In western North America, hummingbirds can be observed systematically visiting flowers that lack the typical reddish color, tubular morphology, and dilute nectar of "hummingbird flowers." Curious about this behavior, we asked whether these atypical flowers are energetically profitable for hummingbirds. Our field measurements of nectar content and hummingbird foraging speeds, taken over four decades at multiple localities, show that atypical flowers can be as profitable as typical ones and suggest that the profit can support 24-h metabolic requirements of the birds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndividual differences in fecundity often serve as proxies for differences in overall fitness, especially when it is difficult to track the fate of an individual's offspring to reproductive maturity. Using fecundity may be biased, however, if density-dependent interactions between siblings affect survival and reproduction of offspring from high- and low-fecundity parents differently. To test for such density-dependent effects in plants, we sowed seeds of the wildflower Ipomopsis aggregata (scarlet gilia) to mimic partially overlapping seed shadows of pairs of plants, one of which produced twice as many seeds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPollination success of animal-pollinated flowers depends on rate of pollinator visits and on pollen deposition per visit, both of which should vary with the pollen and nectar "neighborhoods" of a plant, i.e., with pollen and nectar availability in nearby plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHigh-elevation ecosystems are expected to be particularly sensitive to climate warming because cold temperatures constrain biological processes. Deeper understanding of the consequences of climate change will come from studies that consider not only the direct effects of temperature on individual species, but also the indirect effects of altered species interactions. Here we show that 20 years of experimental warming has changed the species composition of graminoid (grass and sedge) assemblages in a subalpine meadow of the Rocky Mountains, USA, by increasing the frequency of sedges and reducing the frequency of grasses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpatial gradients in human activity, coyote activity, deer activity, and deer herbivory provide an unusual type of evidence for a trophic cascade. Activity of coyotes, which eat young mule deer (fawns), decreased with proximity to a remote biological field station, indicating that these predators avoided an area of high human activity. In contrast, activity of adult female deer (does) and intensity of herbivory on palatable plant species both increased with proximity to the station and were positively correlated with each other.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aims: 'Pollination syndromes' are suites of phenotypic traits hypothesized to reflect convergent adaptations of flowers for pollination by specific types of animals. They were first developed in the 1870s and honed during the mid 20th Century. In spite of this long history and their central role in organizing research on plant-pollinator interactions, the pollination syndromes have rarely been subjected to test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite extensive study of pollination and plant reproduction on the one hand, and of plant demography on the other, we know remarkably little about links between seed production in successive generations, and hence about long-term population consequences of variation in pollination success. We bridged this "generation gap" in Ipomopsis aggregata, a long-lived semelparous wildflower that is pollinator limited, by adding varying densities of seeds to natural populations and following resulting plants through their entire life histories. To determine whether pollen limitation of seed production constrains rate of population growth in this species, we sowed seeds into replicated plots at a density that mimics typical pollination success and spacing of flowering plants in nature, and at twice that density to mimic full pollination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnthropogenic climate change is widely expected to drive species extinct by hampering individual survival and reproduction, by reducing the amount and accessibility of suitable habitat, or by eliminating other organisms that are essential to the species in question. Less well appreciated is the likelihood that climate change will directly disrupt or eliminate mutually beneficial (mutualistic) ecological interactions between species even before extinctions occur. We explored the potential disruption of a ubiquitous mutualistic interaction of terrestrial habitats, that between plants and their animal pollinators, via climate change.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA biologically explicit simulation model of resource competition between two species of seed-eating heteromyid rodent indicates that stable coexistence is possible on a homogeneous resource if harvested food is stored and consumers steal each other's caches. Here we explore the coexistence mechanisms involved by analyzing how consumer phenotypes and presence of a noncaching consumer affect the competitive outcome. Without cache exchange, the winning consumer is better at harvesting seeds and produces more offspring per gram of stored food.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBased on previous studies, extreme (>99%) self-sterility in scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata) appears to be involved in late-acting ovarian self-incompatibility (OSI). Here, we confirm this suggestion by comparing structural events that follow from cross- vs. self-pollinations of I.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMutually beneficial interactions between flowering plants and animal pollinators represent a critical 'ecosystem service' under threat of anthropogenic extinction. We explored probable patterns of extinction in two large networks of plants and flower visitors by simulating the removal of pollinators and consequent loss of the plants that depend upon them for reproduction. For each network, we removed pollinators at random, systematically from least-linked (most specialized) to most-linked (most generalized), and systematically from most- to least-linked.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUngulate browsing of flowering stalks of the semelparous herb Ipomopsis aggregata leads to regrowth of lateral inflorescences, a response that has been reported to yield overcompensation in some cases (browsed plants with higher reproductive success than unbrowsed), but undercompensation in others. Little is known about the mechanisms that cause such variable tolerance to herbivory. We explored one possible mechanism--variation in effects of browsing on pollination--by clipping I.