-nine patients underwent a total of 40 loop stoma closure procedures, performed by the same surgeon using the same method, between 2004 and 2009. Thirty-six procedures were performed after rectal surgery, 1 was done for rectal malignant lymphoma, 2 were performed in the same patient after resection of rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumor, and 1 was performed after colonic surgery.

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Purpose: We retrospectively investigated the impact of prior abdominal surgery on the outcome of laparoscopic colorectal surgery.

Patients: Among 607 colorectal cancer patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery, 192 patients had previously undergone abdominal surgery (S group) and 415 had not (non-S group).

Results: The percentage of female patients was higher in the S group than in the non-S group.

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Article Synopsis
  • This multicenter study investigated recurrence characteristics in 798 patients with T1 colorectal cancer who underwent curative resection from 1991 to 1996.
  • The overall recurrence rate was low at 2.3%, but was significantly higher in rectal cancer patients with lymph node metastasis (LNM), with important risk factors including histological grade, location, LNM, and venous invasion.
  • The findings suggest that while surveillance for recurrence is necessary, the low rate in node-negative cases indicates it may need further validation in future research.
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Background: The detection of intraperitoneal free cancer cells in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients is associated with a poorer prognosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intraperitoneal chemotherapy (IPC) with mitomycin C (MMC) on preventing peritoneal recurrence in CRC patients with positive peritoneal lavage cytology findings.

Methods: A total of 52 CRC patients who had no clinically confirmed peritoneal dissemination and whose status of peritoneal lavage cytology was positive were investigated.

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As a safe way to manage cancer chemotherapy, a regimen registration system of chemotherapies was started in our hospital in April of 2007. Only chemotherapies registered in the regimen system can be conducted. Beginning in July of 2007, to assure safer chemotherapy, a standard clinical value of laboratory data was established as the criteria to discontinue chemotherapies.

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Article Synopsis
  • Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients face a 12.6% risk of developing secondary cancers in organs other than the colon, with age being a significant independent risk factor.
  • The study utilized data from the Osaka Cancer Registry to determine that the incidence of these extracolorectal cancers is notably higher than expected, with lung and gastric cancers showing particularly elevated rates.
  • Findings suggest a need for enhanced surveillance and education for CRC patients regarding their increased risk for second primary cancers.
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Purpose: Free malignant cells in the peritoneal cavity might play a role in the metastasis process. However, this phenomenon needs further elucidation. The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of free cancer cells detected on cytologic examination of lavage fluid after peritoneal washing in patients undergoing curative surgery for colorectal cancer, to explore risk factors for exfoliation of cancer cells into the peritoneal cavity, and to evaluate the influence peritoneal lavage cytology as a prognostic tool.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study analyzed how the timing of relapse affects prognosis in patients who underwent curative surgery for colorectal cancer.
  • It followed 5,230 patients over several years and categorized their relapse times into three groups, finding that 17.3% experienced a relapse.
  • Results showed that those who had relapses could benefit from further surgery, regardless of when the relapse occurred, although prognosis varied based on the site of the recurrence.
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A 64-year-old man was admitted to Dongo Hospital (Nara, Japan) with colonic cancer, following the onset of abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. A pedunculated polyp was detected in the sigmoid colon by colonoscopy, and laparoscopy-assisted sigmoidectomy with regional lymph node resection was performed. Histopathologically, the tumor exhibited massive invasion of the submucosa, and multiple lymph node metastases were detected.

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