Background: Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is considered a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, sharing with schizophrenia cognitive, neuropsychological, epidemiological, and biological characteristics. Working memory may be one area of shared deficit, although to date, this is only the second study to investigate working memory in SPD using fMRI.
Methods: In a block-design fMRI study, fifteen antipsychotic-naïve SPD and sixteen healthy control subjects performed blocks of a 2back visual working memory task and 0back continuous performance task while undergoing whole-brain fMRI at 3T.
Importance: Some, but not all, previous magnetic resonance imaging studies have indicated smaller cortical and local gray matter volumes (GMVs) in men with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) compared with healthy control (HC) subjects. Thus, there is need for a whole-brain comparison to resolve inconsistencies and provide hitherto generally absent data on the association between GMV and symptoms.
Objective: To use voxel-based morphometry to evaluate a large sample of neuroleptic-naive men with SPD compared with group-matched HC subjects on local and global GMV and to identify associations with symptoms, especially negative symptoms.
Objective: Patients with schizophrenia speak with blunted vocal affect but little is known regarding the prosody of persons with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). This work examined expressive prosody in SPD, its relationship to brain structure, and outlined a framework for measuring elements of prosody in clinical populations.
Methods: Twenty-eight antipsychotic-naïve SPD subjects were matched with 27 healthy comparison (HC) subjects.
Background: Patients with schizophrenia have deficits in facial affect expression and detection that hinder social interactions. The goal of this study was to examine whether or not epidemiologically-related antipsychotic-naïve schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) subjects would have similar deficits as patients with schizophrenia.
Methods: Matched SPD and healthy comparison (HC) subjects were asked to identify the eight classic emotions (SPD N=55, HC N=67) and to discriminate gender.
Introduction: Persons diagnosed with schizophrenia demonstrate deficits in prosody recognition. To examine prosody along the schizophrenia spectrum, antipsychotic-naïve schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) subjects and healthy control subjects were compared. It was hypothesized that SPD subjects would perform more poorly; with cognitive and demographic factors contributing to the poor performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVerbal dichotic listening performance was examined in 42 right-handed men and women with DSM-IV-defined schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) and 68 right-handed controls. As expected, both male and female control groups showed a right ear advantage on a verbal dichotic listening task. Although SPD subjects in general had lower accuracy scores than comparison subjects, only male SPD subjects showed an abnormal left ear advantage that was specifically due to deficient right ear performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Previously, we reported abnormal volume and global shape in the caudate nucleus in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). Here, we use a new shape measure which importantly permits local in addition to global shape analysis, as well as local correlations with behavioral measures.
Methods: Thirty-two female and 15 male SPDs, and 29 female and 14 male normal controls (NCLs), underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Background: The goal of the study was to examine mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) individuals. Abnormal MMN has been a consistent finding in chronic schizophrenia and there also have been reports of reduced duration MMN in first episode schizophrenia patients [Umbricht, D., Krljes, S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: One of the cardinal features of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is language abnormalities. The focus of this study was to determine whether or not there are also processing abnormalities of pure tones differing in pitch and duration in SPD.
Methods: Thirteen neuroleptic-naïve male subjects met full criteria for SPD and were group-matched on age and parental socio-economic status to 13 comparison subjects.
The impact of emotional arousal may be an equal or more important factor than valence in determining whether emotion interferes with language output in individuals with schizophrenia. An affective reactivity task, comprising conditions separated by emotional valence (positive, negative) and arousal (low, high), was administered to 22 individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 13 non-patient controls. Individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder demonstrated variable reactivity to both valence arousal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study examined MRI hippocampal volume and cavum septi pellucidi (CSP) in female subjects with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) and comparison subjects.
Method: MRI was performed on 20 SPD and 29 comparison subjects with delineation of left and right hippocampi. Number of slices containing the CSP was counted.
Background: The caudate nucleus might contribute to the psychopathological and cognitive deficits observed in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Here we focused on female patients, because this group is underrepresented in studies of SPD and schizophrenia, and we might learn more about the caudate and clinical and cognitive impairments that are unique to female patients diagnosed with SPD.
Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging scans, obtained on a 1.
