Publications by authors named "Mary Rankin"

Background: Limited biomechanical data exist describing how yoga asanas (postures) load the limbs and joints, and little evidence-based recommendations for yoga injury prevention are available. This study aimed to establish joint loading metrics for an injury-prone, yet common yoga pose, the Triangle asana (Trikonasana) by identifying how stance width adjustments alter lower extremity loading.

Methods: Eighteen yoga practitioners underwent 3D motion analysis while performing Trikonasana with self-selected (SS) stance width and -30, -20, -10, +10, +20, and +30% of SS stance width.

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The fluid dynamics of the reproductive system of the migratory grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes F. (Orthoptera: Acrididae) was examined by the introduction of fluorescein-dextran (FD) into the hemocoel and observing its tissue specific sequestration. Male grasshoppers were observed to sequester FD first in the apical end of each sperm tube.

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Circadian rhythms are driven by oscillating expression of a family of transcription factors called clock genes. In rodents, clock genes drive circadian rhythms in white blood cell function, and glucocorticoids are believed to regulate these rhythms. Little is known about circadian rhythms of cattle white blood cells.

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This paper compares the results of juvenile hormone (JH) titer determinations in two insect species, Melanoplus sanguinipes, a migratory grasshopper, and Acyrthosiphon pisum, the pea aphid, using a chiral-specific JH radioimmunoassay (RIA) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), after extraction of JH with either hexane or isooctane-methanol. We compared results of JH titer determinations done on extracts of M. sanguinipes hemolymph taken from animals flown to exhaustion in tethered flight tests or unflown controls and from whole body extracts of A.

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Juvenile hormone (JH) is necessary for the production of vitellogenin (Vg) in the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis. Occurrence of Vg in this species is typically restricted to reproductively competent females, and is not detected in untreated males. However, the JH analog, methoprene stimulates Vg production in intact males and in the isolated abdomens of both male and female boll weevils (where in each case no Vg is detected without treatment), suggesting that males are competent to produce Vg but are normally not stimulated to do so.

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Although, in many insects, migration imposes a cost in terms of timing or amount of reproduction, in the migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes performance of long-duration flight to voluntary cessation or exhaustion accelerates the onset of first reproduction and enhances reproductive success over the entire lifetime of the insect. Since juvenile hormone (JH) is involved in the control of reproduction in most species, we examined JH titer after long flight using a chiral selective radioimmunoassay. JH levels increased on days 5 and 8 in animals flown to exhaustion on day 4 but not in 1-h or non-flier controls.

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This report examines three aspects of adipokinetic hormone (AKH) involvement in migratory flight behavior in the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes. The titer of hemolymph AKH I during long-duration tethered flight was examined using radioimmunoassay (RIA) after narrow bore RP-HPLC. The hemolymph fraction containing AKH I was assayed using commercially available anti-Tyr1-AKH I serum.

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Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) allows for fractionation of extract from the corpora cardiaca of insects for examination of bioactivity or immunoreactivity and/or subsequent characterization of the peptides. Using RP-HPLC, we have previously identified an adipokinetic hormone (AKH) from the corpora cardiaca of the migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes. This hydrophobic decapeptide has the same primary structure as locust (Locusta migratoria; Lom) AKH I.

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The impact of social scaffolding on the emergence of graphic symbol functioning was explored in a longitudinal training study. Links among graphic, language, and play domains in symbolic development were also investigated. The symbolic functioning of 16 children, who were 28 months at the outset of the study, was assessed in comprehension and production tasks across the three domains at monthly intervals from 28 to 36 months, and again at 42 months.

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To investigate the consequences of canalization and plasticity in arthropod developmental pathways, we developed a model that predicts eight possible combinations among three larval developmental parameters. From the descriptions of insect and spider postembryonic development, it is apparent that not all aspects of juvenile development are plastic and that species differ in which traits are plastic. Most strikingly, only four of the possible eight combinations of canalized and plastic parameters have been found in nature.

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Flight of male and female Mexican bean beetle adults was examined in laboratory tests. The experimental design made it possible to examine flight behavior not only with respect to different types of hosts (young vs senescent common bean foliage) but also with respect to effects due to their utilization during particular stages of beetle development. The median flight time of males was significantly affected by the adult host, but not by the juvenile host; whereas, the median flight time of females tended to be more affected by the juvenile than by the adult host.

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