Publications by authors named "Marur T"

Deep fibular nerve is one of the two terminal branches of the common fibular nerve. The deep fibular nerve can be damaged in procedures related the anterior compartment of the leg such as the application of an external fixator to the leg and operations using intramedullary nailing after tibial fracture. Therefore, it is important to know the anatomy and variations of the deep fibular nerve.

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Background: Cadaver is a very important educational material for medical faculty students, students of health sciences, residents of any specialty in medicine and specialists. In developed countries, cadavers are mainly obtained by individual donations. However, like in other developing or underdeveloped countries, whole-body donations for cadaveric use in Türkiye are extremely scarce.

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Dermatologic problems of the face affect both function and aesthetics, which are based on complex anatomical features. Treating dermatologic problems while preserving the aesthetics and functions of the face requires knowledge of normal anatomy. When performing successfully invasive procedures of the face, it is essential to understand its underlying topographic anatomy.

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Objective: The object of this study was to better define the relevant anatomy and innervation of the anterolateral abdominal wall musculature seeking to avoid abdominal wall complication after open donor nephrectomy. We dissected four cadavers and retrospectively assessed donor ultrasonographic imaging of anterolateral abdominal muscle atrophy after donor nephrectomy with a lumbotomy incision.

Methods: Anatomic study was performed on four cadavers using bilateral dissections.

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Purpose: The objective of our study was to clarify the topography of the medial and lateral pectoral nerves (LPNs) and the vascularity in the infraclavicular fossa and to propose an ideal injection point for neuromuscular blockade of the pectoralis major (PM) muscle.

Methods: The pectoral muscles and their nerves were examined bilaterally on 10 formalin-fixed cadavers. The PM muscle was dissected from its clavicular origin and sternocostal attachments.

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Objective: To determine the innervation patterns of the pronator teres muscle (PTM), which is used as a donor in muscle transfer.

Methods: This study was conducted from 2001-2006 at the Anatomy Department of the Medical Faculty of Cerrahpasa, University of Istanbul. There were 34 upper extremities of 17 fixed adult cadavers dissected.

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Meckel's diverticulum, which is a remnant of the omphalomesenteric or vitelline duct, is the most common congenital abnormality of the gastrointestinal system. Urachal abnormalities, resulting from anomalous urogenital development, are not observed frequently and case reports are mainly represented in literature. The presence of these two congenital anomalies together is a very rare pathology.

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The branching pattern of the ulnar nerve in the forearm is of great importance in anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve for decompression after neuropathy of cubital tunnel syndrom and malformations resulting from distal end fractures of the humerus. In this study, 37 formalin-fixed forearms were used to demonstrate the muscular branching patterns from the main ulnar nerve to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (FCU) and ulnar part of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle (FDP). Eight branching patterns were found and classified into four groups according to the number of the muscular branches leaving the main ulnar nerve.

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Knowledge of the anatomy of the median nerve is important in surgery of the palmar aspect of the hand. The purpose of our study was to investigate the ramification pattern of the thenar branch before entering the thenar fascia and the distribution of the terminal branches in the thenar musculature. The observations were carried out on 144 hands of 74 dissecting room cadavers.

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Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compressive neuropathy in the upper extremity. Treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome consists of releasing the compression on the ulnar nerve with conservative or surgical methods. Nerve decompression is an alternative simple and less invasive procedure.

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We aimed to navigate the surgeon regarding the localization of the main anatomical structures at the anterior part of the ankle joint, in order to find easily the safest anatomical points with reference to the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN), in particular for anterolateral portal placement in ankle arthroscopy. Sixty-three ankles in 36 fresh cadavers were dissected. In all specimens we examined (1) the distance between the SPN bifurcation and the most distal point of the lateral malleolus; and at the level of ankle joint, (2) the number of SPN, (3) the distance between the medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves, which are branches of the SPN, (4) the localization of the peroneus tertius (PT) tendon in relation to the lateral malleolus, (5) the width of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) tendon, (6) the relationship of the PT tendon and (7) the relationship of the extensor hallucis longus (EHL) tendon with the SPN.

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An hepatomesenteric trunk, formed by the common hepatic and superior mesenteric arteries, was found in a 50-year-old male cadaver. The left gastric and splenic arteries arose as a common trunk, the gastrosplenic trunk, from the abdominal aorta; no typical celiac trunk was present. In addition, the hepatomesenteric trunk passed posterior to the portal vein.

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