SiO2 aggregates in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) were observed using ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT). The rubber composites were illuminated with X-rays focused by total reflection focusing mirrors, and the ptychographic diffraction patterns were collected using a CITIUS detector in the range of -75° to +75° angle of incidence. The projection images of the rubber composites were reconstructed with a two-dimensional resolution of 76 nm, and no significant structural changes were observed during the PXCT measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo enhance and sustain movement accuracy, humans make corrections in subsequent trials based on previous errors. Trial-by-trial learning occurs unconsciously and has mostly been studied using reaching movements. Goal-directed projection movements, such as archery, have an inherent delay between releasing an object and observing an outcome (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIBRO Neurosci Rep
December 2024
Visual errors induced by movement drive implicit corrections of that movement. When similar errors are experienced consecutively, does sensitivity to the error remain consistent each time? This study aimed to investigate the modulation of implicit error sensitivity through continuous exposure to the same errors. In the reaching task using visual error-clamp feedback, participants were presented with the same error in direction and magnitude for four consecutive trials.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe emergence and dissemination of carbapenem-resistant species of Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas have become a serious health concern. Routine antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests in clinical laboratories cannot distinguish between isolates that are highly carbapenem-resistant and those that are moderately carbapenem-resistant. The present study describes antimicrobial susceptibility tests using disks containing high doses (1000 μg) of meropenem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSimultaneous measurement of X-ray ptychography and fluorescence microscopy allows high-resolution and high-sensitivity observations of the microstructure and trace-element distribution of a sample. In this paper, we propose a method for improving scanning fluorescence X-ray microscopy (SFXM) images, in which the SFXM image is deconvolved via virtual single-pixel imaging using different probe images for each scanning point obtained by X-ray ptychographic reconstruction. Numerical simulations confirmed that this method can increase the spatial resolution while suppressing artifacts caused by probe imprecision, e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Various stressors have been identified in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), including postoperative pain, ventilatory management, and nursing care. However, sedated patients are less responsive, and nurses have difficulty capturing their stressors.
Objective: To investigate patient stress caused by nursing care performed in the ICU on sedated patients based on changes in physiological indices.
Ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging (PCDI) is a synchrotron X-ray microscopy technique that provides high spatial resolution and a wide field of view. To improve the performance of PCDI, the performance of the synchrotron radiation source and imaging detector should be improved. In this study, ptychographic diffraction pattern measurements using the CITIUS high-speed X-ray image detector and the corresponding image reconstruction are reported.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOur movements and movement outcomes are disturbed by environmental changes, leading to errors. During ongoing environmental changes, people should correct their movement using sensory feedback. However, when the changes are momentary, corrections based on sensory feedback are undesirable.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have demonstrated the effects of motor variability on motor adaptation. However, their findings have been inconsistent, suggesting that various factors affect the relationship between motor variability and adaptation. This study focused on the size of errors driving motor adaptation as one of the factors and examined the relationship between different error sizes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLithium-rich disordered rocksalt-type cathode materials are promising for high-capacity and high-power lithium-ion batteries. Many of them are synthesized by mechanical milling and may have heterogeneous structures and chemical states at the nanoscale. In this study, we performed X-ray spectroscopic ptychography measurements of Li-rich disordered rocksalt-type oxide particles synthesized by mechanical milling before and after delithiation reaction at the vanadium K absorption edge, and visualized their structures and chemical state with a spatial resolution of ∼100 nm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), positioned at the top of the inflammatory cascade, is a key regulator that enhances allergic inflammatory responses by activating T helper type 2 cells, Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2), and myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) via the TSLP receptor (TSLPR). We evaluated the inhibitory effects of ASP7266, a novel recombinant fully human IgG monoclonal antibody against TSLPR, on TSLP signaling and inflammation. The inhibitory effects of ASP7266 and the control antibody tezepelumab on TSLP and TSLPR interactions were investigated using a proliferation assay with TSLP stimulation and a chemokine production assay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPtychographic coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) allows the visualization of both the structure and chemical state of materials on the nanoscale, and has been developed for use in the soft and hard X-ray regions. In this study, a ptychographic CDI system with pinhole or Fresnel zone-plate optics for use in the tender X-ray region (2-5 keV) was developed on beamline BL27SU at SPring-8, in which high-precision pinholes optimized for the tender energy range were used to obtain diffraction intensity patterns with a low background, and a temperature