Studies of the five-factor model of personality in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) have produced inconsistent results, particularly with respect to openness. In the present study, the NEO-FFI was used to measure five-factor personality dimensions in 28 community volunteers with SPD and 24 psychiatrically healthy individuals. Standard multivariate statistical analyses were used to evaluate personality differences as a function of diagnosis and gender.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) shares with schizophrenia many biological features, yet little is known about the clinical characteristics of persons diagnosed with this disorder. This report describes the clinical, cognitive and socio-occupational characteristics of a community sample of subjects diagnosed with SPD.
Method: Sixty-four male and 40 female neuroleptic-naive DSM-IV SPD subjects and 59 male and 51 female comparison subjects were recruited from the community for a total sample of 214 subjects.
Background: Using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), we previously reported abnormalities in two critical white matter tracts in schizophrenia, the uncinate fasciculus (UF) and the cingulum bundle (CB), both related to fronto-temporal connectivity. Here, we investigate these two bundles in unmedicated subjects with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD).
Methods: Fifteen male SPD subjects and 15 male control subjects were scanned with line-scan DTI.
The purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive profiles of men and women with clinically defined schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). We examined the neuropsychological profile of SPD in 26 right-handed females and 31 right-handed males who met DSM-IV criteria for SPD, and matched comparison subjects. Cognitive performance was assessed on measures of abstraction, verbal and spatial intelligence, learning and memory, language, attention, and motor skills.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAccumulating evidence suggests that schizophrenic patients do not use context efficiently. Also, studies suggest similarities in clinical and cognitive profiles between schizophrenic and schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) individuals, and epidemiological studies point to a genetic link between the two disorders. This study examined electrophysiological correlates of processing sentence context in a group of SPD women in a classical N400 sentence paradigm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We measured the shape of the head of the caudate nucleus with a new approach based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) subjects in whom we previously reported decreased caudate nucleus volume. We believe MRI shape analysis complements traditional MRI volume measurements.
Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging scans were used to measure the shape of the caudate nucleus in 15 right-handed male subjects with SPD, who had no prior neuroleptic exposure, and in 14 matched normal comparison subjects.
Objective: An abnormal superior temporal gyrus has figured prominently in schizophrenia research, and left superior temporal gyrus volume has been shown to be smaller in male subjects with schizotypal personality disorder. This is the first structural magnetic resonance imaging study to examine a group of female subjects with schizotypal personality disorder.
Method: The superior temporal gyrus was drawn on coronal images acquired from female subjects recruited from the community (schizotypal personality disorder group: N=21, comparison group: N=29).
The fusiform gyrus is important for face and object recognition, is abnormal in schizophrenia, but has not been studied in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD). Thin-slice MR images showed no differences, either in right, left or total fusiform gyri volumes, between subjects with SPD (N=21) and normal controls (N=19). However, there was a correlation between severity of illusions and magical thinking suffered by the SPD subjects and smaller right fusiform gyrus volumes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study examined whether early or late processes in semantic networks were abnormal in women with a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder. The N400 component of the EEG event-related potentials was used as a probe of semantic processes.
Method: Word pairs were presented with short and long stimulus-onset asynchronies to investigate, respectively, early and late semantic processes in 16 women with schizotypal personality disorder and 15 normal female comparison subjects.
Objective: Individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders evince similar genetic, neurotransmitter, neuropsychological, electrophysiological, and structural abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown smaller gray matter volume in patients with schizotypal personality disorder than in matched comparison subjects in the left superior temporal gyrus, an area important for language processing. In a further exploration, the authors studied two components of the superior temporal gyrus: Heschl's gyrus and the planum temporale.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: "Cognitive" circuits anatomically link the frontal lobe to subcortical structures; therefore, pathology in any of the core components of these circuits, such as in the caudate nucleus, may result in neurobehavioral syndromes similar to those of the frontal lobe. Neuroleptic medication, however, affects the size of the caudate nucleus. For this reason, individuals diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder offer an ideal group for the measurement of the caudate nucleus because they may be genetically related to individuals with schizophrenia but do not require neuroleptic treatment because of their less severe symptoms.
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