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMost models of resource competition assume that coexistence of consumers depends on tradeoffs in their abilities to exploit shared resources along dimensions of environmental heterogeneity generated by factors external to the consumers. However, consumers may create heterogeneity themselves by modifying resources that they do not immediately consume; such "resource processing" is predicted to allow coexistence if consumers vary in use of resources in primary vs. modified form.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe shrub Encelia farinosa (Asteraceae) exhibits geographic variation in aboveground architecture and leaf traits in parallel with environmental variation in temperature and moisture. Measurements of plants occurring across a natural gradient demonstrated that plants in desert populations produce smaller, more pubescent leaves and are more compact and branched than plants in more mesic coastal environments. This phenotypic variation is interpreted in part as adaptive genetic differentiation; small size and pubescence reduce leaf temperature and thus increase water-use efficiency but at the cost of lower photosynthetic rate, which results in slower growth and more compact growth form.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEvents that follow pollination, such as pollen-tube growth and seed maturation, comprise an important phase of angiosperm reproduction. Differential success during this "postpollination" phase may represent phenotypic selection, including sexual selection, or interaction between parents caused, for example, by their genetic similarity. By providing a detailed partitioning of variance in success, diallel crossing designs offer great potential to determine which processes are occurring and their relative magnitudes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDepending on its genetic causes, outbreeding depression in quantitative characters may occur first in the free-living F generation produced by a wide cross. In 1981-1985, we generated F progenies by hand-pollinating larkspurs (Delphinium nelsonii) with pollen from 1-m, 3-m, 10-m, or 30-m distances. From the spatial genetic structure indicated by previous electrophoretic and reciprocal transplantation studies, we estimate that these crosses range from being inbred (f ≈ 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExperimental manipulation of a trait can be used to distinguish direct selection from selection of correlated traits and to identify mechanisms of selection. Here we use experiments to investigate phenotypic selection of stigma position in angiosperm flowers. In natural populations of the subalpine herb Ipomopsis aggregata, plants with more strongly exserted stigmas receive more pollen per flower, indicating selection favoring stigma exsertion during the pollination stage of the life cycle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe used powdered fluorescent dyes to estimate receipt of self vs. outcross pollen in the self-incompatible species Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Flowers on small and large plants received equal amounts of outcross pollen, whereas flowers on large plants received more self pollen, so the proportion of self pollen delivered through geitonogamy increased with plant size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the hummingbird-pollinated herb Ipomopsis aggregata, selection through male function during pollination favors wide corolla tubes. We explored the mechanisms behind this selection, using phenotypic selection analysis to compare effects of corolla width on two components of male pollination success, pollinator visit rate and pollen exported per visit. During single visits by captive hummingbirds, flowers with wider corollas exported more pollen, and more dye used as a pollen analogue, to stigmas of recipient flowers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGranivorous desert rodents of the family Heteromyidae forage nonrandomly among "microhabitats" that vary in substrate, seed densities, and seed species composition. To explore the hypothesis that microhabitat use is sensitive to seed patch profitability, we quantified effects of seed size (1.96 vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeveral lines of evidence show that soil texture plays an important role in the distribution of desert-dwelling heteromyid rodents. This is not surprising, since texture influences the energetic cost of digging burrows and of scratching at the soil surface to harvest buried seeds. Texture also may influence the efficiency with which seeds can be separated from the soil particles with which they are mixed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRestricted gene flow and localized selection should establish a correlation between physical proximity and genetic similarity in many plant populations. Given this situation, fitness may decline in crosses between nearby plants (inbreeding depression), and in crosses between more widely separated plants ("outbreeding depression") mostly as a result of disruption of local adaptation. It follows that seed set and offspring fitness may be greatest in crosses over an intermediate "optimal outcrossing distance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the Colorado Rocky Mountains the glacier lily Erythronium grandiflorum exhibits a striking dimorphism in pollen color and is commonly pollinated by the bumble bee Bombus occidentalis. We induced bees to visit sequences of flowers in a flight cage, and compared dispersal of distinctively-colored pollen and fluorescent pigment ("dye") that the bee had picked up at a single donor flower. Nonparametric and parametric analyses showed that dispersal properties of pollen and dye differed; consistently less pollen was deposited and it was carried consistently shorter distances than dye.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRare "albino" morphs of the montane larkspur Delphinium nelsonii differ from common blue-flowered morphs in overall flower color, and in the strength of a contrasting color pattern at the center of the flower that presumably guides pollinators to concealed nectar. Previous studies showed that bumblebees and hummingbirds discriminate against albinos when presented with mixtures of the 2 morphs, and that it takes these pollinators longer to fly between successive flowers on albino than on blue-flowered inflorescences. To explore the link between these observations, we measured pollinator preferences and flower-to-flower flight times ("handling times") before and after painting flowers in 2 alternative ways that enhanced albino nectar guides.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the montane herb Ipomopsis aggregata, size and placement of stamens and pistils vary substantially among flowers within plants, among nearby plants, and among groups of plants separated by 50-100 m. We trained captive hummingbirds to feed from flowers of this species in a flight cage, and explored the effects of different degrees of floral variability on carryover of fluorescent dyes that act as pollen mimics. We found that the slopes of linear dye carryover functions generally became more shallow as floral variability increased; this led to substantially longer carryover in the treatment with greatest variability.
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