Publications by authors named "Martynova M"

Osteoporosis is a complex multifactorial bone disease with a strong genetic component. Among the various genes implicated in the progression of osteoporosis, those encoding G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. This superfamily of membrane receptors regulates myriad of cellular events including physiological and pathological processes in bone tissue.

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Osteoporosis is characterized by increased resorption and decreased bone formation; it is predominantly influenced by genetic factors. G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a vital role in bone homeostasis, and mutations in these genes are associated with osteoporosis. This study aimed to investigate the impact of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1042713 in the gene, encoding the beta-2-adrenergic receptor, on osteoblastogenesis.

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Background: Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture is widely used in various fields of cell biology. In comparison to conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture, 3D cell culture facilitates a more accurate replication of the in vivo microenvironment, which is essential for obtaining more relevant results. The application of 3D cell culture techniques in regenerative medicine, particularly in mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based research, has been extensively studied.

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G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of cell surface receptors. They modulate key physiological functions and are required in diverse developmental processes including embryogenesis, but their role in pluripotency maintenance and acquisition during the reprogramming towards hiPSCs draws little attention. Meanwhile, it is known that more than 106 GPCRs are overexpressed in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs).

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We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs.

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The release of Hsp70 chaperone from tumor cells is found to trigger the full-scale anti-cancer immune response. Such release and the proper immune reaction can be induced by the delivery of recombinant Hsp70 to a tumor and we sought to explore how the endogenous Hsp70 can be transported to extracellular space leading to the burst of anti-cancer activity. Hsp70 transport mechanisms were studied by analyzing its intracellular tracks with Rab proteins as well as by using specific inhibitors of membrane domains.

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Background: The paper provides studies on the structure of planted small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in the conditions of the Bashkir Cis-Urals. This work aimed to analyze their assortment by diameters and compile appropriate tables.

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The origin of cells involved in regeneration in echinoderms remains an open question. Replenishment of circulatory coelomocytes-cells of the coelomic cavity in starfish-is an example of physiological regeneration. The coelomic epithelium is considered to be the main source of coelomocytes, but many details of this process remain unclear.

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Imaging techniques such as computed tomographies (CT) play a major role in clinical imaging and diagnosis of malignant lesions. In recent years, metal nanoparticle platforms enabled effective payload delivery for several imaging techniques. Due to the possibility of surface modification, metal nanoparticles are predestined to facilitate molecular tumor targeting.

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Two high throughput steady-state methods of counter-current chromatography separations: conventional (SS CCC) and closed-loop recycling (SS CLR CCC) are proposed, evaluated and compared. The methods are based on the application of semi-continuous sample loading technique: the CCC setup includes two mobile phase tanks - one with the pure mobile phase and the second - with the sample solution in the mobile phase. The mobile phase pump is periodically switching from one tank to another.

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Neurogenic sacral tumors are extremely rare. In most reported cases, this pathology was associated with neurofibromatosis. Sacral tumors manifest themselves at the stage when the neoplasm volume becomes giant, but these manifestations usually go unnoticed for the patient.

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Unlabelled: Sacral tumors are a group of neoplasms heterogeneous in the histological type, malignancy, and growth pattern, but with common localization. Surgical treatment of these tumors is associated with the risk of major and minor complications, both during and after surgery. Usually, any surgery aimed at removing tumors in the sacrum or sacral region is associated with the need for reconstruction of bones and/or soft tissues to provide conditions for normal wound healing and the possibility of activating the patient.

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Unlabelled: Tumors of the sacrum rarely occur in routine practice. Due to the absence of pathognomonic symptoms, the diagnosis often becomes apparent at a late disease stage. In this case, the treatment approach depends on the degree of tumor malignancy, growth pattern and location, and relationship between the tumor and the nervous structures, major vessels, and pelvic bones.

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Autophagy is conservative catabolic process that degrades organelles, in particular, mitochondria, and misfolded proteins within the lysosomes, thus maintaining cellular viability. Despite the close relationship between mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence, it is unclear how mitochondria damage can induce autophagy in senescent cells. We show that MEK/ERK suppression induces mitochondria damage followed by apoptosis of senescent Ras-expressing cells.