stabilization system was developed to reduce the drift of the sample position. A ptychography measurement of a 200 nm thick tantalum test chart was performed at an incident X-ray energy of 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA heterogeneous phase/structure distribution in the bulk of spinel lithium nickel manganese oxides (LNMOs) is the key to maximizing the performance and stability of the cathode materials of lithium-ion batteries. Herein, we report the use of two-dimensional ptychographic X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) to visualize the density and valence maps of manganese and nickel in as-prepared LNMO particles and unsupervised learning to classify the three-phase group in terms of different elemental compositions and chemical states. The described approach may increase the supply of information for nanoscale characterization and promote the design of suitable structural domains to maximize the performance and stability of batteries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoherent diffraction imaging (CDI) is a powerful method for visualizing the structure of an object with a high spatial resolution that exceeds the performance limits of the lens. Single-frame CDI in the X-ray region has potential use for probing dynamic phenomena with a high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a general method for single-frame X-ray CDI using a triangular aperture and a Fresnel zone plate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring joint action, two or more persons depend on each other to accomplish a goal. This mutual recursion, or circular dependency, is one of the characteristics of cooperation. To evaluate the neural substrates of cooperation, we conducted a hyperscanning functional MRI study in which 19 dyads performed a joint force-production task.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt has been reported that the elderly use co-contraction of the tibialis anterior (TA) and plantarflexor muscles for longer duration during quiet standing than the young. However, the particular role of ankle muscle co-contractions in the elderly during quiet standing remains unclear. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the association between ankle muscle co-contractions and postural steadiness during standing in the elderly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVariability in motor performance results from the interplay of error correction and neuromotor noise. This study examined whether visual amplification of error, previously shown to improve performance, affects not only error correction, but also neuromotor noise, typically regarded as inaccessible to intervention. Seven groups of healthy individuals, with six participants in each group, practiced a virtual throwing task for three days until reaching a performance plateau.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUrinary nephrin is a potential non-invasive biomarker of disease. To date, however, most studies of urinary nephrin have been conducted in animal models of diabetic nephropathy, and correlations between urinary nephrin-to-creatinine ratio and other parameters have yet to be evaluated in animal models or patients of kidney disease with podocyte dysfunction. We hypothesized that urinary nephrin-to-creatinine ratio can be up-regulated and is negatively correlated with renal nephrin mRNA levels in animal models of kidney disease, and that increased urinary nephrin-to-creatinine ratio levels are attenuated following administration of glucocorticoids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImmunological tests based on antigen-antibody reactions are widely used to detect and quantify tumor markers, hormones, infections, and other targets. The detection sensitivity and specificity of these tests have recently improved markedly as a result of technical advances in antibody preparation and optical meas- urement. Despite these technical innovations however, it remains impossible to completely prevent non- specific reactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA common source of error when detecting heel-strike moments utilizing split force-plate treadmills is unwillingly stepping on contra-lateral force-plate. In this study, we quantified this error when heel-strike was detected based on such erroneous data and compared three methods to investigate how well the heel-strikes and stride-intervals were detected with erroneous data. Eleven subjects walked on a split force-plate treadmill for more than 20min.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRenal inflammation is a final common pathway of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and its progression can be used to effectively gauge the degree of renal dysfunction. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK-4) has been reported to be a pivotal molecule for IL-1 receptor- and Toll-like receptor-induced signaling and activation of proinflammatory mediators. In this study, we hypothesized that if inflammation plays a key role in renal failure, then the anti-inflammatory effect of IRAK-4 inhibitor should be effective in improving CKD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the center of pressure (COP) velocity reflects the center of mass (COM) acceleration due to a large derivative gain in the neural control system during quiet standing. Twenty-seven young (27.2±4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effect of development and aging on common modulation between bilateral plantarflexors (i.e., the right and left soleus, and the right and left medial gastrocnemius) (bilateral comodulation) and within plantarflexors in one leg (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Hum Neurosci
June 2013
Observable structure of variability presents a window into the underlying processes of skill acquisition, especially when the task affords a manifold of solutions to the desired task result. This study examined skill acquisition by analyzing variability in both its distributional and temporal structure. Using a virtual throwing task, data distributions were analyzed by the Tolerance, Noise, Covariation-method (TNC); the temporal structure was quantified by autocorrelation and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA).
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