J Low Genit Tract Dis
October 2003
Objective: Determine the extent of endocervical canal extension of the transformation zone on fresh hysterectomy specimens.
Materials And Methods: After removal for standard gynecologic indications, 201 uteri were evaluated in the pathology accessioning area of a community hospital before formalin fixation. Uteri were opened in standard fashion.
J Low Genit Tract Dis
January 2005
Objective: To determine if sites selected for colposcopic biopsy and histologically proven cervical intraepithelial neoplasia are distributed randomly across the cervix.
Materials And Methods: Data were evaluated from all patients who visited the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Colposcopy Clinic during a 20-month period. chi analysis was performed to assess the randomness of distribution of biopsies and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
Objective: The aim of this study was to initiate neural net construction for the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by fluorescence imaging.
Study Design: Thirty-three women with abnormal Papanicolaou smears underwent fluorescence imaging during colposcopy. With the use of >4000 training pixels and >1000 test pixels, intrapatient nets were constructed from the spectral data of 17 women.
Objective: To determine if subspecialty review of cervical histology improves diagnostic consensus of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).
Methods: After routine histologic assessment within the hospital pathology department, 119 colposcopic cervical biopsies were interpreted by two subspecialty-trained gynecologic pathologists (GYN I and GYN II) blinded to each other's interpretations and to the interpretations of the hospital general pathologists (GEN). Biopsies were classified as normal (including cervicitis), low grade (LG, including CIN I and human papillomavirus changes), and high grade (HG, including CIN II/III).