Publications by authors named "Martine Van den Broeck"

This study investigated the influence of several covariates on the time and sequence of permanent dentition emergence following exfoliation of the deciduous teeth in puppies. The aim was to determine whether the emergence of permanent dentition can be used to assess whether a puppy that is traded across borders in the EU has reached the legally required minimum age of 15 weeks. The events were evaluated in a longitudinal study, with some cross-sectional observations, of 440 puppies belonging to 82 breeds.

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Background: The need for proper age determination in puppies has increased enormously due to the growing illegal trade in puppies that are too young to be removed from the litter or too young to have been properly vaccinated against rabies.

Methods: Dorsopalmar and mediolateral radiographs of the (meta)carpal region, either taken from puppy cadavers or from the Faculty's patient database, were studied in a cross-sectional study of 252 puppies of various sizes, aged 6-212 days. The appearance and development of ossification centres as a function of age in five regions of interest in the (meta)carpal region were scored using a two- to six-step scoring system based on shape and delineation.

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This study investigated the influence of several covariates on the time and sequence of deciduous dentition emergence in puppies. Data were obtained in a longitudinal study, with some cross-sectional observations, of 1001 puppies of 53 dog breeds. A parametric proportional hazards survival model was used to estimate median emergence time and evaluate the effect of the covariates.

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Age estimation in adult dogs can be performed by the radiographic measurement of the tooth pulp cavity, but the technique has hardly been described. In this study, the application of measuring pulp/tooth width ratios (P/T ratios) of the maxillary canine teeth was investigated. Pulp and tooth widths were measured at two locations on 166 maxillary canine teeth of the heads of 84 dog cadavers, using digital extraoral lateral oblique open mouth radiographs.

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The sesamoid bone in the tendon of the m. abductor digiti primi longus is considered present in most dog breeds and is described to be radiologically detectable at the level of the carpus from the age of 4 months. However, an extensive investigation of this sesamoid bone has not been conducted before.

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