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Closed-loop recycling countercurrent chromatography (CLR CCC) with multiple sample injection has been shown to provide simultaneous concentration and separation of target compounds from multicomponent mixtures. Previous analysis of CLR CCC with multiple sample injections has been limited to the ideal recycling model, which neglects the effects caused by the pump and connecting lines. In this study, an analysis of the process is carried out based on the non-ideal recycling model: recycling chromatograms at two points of the closed-loop - the inlet of the column (A) and the outlet of the column (B) - are considered.

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Aim: To perform a comparative analysis of outcomes in patients with lumbar spine segmental instability who underwent surgical treatment using transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and direct lateral interbody fusion (DLIF) techniques.

Material And Methods: The multicenter study involved 209 patients who underwent surgery for lumbar spine segmental instability. Long-term outcomes (up to 2 years) were studied in 134 patients: patients of the first group (98 patients) underwent traditional transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and transpedicular stabilization of vertebral segments; patients of the second group (36 patients) underwent direct lateral interbody fusion (DLIF) in combination with transpedicular stabilization of the lumbar vertebral segments.

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The Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway plays a central role in tumorigenesis and is a target for anticancer therapy. The successful strategy based on the activation of cell death in Ras-expressing cells is associated with the suppression of kinases involved in Ras pathway. However, activation of cytoprotective autophagy overcomes antiproliferative effect of the inhibitors and develops drug resistance.

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Hemangioblastoma is a rare CNS vascular tumor that develops sporadically and can also be associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease. Hemangioblastomas account for 2-6% of all spinal cord tumors and are ranked third in the structure of intramedullary space-occupying lesions of the spinal cord. For the first time in our practice, we observed a dumbbell paravertebral hemangioblastoma.

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Aim: The study purpose was to present a clinical case of spinal stroke in a pregnant female, which was caused by an endodermal cyst of the cervical spinal cord, and to analyze treatment tactics.

Results: A 20 week pregnant female presented with acute transverse spinal cord injury at the of C3-C5 spinal segment level. CT revealed an extramedullary space-occupying lesion in the ventrolateral position, with compression of the spinal cord at this level.

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The composition and condition of membrane lipids, the morphology of erythrocytes, and hemoglobin distribution were explored with the help of laser interference microscopy (LIM) and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have significant changes in the composition of their phospholipids and the fatty acids of membrane lipids. Furthermore, the microviscosity of the membranes and morphology of the erythrocytes are altered causing disordered oxygen transport by hemoglobin.

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Topicality: The fast track technology means a complex of targeted measures involving rational preoperative preparation, minimally invasive surgery, regional anesthesia and short-acting anesthetics, and early postoperative rehabilitation. Elucidating the possibility of applying the fast track technology in neurosurgery, in particular in spinal surgery, is extremely topical. This is associated with the epidemiological data and the fact that minimally invasive techniques used in neurosurgery are highly expensive.

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The paper discusses the problem ofpredicting, prevention and therapy of massive intraoperative blood loss in patients with metastasis in spine and spinal cord. We analyze 60 surgical cases in last 14 years in our clinic. Amount of blood loss was more that 80% of total blood volume in each case (from 2.

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Sphere formation can be used to prepare stem cells (SCs) prior to transplantation. Here SCs isolated from human subepicardial adipose tissue were analyzed at different stages of the monolayer-spheres-monolayer cycle by transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained with both adherent-induced and hanging-drop induced spheres were similar.

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Introduction: Surgical treatment of spinal tumors is associated with a high risk of intraoperative complications, including injury to the spinal cord, its roots, and large vessels both during tumor resection and at the stabilization stage during implantation of pedicular or corporal screws. The use of intraoperative neuroimaging tools and a navigation system in surgical treatment of oncological diseases of the spine enables identifying the location and extension of a tumor lesion directly in the operating room, which provides control of the resection area and the possibility of the spine stabilization under disturbed anatomy conditions when bone density is altered by the osteolytic process or systemic changes. Also, the risk of injury to the major blood vessels is reduced.

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Many researchers consider degenerative diseases of the spine as a pandemic of the XXIst century. Herniated intervertebral discs of the lumbosacral spine occur in 61% of patients with degenerative spine diseases. Of these, 15% of patients have herniated discs at the LII-LIII level, 10% of patients at the LIII-LIV level, and 40% of patients at the LIV-LV and LV-SI levels.

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